Portland Daily Temperatures Data


I'm going to work with the Daily Temperatures data set for Portland, Oregon (measured at the airport) taken from the National Weather Service. I cleaned it up a little already, removing the extra header rows and adding a missing column header (Metric) but the data is arranged with the year and month as a column and then each day is given its own column, which isn't how I want to work with it, so I'm going to transform it a little to make it more like what I expect it to look like.}

Set Up



from functools import partial
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union
import os

From PyPi

from dotenv import load_dotenv
import hvplot.pandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import pandas
import seaborn

My Stuff

from graeae.timers import Timer
from bartleby_the_penguin.tangles.embed_bokeh import EmbedBokeh


get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')
get_ipython().run_line_magic('config', "InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'")
            rc={"axes.grid": False,
                "font.family": ["sans-serif"],
                "font.sans-serif": ["Open Sans", "Latin Modern Sans", "Lato"],
                "figure.figsize": (8, 6)},

The Timer

TIMER = Timer()

The Embedder

Embed = partial(

Loading the Data

path = Path(os.environ.get("CSV")).expanduser()
assert path.is_file()

Some Preparation

The first thing to work with is that there are three characters representing "missing" data (that I noticed) - M, T, and - - that we have to tell pandas about when we use read_csv.

missing = ["M", "T", "-"]

I was going to load the measurement type (e.g. "TX"), but I realized that I was planning to turn those into column headers so maybe it's not a good idea.

with TIMER:
    data = pandas.read_csv(path, na_values=missing)
Started: 2019-03-10 18:50:58.399150
Ended: 2019-03-10 18:50:58.410684
Elapsed: 0:00:00.011534
(3756, 35)
Index(['YR', 'MO', 'Metric', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10',
       '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22',
       '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31', 'AVG or Total'],
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 3756 entries, 0 to 3755
Data columns (total 35 columns):
YR              3756 non-null int64
MO              3756 non-null int64
Metric          3756 non-null object
1               3602 non-null float64
2               3554 non-null float64
3               3583 non-null float64
4               3604 non-null float64
5               3599 non-null float64
6               3610 non-null float64
7               3587 non-null object
8               3590 non-null float64
9               3595 non-null float64
10              3614 non-null float64
11              3602 non-null float64
12              3600 non-null float64
13              3583 non-null float64
14              3582 non-null float64
15              3591 non-null float64
16              3604 non-null float64
17              3598 non-null float64
18              3615 non-null float64
19              3611 non-null float64
20              3588 non-null float64
21              3606 non-null float64
22              3609 non-null float64
23              3595 non-null float64
24              3605 non-null float64
25              3598 non-null float64
26              3600 non-null float64
27              3598 non-null float64
28              3593 non-null float64
29              3371 non-null float64
30              3294 non-null float64
31              2097 non-null float64
AVG or Total    3616 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(31), int64(2), object(2)
memory usage: 1.0+ MB

For some reason column 7 wasn't converted to a float.

for index, row in enumerate(data["7"]):
    except Exception as error:
        print("Row: {}".format(index))
        print("Value: {}".format(row))
could not convert string to float: 
Row: 1835

It turns out that this one row also had a space (' ') for one of the values. Strange.

missing.append(" ")
data = pandas.read_csv(path, na_values=missing)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 3756 entries, 0 to 3755
Data columns (total 35 columns):
YR              3756 non-null int64
MO              3756 non-null int64
Metric          3756 non-null object
1               3602 non-null float64
2               3554 non-null float64
3               3583 non-null float64
4               3604 non-null float64
5               3599 non-null float64
6               3610 non-null float64
7               3586 non-null float64
8               3590 non-null float64
9               3595 non-null float64
10              3614 non-null float64
11              3602 non-null float64
12              3600 non-null float64
13              3583 non-null float64
14              3582 non-null float64
15              3591 non-null float64
16              3604 non-null float64
17              3598 non-null float64
18              3615 non-null float64
19              3611 non-null float64
20              3588 non-null float64
21              3606 non-null float64
22              3609 non-null float64
23              3595 non-null float64
24              3605 non-null float64
25              3598 non-null float64
26              3600 non-null float64
27              3598 non-null float64
28              3593 non-null float64
29              3371 non-null float64
30              3294 non-null float64
31              2097 non-null float64
AVG or Total    3616 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(32), int64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 1.0+ MB


Drop the Last Column

Besides the fact that the last column is a calculated one, the fact that it's ambiguous (I guess you can tell by how big it is whether it's a Total, but still) makes me think I should get rid of the last column (using drop).

cleaned = data.drop(data.columns[-1], axis="columns")
assert len(cleaned.columns) == len(data.columns) - 1
(3756, 34)

