, statfunction=<function average>, alpha=0.05, n_samples=10000, method='bca', output='lowhigh', epsilon=0.001, multi=None)[source]

Given a set of data data, and a statistics function statfunction that applies to that data, computes the bootstrap confidence interval for statfunction on that data. Data points are assumed to be delineated by axis 0.

data: array_like, shape (N, ...) OR tuple of array_like all with shape (N, ...)
Input data. Data points are assumed to be delineated by axis 0. Beyond this, the shape doesn’t matter, so long as statfunction can be applied to the array. If a tuple of array_likes is passed, then samples from each array (along axis 0) are passed in order as separate parameters to the statfunction. The type of data (single array or tuple of arrays) can be explicitly specified by the multi parameter.
statfunction: function (data, weights=(weights, optional)) -> value

This function should accept samples of data from data. It is applied to these samples individually.

If using the ABC method, the function _must_ accept a named weights parameter which will be an array_like with weights for each sample, and must return a _weighted_ result. Otherwise this parameter is not used or required. Note that numpy’s np.average accepts this. (default=np.average)

alpha: float or iterable, optional
The percentiles to use for the confidence interval (default=0.05). If this is a float, the returned values are (alpha/2, 1-alpha/2) percentile confidence intervals. If it is an iterable, alpha is assumed to be an iterable of each desired percentile.
n_samples: float, optional
The number of bootstrap samples to use (default=10000)
method: string, optional
The method to use: one of ‘pi’, ‘bca’, or ‘abc’ (default=’bca’)
output: string, optional
The format of the output. ‘lowhigh’ gives low and high confidence interval values. ‘errorbar’ gives transposed abs(value-confidence interval value) values that are suitable for use with matplotlib’s errorbar function. (default=’lowhigh’)
epsilon: float, optional (only for ABC method)
The step size for finite difference calculations in the ABC method. Ignored for all other methods. (default=0.001)
multi: boolean, optional
If False, assume data is a single array. If True, assume data is a tuple/other iterable of arrays of the same length that should be sampled together. If None, decide based on whether the data is an actual tuple. (default=None)
confidences: tuple of floats
The confidence percentiles specified by alpha
‘pi’: Percentile Interval (Efron 13.3)
The percentile interval method simply returns the 100*alphath bootstrap sample’s values for the statistic. This is an extremely simple method of confidence interval calculation. However, it has several disadvantages compared to the bias-corrected accelerated method, which is the default.
‘bca’: Bias-Corrected Accelerated Non-Parametric (Efron 14.3) (default)
This method is much more complex to explain. However, it gives considerably better results, and is generally recommended for normal situations. Note that in cases where the statistic is smooth, and can be expressed with weights, the ABC method will give approximated results much, much faster.
‘abc’: Approximate Bootstrap Confidence (Efron 14.4, 22.6)
This method provides approximated bootstrap confidence intervals without actually taking bootstrap samples. This requires that the statistic be smooth, and allow for weighting of individual points with a weights= parameter (note that np.average allows this). This is _much_ faster than all other methods for situations where it can be used.

To calculate the confidence intervals for the mean of some numbers:

>> np.randn(100), np.average )

Given some data points in arrays x and y calculate the confidence intervals for all linear regression coefficients simultaneously:

>> (x,y), scipy.stats.linregress )

Efron, An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman & Hall 1993