Nested follower
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This is assignment 1 from the Nature of Code course on Kadenze. I was originally going to make it a mouse-follower but I re-read the instructions and it seems like it's better to make it a random-walker. These are the requirements:
Create A Walker
- Create an object that moves around the screen
- Incorporate randomness or perlin noise
- Needs to be visually different from the Nature of Code examples
- Use comments
- Only use
* Random Walker
* This is an implementation of the Random Walker based on the example given in
* "The Nature of Code"
// This is the div where the canvas will be placed
let nested_parent_div_id = "nested-follower";
* The sketch creator
* @param {P5} p
let nested_follower_sketch = function(p) {
* Setup the canvas
* - Attaches the canvas to the div
* - Creates the walker objects
p.setup = function() {
this.canvas = p.createCanvas($("#" + nested_parent_div_id).outerWidth(true), 800);
p.parent = new NoiseWalker(p);
let followers = 10;
p.followers = [new Follower(p, p.parent)];
for (let step=0; step < followers; step++) {
p.followers.push(new Follower(p, p.followers[step]));
* Refresh the objects by calling their update functions
* This also clears the background.
p.draw = function() {
p.background(255, 255, 255, 50);
p.followers.forEach(function(follower) {
* The main walker (with perlin noise)
* @param {P5} p
function NoiseWalker(p) {
// Our kinematics vectors
this.position = p.createVector(p.width/2, p.height/2);
this.velocity = p.createVector(0, 0);
this.acceleration = p.createVector(0, 0);
// Time for the perlin noise function
this.time_x = 0;
this.time_y = 10000;
this.time_delta = 0.01;
// The limit of how much we'll accelerate
this.max_acceleration = 0.05;
* Updates the walker's position
this.walk = function() {
// set the acceleration using perlin noise
this.acceleration.x =, 0, 1,
this.acceleration.y =, 0, 1,
// Move the walker
this.velocity = this.velocity.add(this.acceleration);
this.position = this.position.add(this.velocity);
// keep it within the window
if (this.position.x < 0)
this.velocity.x = p.abs(this.velocity.x);
else if (this.position.x > p.width)
this.velocity.x = -this.velocity.x;
if (this.position.y < 0)
this.velocity.y = p.abs(this.velocity.y);
else if (this.position.y > p.height)
this.velocity.y = -this.velocity.y;
// update the time
this.time_x += this.time_delta;
this.time_y += this.time_delta;
* draws the walker (for debugging)
this.display = function() {
p.point(this.position.x, this.position.y);
* Calls the walk function
this.update = function() {
* A follower that follows a parent object
* @param {P5} p
* @param {NoiseWalker} parent
function Follower(p, parent) {
this.parent = parent;
this.variance = p.random(1, 10);
this.position = p.createVector(
this.parent.position.x + p.random(-this.variance, this.variance),
this.parent.position.y + p.random(-this.variance, this.variance));
this.velocity = p.createVector(0, 0);
// some colors to cycle through
this.max_diameter = p.round(p.random(5, 200));
this.time_x = p.random(100);
this.time_y = p.random(10000, 11000);
this.time_delta = 0.005;
* Moves the Follower
* sets the acceleration by pointing to the parent's position
this.walk = function() {
let acceleration = p5.Vector.sub(this.parent.position, this.position);
this.velocity = this.velocity.add(acceleration);
this.position = this.position.add(this.velocity);
* Display the Follower
* cycles through the colors as we go
this.display = function() {
// set our line width
p.strokeWeight(, this.time_y),
0, 1, this.variance, 2 * this.variance));
// set our color
p.stroke(63, 63, 191);
// don't fill the object
// draw our object with a random diameter
p.ellipse(this.position.x, this.position.y,
p.round(p.random(5, this.max_diameter)),
p.round(p.random(5, this.max_diameter)));
// update the time
this.time_x += this.time_delta;
this.time_y += this.time_delta;
* calls the update and walk
this.update = function() {
// create the p5 object and attach it to the div
new p5(nested_follower_sketch, nested_parent_div_id);