Rotate the Days

Now I'm going to move the day-columns into row-values using melt.

melted = pandas.melt(cleaned, id_vars=["YR", "MO", "Metric"], var_name="Day", value_name="Value")
     YR  MO Metric Day  Value
0  1940  10     TX   1    NaN
1  1940  10     TN   1    NaN
2  1940  10     PR   1    NaN
3  1940  10     SN   1    NaN
4  1940  11     TX   1   52.0
assert len(melted) == len(data) * 31
(116436, 5)

Casting the Days to Integers

Although they look like integers, the Day column was converted from column headers so they're strings. Maybe I could have cast them at the time of the conversion, but, oh, well.

<class 'str'>
melted["Day"] = melted.Day.astype(int)
<class 'numpy.int64'>

Make a Date Column

Now I'll make a single date column.

with TIMER:
    melted["date"] = melted.apply(lambda row: datetime(year=row.YR,

That raised an error..

ValueError: ('day is out of range for month', 'occurred at index 105184')
YR        1941
MO           2
Metric      TX
Day         29
Value      NaN
Name: 105184, dtype: object

February 29? Was 1941 a leap year? According to wikipedia, leap years have to be divisible by four.


It doesn't look like there was a February 29 in 1941, so here we have a problem in that not all the dates exist. Also, for some reason the '-' didn't get converted to a NaN, but one thing at a time.

def to_datetime(row: pandas.Series) -> Union[datetime, None]:
    """Converts the row to a datetime

     row: row in the dataframe with year, month, and day
     row converted to datetime or None if it isn't valid
    if not pandas.isnull(row.Value):
            return datetime(year=row.YR, month=row.MO, day=row.Day)
        except ValueError as error:
with TIMER:
    melted["date"] = melted.apply(to_datetime, axis="columns")
Started: 2019-03-10 18:56:57.314885
day is out of range for month
     YR  MO Metric  Day  Value       date
0  1940  10     TX    1    NaN        NaT
1  1940  10     TN    1    NaN        NaT
2  1940  10     PR    1    NaN        NaT
3  1940  10     SN    1    NaN        NaT
4  1940  11     TX    1   52.0 1940-11-01
Ended: 2019-03-10 18:57:01.094165
Elapsed: 0:00:03.779280

It looks like there was only one case where the date didn't exist, but there are multiple entries with missing values.

print("Fraction Missing: {:.2f}".format(
Fraction Missing: 0.06

Drop the Missing

I'll drop the dates that didn't have data.

cleaned = melted.dropna(subset=["Value"])
     YR  MO Metric  Day  Value       date
4  1940  11     TX    1  52.00 1940-11-01
5  1940  11     TN    1  40.00 1940-11-01
6  1940  11     PR    1   0.17 1940-11-01
7  1940  11     SN    1   0.00 1940-11-01
8  1940  12     TX    1  51.00 1940-12-01

Drop the Extra Date Columns

Since we have a date column I'll get rid of the columns that I used to make it.

cleaned = cleaned.drop(["YR", "MO", "Day"], axis="columns")
  Metric  Value       date
4     TX  52.00 1940-11-01
5     TN  40.00 1940-11-01
6     PR   0.17 1940-11-01
7     SN   0.00 1940-11-01
8     TX  51.00 1940-12-01

Figuring Out the Missing Date

One of the entries has values but no date.

       Metric  Value date
105427     SN   34.0  NaT
YR        1946
MO           2
Metric      SN
Day         29
Value       34
date       NaT
Name: 105427, dtype: object

Okay, this is another non-leap year. What's going on?

print(data[(data.YR==1946) & (data.MO==2)])
       YR  MO Metric      1      2     3      4      5      6      7  ...  \
256  1946   2     TX  48.00  47.00  45.0  43.00  48.00  48.00  43.00  ...   
257  1946   2     TN  44.00  35.00  32.0  32.00  37.00  39.00  33.00  ...   
258  1946   2     PR   0.05   0.02   NaN   0.01   1.54   0.63   0.06  ...   
259  1946   2     SN   0.00   0.00   0.0   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00  ...   

