Generative Art Circles

A Circle

This is a starting point for looking at cyclic sketches. In this case it's just a circle but it's a basic concept that I'll probably use more of later so I thought I'd make a dedicated post for it. In particular it uses Polar Coordinates which might come in handy.

Closure, Constants, and Variables

We begin in the usual way with a variable to hold the div id that the sketch will go into and declaring the function that will hold our sketch tode.

const CIRCLE_DIV = "5fa2c81b-hard-circle";

function circle_the_hard_way(p5){


Next I'll declare some constants, both to maybe remind me what the values represent when I use them later and to have a place where I can change the values as I experiment with what looks interesting.

const DEGREES_IN_A_CIRCLE = 360;
const RADIUS = 100;
const SMALL_DIAMETER = 10;
const STEP = 5;
const WIDTH = 3 * RADIUS;
  • The RADIUS holds the radius of the circle we're going to draw
  • SMALL_DIAMETER holds the diameter of the circles I'm going to use to draw the main circle.
  • STEP holds the number of degrees I'm going to rotate the starting point of the circle every time it's re-drawn
  • WITDH and HEIGHT are the dimensions of the canvas

To make it less confusing I'll refer to the small circles that make up the big cicrle as "points" most of the time.


The variables are:

  • center_x, center_y: the center coordinates for the circle. These could be constants but I usually set them in the setup.
  • slider: to hold a slider that will set how many degrees we'll rotate between drawing points on the circle
  • start: the angle at which we'll start drawing the circle.
let center_x;
let center_y;
let slider;
let start = 0;

Set Up

Our setup function creates the canvas, sets the colors and creates the slider to let the user change how big a jump we take between drawing points on the circle

  p5.setup = function() {
    p5.createCanvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    center_x = p5.width/2;
    center_y = p5.height/2;
    slider = p5.createSlider(
      1);"width", "500px");
  } // end setup


The draw function draws a circle using circles and a line showing the raduis.

p5.draw = function() {

Looping Around the Circle

We're going to rotate around the circle once using the start value as the angle to start at and the value the slider's set at for the number of degrees we move between drawing the points on the circle. To make it easier to think about I'm using degrees in the for-loop but the sin and cos functions expect radians so we need to convert the degrees. Since the circumference of a circle is both \(360^\circ\) and \(2\pi\) we can use a straight ratio to convert them.

\[ \textit{radians} = \textit{degrees} \times \frac{2 \pi}{360} \]

This is usually written using a half-circle \(\left(\frac{\pi}{180}\right)\) but I find it easier to remember the whole circle for some reason.

for (let angle=start; angle <= DEGREES_IN_A_CIRCLE + start;
     angle += slider.value()) {
  radians = angle * TO_RADIANS;

The Coordinates of the Circle's Points

The coordinates for our point are calculated using the trigonometric definitions for sin and cos.

\begin{align} \cos \theta &= \frac{adjacent}{hypotenuse} \\ \textit{adjacent} &= \textit{hypotenuse} \times \cos \theta \end{align} \begin{align} \sin \theta &= \frac{opposite}{hypotenuse}\\ \textit{opposite} &= \textit{hypoteuse} \times \sin \theta \end{align}

Using the radius we want as the hypotenuse and the adjacent and opposite values as the x and y coordinates we can re-write the equations as:

\begin{align} x &= r \cos \theta \\ y &= r \sin \theta \end{align}

But since our coordinate system starts in the top left corner we have to add an offset to move the center of the circle to the center of the canvas.

\begin{align} x &= \textit{center}_x + r \cos \theta \\ y &= \textit{center}_y + r \sin \theta \end{align}
x = center_x + RADIUS * Math.cos(radians);
y = center_y + RADIUS * Math.sin(radians);

Now We Draw

Now that we have our x and y coordinates for the next point on the circle we can draw it.

p5.line(center_x, center_y, x, y);, y, SMALL_DIAMETER);

And the Rest

If we just draw the points and line we'll end up with a black dot, which still shows that it's working, but kind of negates the point of using something animated, so I'll draw a white background that's mostly transparent so we can see things move.

p5.background(255, 10);

And now I'll increment the start angle so the next time we draw a circle it will be rotated a little bit from where it started this time through the loop.

start = (start + STEP) % 360 ;

Closing Up

And there we have the circle. I had two main reasons for doing this exercise - one was to have a starting point for making noisier shapes and the other was to remind myself of how to make cyclical values so that I can use it as input for functions that I want to have repeat themselves.