Bag Man

The Bag Man

This post was created to see what happens in the slideshow if you put all the image files in the images folder without sub-folders, it's a companion to the Image Testing post.

Bag-Man With Purse-Dog

The Bag Man Without Thumbnails

If you want to just display the image they recommend you put it in the files folder, but you can still reference it in the images folder too, but you need to be aware of the fact that the folder path has to change. This org-reference:


Will include this (full-sized) image (note: The path to the images folder is based on where the post is, if the post was in a subfolder you'd have to go up three directories, not two).


Bag-Man Re-Crafted

This was a tracing of the bag man onto kraft paper to mess around with gouache.

Bag-Man & Purse-Dog On Kraft Paper