       23     24    25     26     27     28    29  30  31  AVG or Total  
256  58.0  52.00  53.0  49.00  53.00  55.00   NaN NaN NaN         49.40  
257  43.0  40.00  39.0  35.00  44.00  40.00   NaN NaN NaN         36.00  
258   0.1   0.26   NaN   0.57   0.64   0.04   NaN NaN NaN          4.99  
259   0.0   0.00   0.0   0.00   0.00   0.00  34.0 NaN NaN          0.00  

[4 rows x 35 columns]

It looks like there's something wrong with the snowfall measurement for that date, the other measurements don't have values.

print(data[(data.YR==1946) & (data.MO==2) & (data.Metric=="SN")])
       YR  MO Metric    1    2    3    4    5    6    7  ...   23   24   25  \
259  1946   2     SN  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  ...  0.0  0.0  0.0   

      26   27   28    29  30  31  AVG or Total  
259  0.0  0.0  0.0  34.0 NaN NaN           0.0  

[1 rows x 35 columns]

It was just all 0's and then there's this mysterious 34 inches of snow on the 29th of February. I'm pretty sure that's a mistake. I'll have to delete that.

Although I have the index in the original data frame I've already done all this cleaning so I think it's easier just to drop the missing dates.

rows, columns = cleaned.shape
cleaned = cleaned.dropna(subset=["date"])
assert cleaned.shape[0] == rows - 1

Pivot the Metric Column

So, besides getting the dates into a column one of the points of this was to get the metric types into columns by pivoting. I guess you could argue that this is just a category, but since each date gets all four of the values I think this makes sense.

pivoted = cleaned.pivot(index="date", columns="Metric", values="Value")
Metric        PR   SN    TN    TX
1940-10-13  0.01  0.0  57.0  75.0
1940-10-14   NaN  0.0  53.0  70.0
1940-10-15   NaN  0.0  52.0  64.0
1940-10-16  0.00  0.0  50.0  72.0
1940-10-17  0.13  0.0  58.0  72.0

It looks like there's some missing precipitation data. I don't really have a solution for that. I think decisions to imput missing values should come when the data set is being used.

for metric in ("PR", "SN", "TN", "TX"):
    print("{} Missing: {:,}".format(metric, len(pivoted[pivoted[metric].isnull()])))
PR Missing: 3,297
SN Missing: 523
TN Missing: 0
TX Missing: 0

So it looks like we're okay with the temperatures but maybe not so well off with the precipitation.

missing = pivoted[pivoted.PR.isnull()]
missing.loc[:, "missing"] = 1
monthly = missing.missing.resample("M")
figure, axe = pyplot.subplots()
figure.suptitle("Missing Monthly Precipitation", weight="bold")
counts = monthly.count()
stem = axe.stem(counts.index, counts)


So, I was expecting this to be a problem that happened early and then died out, but it appears there's an ongoing problem with collecting precipitation - or maybe they use a symbol for 0 that I'm interpreting as missing?

yearly = missing.missing.resample("Y")
figure, axe = pyplot.subplots()
figure.suptitle("Missing Yearly Precipitation", weight="bold")
counts = yearly.count()
stem = axe.stem(counts.index, counts)


This does seem problematic, if I do anything with precipitation I'll have to figure out what's going on here.

Updating the Columns

The whole TX, TN, etc. encoding scheme seems like it causes too much mental overhead so I'm going to rename the metric columns.

renamed = pivoted.rename(dict(PR="precipitation",
Metric      precipitation  snowfall  minimum_temperature  maximum_temperature
1940-10-13           0.01       0.0                 57.0                 75.0
1940-10-14            NaN       0.0                 53.0                 70.0
1940-10-15            NaN       0.0                 52.0                 64.0
1940-10-16           0.00       0.0                 50.0                 72.0
1940-10-17           0.13       0.0                 58.0                 72.0

Save the Message Pack

Now that we have the cleaned-up data, I'll save it as a message pack.

pack_path = Path(os.environ.get("MESSAGE_PACK")).expanduser()
assert pack_path.is_file()

Looking at Some Plots

maximum_temperature = renamed.maximum_temperature.resample("Y")
medians = maximum_temperature.median()
maxes = maximum_temperature.max()
mins = maximum_temperature.min()
figure, axe = pyplot.subplots()
figure.suptitle("Portland, OR Yearly Daily Temperatures", weight="bold")
axe.stem(maxes.index, maxes, markerfmt="ro",label="Maximum")
axe.stem(mins.index, mins, markerfmt="go", label="Minimum")
stem = axe.stem(medians.index, medians, label="Median")
axe.set_ylabel("Temperature (F)")
legend = axe.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1))


maximum_temperature = renamed.maximum_temperature.resample("Y")
frame = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(
    {"Maximum": maximum_temperature.max(),
     "Median": maximum_temperature.median(),
     "Minimum": maximum_temperature.min(),
output = frame.hvplot(width=1000, height=600, 
                      title="Mean Maximum Portland Temperatures Per Year",
Embed(output, "min_median_max")()

On the one hand, it's pretty neat what you get for such little code, on the other hand it's not at all obvious how to fix all the styling to make it a better plot.