Siamese Networks: The Data Generator


Most of the time in Natural Language Processing, and AI in general we use batches when training our data sets. If you were to use stochastic gradient descent with one example at a time, it would take you forever to build a model. In this example, we show you how you can build a data generator that takes in \(Q1\) and \(Q2\) and returns a batch of size batch_size in the following format \(([q1_1, q1_2, q1_3, ...]\), \([q2_1, q2_2,q2_3, ...])\). The tuple consists of two arrays and each array has batch_size questions. Again, \(q1_i\) and \(q2_i\) are duplicates, but they are not duplicates with any other elements in the batch.

The iterator that we're going to create returns a pair of arrays of questions.

We'll implement the data generator below. Here are some things we will need.

  • While true loop.
  • if index > len_Q1=, set the idx to \(0\).
  • The generator should return shuffled batches of data. To achieve this without modifying the actual question lists, a list containing the indexes of the questions is created. This list can be shuffled and used to get random batches everytime the index is reset.
  • Append elements of \(Q1\) and \(Q2\) to input1 and input2 respectively.
  • if len(input1) = batch_size=, determine max_len as the longest question in input1 and input2. Ceil max_len to a power of \(2\) (for computation purposes) using the following command: max_len = 2**int(np.ceil(np.log2(max_len))).
  • Pad every question by vocab['<PAD>'] until you get the length max_len.
  • Use yield to return input1, input2.
  • Don't forget to reset input1, input2 to empty arrays at the end (data generator resumes from where it last left).


# python
import random

# pypi
import numpy

# this project
from neurotic.nlp.siamese_networks import DataLoader, TOKENS

Set Up

Our Data

loader = DataLoader()

data =

The Idiotic Names

np = numpy
rnd = random


def data_generator(Q1:list, Q2:list, batch_size: int,
                   pad: int=1, shuffle: bool=True):
    """Generator function that yields batches of data

       Q1 (list): List of transformed (to tensor) questions.
       Q2 (list): List of transformed (to tensor) questions.
       batch_size (int): Number of elements per batch.
       pad (int, optional): Pad character from the vocab. Defaults to 1.
       shuffle (bool, optional): If the batches should be randomnized or not. Defaults to True.

       tuple: Of the form (input1, input2) with types (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray)
       NOTE: input1: inputs to your model [q1a, q2a, q3a, ...] i.e. (q1a,q1b) are duplicates
             input2: targets to your model [q1b, q2b,q3b, ...] i.e. (q1a,q2i) i!=a are not duplicates

    input1 = []
    input2 = []
    idx = 0
    len_q = len(Q1)
    question_indexes = list(range(len_q))

    if shuffle:
    while True:
        if idx >= len_q:
            # if idx is greater than or equal to len_q, set idx accordingly 
            # (Hint: look at the instructions above)
            idx = 0
            # shuffle to get random batches if shuffle is set to True
            if shuffle:

        # get questions at the `question_indexes[idx]` position in Q1 and Q2
        q1 = Q1[question_indexes[idx]]
        q2 = Q2[question_indexes[idx]]

        # increment idx by 1
        idx += 1
        # append q1
        # append q2
        if len(input1) == batch_size:
            # determine max_len as the longest question in input1 & input 2
            # Hint: use the `max` function. 
            # take max of input1 & input2 and then max out of the two of them.
            max_len = max(max(len(question) for question in input1),
                          max(len(question) for question in input2))
            # pad to power-of-2 (Hint: look at the instructions above)
            max_len = 2**int(np.ceil(np.log2(max_len)))
            b1 = []
            b2 = []
            for q1, q2 in zip(input1, input2):
                # add [pad] to q1 until it reaches max_len
                q1 = q1 + ((max_len - len(q1)) * [pad])
                # add [pad] to q2 until it reaches max_len
                q2 = q2 + ((max_len - len(q2)) * [pad])
                # append q1
                # append q2
            # use b1 and b2
            yield np.array(b1), np.array(b2)
            # reset the batches
            input1, input2 = [], []  # reset the batches

Try It Out

batch_size = 2
generator = data_generator(data.train.question_one, data.train.question_two, batch_size)
result_1, result_2 = next(generator)
print(f"First questions  : \n{result_1}\n")
print(f"Second questions : \n{result_2}")
First questions  : 
[[  34   37   13   50  536 1303 6428   25  924  157   28    1    1    1
     1    1]
 [  34   95  573 1444 2343   28    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
     1    1]]

Second questions : 
[[  34   37   13  575 1303 6428   25  924  157   28    1    1    1    1
     1    1]
 [   9  151   25  573 5642   28    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
     1    1]]

Bundling It Up


# python
from collections import namedtuple

import random

# pypi
import attr
import numpy

# this project
from neurotic.nlp.siamese_networks import DataLoader, TOKENS

The Data Generator

class DataGenerator:
    """Batch Generator for Quora question dataset

     question_one: tensorized question 1
     question_two: tensorized question 2
     batch_size: size of generated batches
     padding: token to use to pad the lists
     shuffle: whether to shuffle the questions around
    question_one: numpy.ndarray
    question_two: numpy.ndarray
    batch_size: int
    padding: int=TOKENS.padding
    shuffle: bool=True
    _batch: iter=None

The Generator Definition

def data_generator(self):
    """Generator function that yields batches of data

       tuple: (batch_question_1, batch_question_2)
    unpadded_1 = []
    unpadded_2 = []
    index = 0
    number_of_questions = len(self.question_one)
    question_indexes = list(range(number_of_questions))

    if self.shuffle:

    while True:
        if index >= number_of_questions:
            index = 0
            if self.shuffle:


        index += 1

        if len(unpadded_1) == self.batch_size:
            max_len = max(max(len(question) for question in unpadded_1),
                          max(len(question) for question in unpadded_2))
            max_len = 2**int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log2(max_len)))
            padded_1 = []
            padded_2 = []
            for question_1, question_2 in zip(unpadded_1, unpadded_2):
                padded_1.append(question_1 + ((max_len - len(question_1)) * [self.padding]))
                padded_2.append(question_2 +  ((max_len - len(question_2)) * [self.padding]))
            yield numpy.array(padded_1), numpy.array(padded_2)
            unpadded_1, unpadded_2 = [], []

The Generator

def batch(self):
    """The generator instance"""
    if self._batch is None:
        self._batch = self.data_generator()
    return self._batch

The Iter Method

def __iter__(self):
    return self

The Next Method

def __next__(self):
    return next(self.batch)

Check It Out

from neurotic.nlp.siamese_networks import DataGenerator, DataLoader

loader = DataLoader()
data =
generator = DataGenerator(data.train.question_one, data.train.question_two, batch_size=2)
batch_size = 2
result_1, result_2 = next(generator)
print(f"First questions  : \n{result_1}\n")
print(f"Second questions : \n{result_2}")
First questions  : 
[[  34   37   13   50  536 1303 6428   25  924  157   28    1    1    1
     1    1]
 [  34   95  573 1444 2343   28    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
     1    1]]

Second questions : 
[[  34   37   13  575 1303 6428   25  924  157   28    1    1    1    1
     1    1]
 [   9  151   25  573 5642   28    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
     1    1]]