Lancelot Shortcode


This is a variant of the built-in doc shortcode (although it seems to go into the plugins folder for some reason, I'll have to look into that). The ReStructured Text doc documentation says that you can pass in text to display instead of the title of the post it's linking to, but I couldn't get it to work with the non-RST version so I adapted it so I could use it in org-mode posts. I didn't really look too closely at the code, just enough to get it working so it's probably pretty fragile.

The Plugin File

name = lancelot
module = lancelot

PluginCategory = Shortcode

author = The Cloistered Monkey
version = 0.2
website =
description = Variant of the doc shortcode that allows alternate titles.

The Python Code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is public domain according to its author, the Cloistered Monkey

"""Shortcode for non-restructured text inter-site links.
Re-write of the ``doc`` plugin to allow alternative titles outside of RST
The documentation seems to indicate that this should work but it uses angle
brackets <> and something is converting them to less than and greater
than HTML symbols.

from nikola.plugin_categories import ShortcodePlugin
from nikola.utils import LOGGER, slugify

class Plugin(ShortcodePlugin):
    """Plugin for non-rst inter-site links."""

    name = "lancelot"

    def handler(self, title=None, site=None, data=None, lang=None,
                date=None, post=None):
        """Create an inter-site link

         if you don't use the keyword "title" in the shortcode, nikola will
        pass the string as the first argument to this method (using the *args
        trick). So for my future self: put the title first or never
        forget the keyword.

         title: optional argument to specify a different title from the post

         output HTML to replace the shortcode
        success, twin_slugs, title, permalink, slug = lancelot_link(
        if success:
            if twin_slugs:
                    ('More than one post with the same slug. '
                     f'Using "{permalink}" '
                     'for lancelot shortcode'))
            output = f'<a href="{permalink}">{title}</a>'
                f'"{slug}" slug doesn\'t exist.')
            output = ('<span class="error text-error" style="color: red;">'
                      f'Invalid link: {data}</span>')
        return output, []

def lancelot_link(site, slug, title):
    """process the slug, check if it exists or is duplicated

    if `title` is None this will grab the post-title

     site: the Nikola object
     slug: the text between the shortcode tags
     title: the title passed in by the user (if any)

     tuple (success, has duplicate slugs, title, permalink, slug)
    if '#' in slug:
        slug, fragment = slug.split('#', 1)
        fragment = None
    slug = slugify(slug)

    twin_slugs = False
    post = None
    for p in site.timeline:
        if p.meta('slug') == slug:
            if post is None:
                post = p
                twin_slugs = True
        if post is None:
            raise ValueError("No post with matching slug found.")
    except ValueError:
        return False, False, title, None, slug

    if title is None:
        title = post.title()

    permalink = post.permalink()
    if fragment:
        permalink += '#' + fragment

    return True, twin_slugs, title, permalink, slug