R For Data Science

Table Of Contents

  • Preface
  • Explore
    • Data Visualization with GGPlot2
    • Workflow: Basics
    • Data Transformation With DPlyr
    • Workflow: Scripts
    • Exploratory Data Analysis
    • Workflow: Projects
  • Wrangle
    • Tibbles With Tibble
    • Data Import With Readr
    • Tidy Data With Tidyr
    • Relational Data With Dplyr
    • Strings With Stringr
    • Factors With Forcats
    • Dates and Times With Lubridate
  • Program
    • Pipes With Magrittr
    • Functions
    • Vectors
    • Iterations With Purrr
  • Model
    • Model Basics With Modelr
    • Model Building
    • Many Models With Purrr and Broom
  • Communicate
    • R Markdown
    • Graphics For Communication With GGPlot2
    • R Markdown Formats
    • R Markdown Workflow



  • [RFDS] Wickham H, Grolemund G. R for data science: import, tidy, transform, visualize, and model data. First edition. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly; 2016. 492 p.