Plotting With Uncertainty (Part I)

This is an implementation of the easiest option for Assignment 3 of coursera's Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python.


In this paper the authors describe the challenges users face when trying to make judgements about probabilistic data generated through samples. As an example, they look at a bar chart of four years of data (replicated below in Figure 1). Each year has a y-axis value, which is derived from a sample of a larger dataset. For instance, the first value might be the number votes in a given district or riding for 1992, with the average being around 33,000. On top of this is plotted the confidence interval – the range of the number of votes which encapsulates 95% of the data (see the boxplot lectures for more information, and the yerr parameter of barcharts).

A challenge that users face is that, for a given y-axis value (e.g. 42,000), it is difficult to know which x-axis values are most likely to be representative, because the confidence levels overlap and their distributions are different (the lengths of the confidence interval bars are unequal). One of the solutions the authors propose for this problem (Figure 2c) is to allow users to indicate the y-axis value of interest (e.g. 42,000) and then draw a horizontal line and color bars based on this value. So bars might be colored red if they are definitely above this value (given the confidence interval), blue if they are definitely below this value, or white if they contain this value.

Easiest option: Implement the bar coloring as described above - a color scale with only three colors, (e.g. blue, white, and red). Assume the user provides the y axis value of interest as a parameter or variable.


All the imports were created by third-parties (taken from pypi).

from tabulate import tabulate
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import numpy
import pandas
import scipy.stats as stats
import seaborn

Some Plotting Setup

%matplotlib inline
style = seaborn.axes_style("whitegrid")
style["axes.grid"] = False
seaborn.set_style("whitegrid", style)

The Data

The data set will be four normally-distributed, randomly generated, data sets each representing a simulated data set for a given year.


This is from the numpy.random.normal doc-string:

normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None)

Draw random samples from a normal (Gaussian) distribution.

The probability density function of the normal distribution, first derived by De Moivre and 200 years later by both Gauss and Laplace independently1, is often called the bell curve because of its characteristic shape (see the example below).

The normal distributions occurs often in nature. For example, it describes the commonly occurring distribution of samples influenced by a large number of tiny, random disturbances, each with its own unique distribution2.


  • loc : float or array-like of floats

    Mean ("centre") of the distribution.

  • scale : float or array-like of floats

    Standard deviation (spread or "width") of the distribution.

  • size : int or tuple of ints, optional

    Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. If size is None (default), a single value is returned if loc and scale are both scalars. Otherwise, np.broadcast(loc, scale).size samples are drawn.

Creating the data


data = pandas.DataFrame([numpy.random.normal(33500,150000,3650), 
description = data.T.describe()
print(tabulate(description, headers="keys", tablefmt="orgtbl"))
  1992 1993 1994 1995
count 3650 3650 3650 3650
mean 34484.1 39975.7 37565.7 47798.5
std 150473 88558.5 120317 54828.1
min -528303 -287127 -382709 -138895
25% -67555.3 -21665.5 -45516.9 11680
50% 31756.2 41001.8 39197.2 49103.4
75% 135081 99766.9 121367 84272
max 622629 358328 423793 262364

Comparing the sample to the values fed to the normal function it appears that even with 3,650 values, it's still not exactly what we asked for.



1992, the plot with the largest spread looks kind of lumpy. Their means look surprisingly close, but that's probably because the large standaard deviation distorts the scale.

assignment3easyboxplot.png The box-plot shows once again that the centers are relatively close. But 1992 and 1994 have considerably more spread than 1993 and especially more than 1995.

Interval Check

This is the class that implements the plotting. It colors the bar-plots based on whether the value given is within a bar's confidence interval (white), below the confidence interval (blue) or above the confidence interval (red).

class IntervalCheck(object):
    """colors plot based on whether a value is in range
     data (DataFrame): frame with data of interest as columns
     confidence_interval (float): probability we want to exceed
    def __init__(self, data, confidence_interval=0.95): = data
	self.confidence_interval = confidence_interval
	self._intervals = None
	self._lows = None
	self._highs = None
	self._errors = None
	self._means = None
	self._errors = None

    def intervals(self):
	"""list of high and low interval tuples"""
	if self._intervals is None:    
	    data = ([column] for column in
	    self._intervals = [stats.norm.interval(alpha=self.confidence_interval,
			       for datum in data]
	return self._intervals

    def lows(self):
	"""the low-ends for the confidence intervals
	 numpy.array of low-end confidence interval values
	if self._lows is None:
	    self._lows = numpy.array([low for low, high in self.intervals])
	return self._lows

    def highs(self):
	"""high-ends for the confidence intervals
	 numpy.array of high-end values for confidence intervals
	if self._highs is None:
	    self._highs = numpy.array([high for low, high in self.intervals])
	return self._highs

    def means(self):
	"""the means of the data-arrays"""
	if self._means is None:
	    self._means =
	return self._means

    def errors(self):
	"""The size of the errors, rather than the ci values"""
	if self._errors is None:
	    self._errors = self.highs - self.means
	return self._errors

    def print_intervals(self):
	"""print org-mode formatted table of the confidence intervals"""
	intervals = pandas.DataFrame({column: self.intervals[index]
				      for index, column in enumerate(},
				     index="low high".split())
	    print(tabulate(intervals, tablefmt="orgtbl", headers="keys"))
	except ImportError:
	    # not supported

    def __call__(self, value):
	"""plots the data and value
	* blue bar if value above c.i.
	* white bar if value in c.i.
	* red bar if value is below c.i.

	 value (float): what to compare to the data
	figure = pyplot.figure()
	axe = figure.gca()

	x_labels = [str(index) for index in]
	bars =, self.means, yerr=self.errors)
	pyplot.xticks(, x_labels)
	pyplot.axhline(value, color='darkorange')
	pyplot.text([0], value, str(value),
		    bbox={"facecolor": "white", "boxstyle": "round"})
	for index, bar in enumerate(bars):
	    if value < self.lows[index]:
	    elif self.lows[index] <= value <= self.highs[index]:


First, I'll take a look at the values for the confidence intervals so that I can find values to plot. Here are the confidence intervals for the data I created.

plotter = IntervalCheck(data=data.T)
  1992 1993 1994 1995
low 29602.5 37102.7 33662.4 46019.8
high 39365.7 42848.6 41469 49577.2

Here's a value that is below all the confidence intervals.

value = 29000


Here's a value that is within 1992's confidence interval but below the other years.

value = 33000


Here's a value within 1993's and 1994's confidence intervals, but above 1992's and below 1995's confidence intervals.

value = 39974


Here's a value that is within 1993's confidence interval only.

value = 42000


Here's a value withing only 1995's confidence interval.

value = 49500


And finally, a value that's above all the confidence intervals.

value = 50000





Wikipedia, "Normal distribution",


P. R. Peebles Jr., "Central Limit Theorem" in "Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles", 4th ed., 2001, pp. 51, 51, 125.