Mako Math Helper



This is an extension of the math_helper.tmpl mako template that comes with nikola. The original version checks for the has_math: True entry in the post meta-data and then loads either Kate or MathJax based on what's in the file. My extension adds support for pseudocode.js.

Everything Else

This is a dump for stuff until I finish this literate-code re-write.

### Note: at present, MathJax and KaTeX do not respect the USE_CDN configuration option
<%def name="math_scripts()">
  %if use_katex:
	<script src="" integrity="sha384-9Nhn55MVVN0/4OFx7EE5kpFBPsEMZxKTCnA+4fqDmg12eCTqGi6+BB2LjY8brQxJ" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
	<script src="" integrity="sha384-kWPLUVMOks5AQFrykwIup5lo0m3iMkkHrD0uJ4H5cjeGihAutqP0yW0J6dpFiVkI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
	% if katex_auto_render:
	% else:
			delimiters: [
			    {left: "$$", right: "$$", display: true},
			    {left: "\\[", right: "\\]", display: true},
			    {left: "\\begin{equation*}", right: "\\end{equation*}", display: true},
			    {left: "\\(", right: "\\)", display: false}
	% endif # katex_auto_render
### Note: given the size of MathJax; nikola will retrieve MathJax from a CDN regardless of use_cdn configuration
#### the default config has been updated with stuff that pseudocode.js needs

	    <script src="" integrity="sha384-3lJUsx1TJHt7BA4udB5KPnDrlkO8T6J6v/op7ui0BbCjvZ9WqV4Xm6DTP6kQ/iBH" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
	    % if mathjax_config:
	    % else:
	    <script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
	       tex2jax: {
		 inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']],
		 displayMath: [['$$','$$'], ['\\[','\\]']],
		 processEscapes: true,
		 processEnvironments: true,
	       displayAlign: 'center',
	       "HTML-CSS": {
		 styles: {'.MathJax_Display': {"margin": 0}}
	    % endif # mathjax_config
	    %endif # use_katex
	</%def> # end of math_scripts

	<%def name="pseudocode()">
	    <script src=""></script>

	    <%def name="code_styles()">
	    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

	    <%def name="math_styles()">
	    % if use_katex:
	    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-yFRtMMDnQtDRO8rLpMIKrtPCD5jdktao2TV19YiZYWMDkUR5GQZR/NOVTdquEx1j" crossorigin="anonymous">
	    % endif

	    # This first section is used when an individual post is loaded,
	    # not for the front page where you have multiple posts loaded.

	    <%def name="math_scripts_ifpost(post)">
	    % if post.meta("has_pseudocode"):

	    % elif post.has_math:
	    % endif
	    </%def> # math_scripts_ifpost

	    <%def name="math_styles_ifpost(post)">
	    % if post.has_math:
	    % elif post.meta("has_pseudocode"):
	    </%def> # math_styles_ifpost

	    # The next section is for the main posts page with multiple posts
	    # displayed.
	    # Since the pseudocode blocks are supersets of the math blocks, you
	    # need to give them priority over the mathblocks when setting up the
	    # conditonal or they won't be used.

	    <%def name="math_scripts_ifposts(posts)">
	    % if any(post.meta("has_pseudocode") for post in posts):

	    % elif any(post.has_math for post in posts):
	    % endif
	    </%def> # math_scripts_ifposts

	<%def name="math_styles_ifposts(posts)">
	    % if any(post.meta("has_pseudocode") for post in posts):
	    % elif any(post.has_math for post in posts):
	    % endif
	</%def> # math_styles_ifposts