A Jinja Altair/Vega Template

The Altair Template

This is the Jinja template to get altair-vega into posts. To use it add .. template: altair.tmpl to the post metadata. It is located at themes/custom-jinja/templates/altair.tmpl

The Tangle

Here's the tangle that creates the template file.

{#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #}

{% extends 'post.tmpl' %}

{% block extra_head %}
  {{ super() }}
{% endblock %} 

Altair Helper Import

Both this template and the index.tmpl template need to import the vega library I made a macro to do it and put it in a separate file (altair_helper.tmpl) so we need to import that macro here.

{% import 'altair_helper.tmpl' as altair with context %}

The Altair Macro Call

Here's where we call the macro to insert the script tag to get vega.

{{ altair.altair_scripts() }}

The Altair Helper Template

This is the template file that contains the functions (macros) to check whether the HTML to work with vega should be added or not. It is located at themes/custom-jinja/templates/altair_helper.tmpl It's used by both the altair.tmpl template (above) and the index.tmpl template that's used for the latest posts.

The Tangle

{#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #}




Vega Scripts Macro

This adds the vega library to the HTML HEAD as well as defining an "error" class that gets used if there's an error in rendering the vega chart. It has the versions hard-wired into it so it will need to be changed if we want to use a different version of vega, vega-lite, or vega-embed.

{# macro to add the altair-vega.js code tags #}
{# and define an error color class #}
{% macro altair_scripts() %}
    .error {
        color: red;
  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega@5"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega-lite@5.6.1"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega-embed@6"></script>
{% endmacro %}

Vega Post Macro

Here's a macro that gets called to set up a single post (as opposed to a post in the latest-posts feed). It adds the vega-imports to the document HEAD if there's a .. has_altair field in the meta data. I don't think this works yet - there needs to be more work done on the post template or I need to make a real plugin.

{# macro for a single post #}
{# `post`: a Post object #}
{% macro altair_scripts_ifpost(post) %}
    {% if post.meta("has_altair") %}
        {{ altair_scripts() }}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

Vega Index Macro

This is the macro that adds the vega libraries if the post is in the posts feed and it has been set in the metadata.

{# macro used by feed page with multiple posts (e.g. index.tmpl) #}
{# 'posts': list of Post objects #}
{# jinja doesn't support comprehensions so we have to use a for-loop #}
{# the ~post.meta~ object is a Functionary object #}
{# the metadata is in a dictionary that's in a dictionary #}
{# if you try ~post.meta.has_altair~ it will fail because you need the language you're using as a key #}
{# e.g. ~post.meta.en.has_altair~ #}
{# to not refer to the langugage you need to call it like a function, passing in the "has_altair" key as an argument #}
{% macro altair_scripts_ifposts(posts) %}
  {% set altair_added = False %}
  {% for post in posts %}
    {% if (post.meta("has_altair") or post.meta("template") == "altair.tmpl") and not altair_added %}
      {% set altair_added = True %}
      {{ altair_scripts() }}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}