Shell Output With Org-Babel Ipython

One of the nice things about ipython is the ability to run shell commands with !. When you use it in an ob-ipython block, though, it will dump the output into a popup rather than in the same emacs org-file. One alternative is to use a shell block instead. I wrote earlier that this requires you to put an echo command in the block to prevent the text going to a pop-up.

head Future_Connections.csv

|            | Future Connection |
| (6, 840)   |               0.0 |
| (4, 197)   |               0.0 |
| (620, 979) |               0.0 |
| (519, 872) |               0.0 |
| (382, 423) |               0.0 |
| (97, 226)  |               1.0 |
| (349, 905) |               0.0 |
| (429, 860) |               0.0 |
| (309, 989) |               0.0 |

It turns out that there's a similar solution to the ob-ipython popup, only since it's in python you have to use a print this time.

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session futures :results output
!head Future_Connections.csv

,Future Connection
"(6, 840)",0.0
"(4, 197)",0.0
"(620, 979)",0.0
"(519, 872)",0.0
"(382, 423)",0.0
"(97, 226)",1.0
"(349, 905)",0.0
"(429, 860)",0.0
"(309, 989)",0.0


I actually prefer the shell version, and since this is org-babel it makes more sense to use it, but I forgot about it just now and it took me a little while to figure out how to get the ob-ipython block to work so *note to future self: This is how to make it work, but use a shell block instead.