Bubble Sort: An Empirical Look

This is a continuation of a series on the Bubble Sort. In the previous post I made an implementation of the Bubble Sort in python. In this post I'll run it with inputs of varying sizes to see how its runtime changes as well as do a plot to get a sense of how it rearranges the items its sorting as it works.

An Empirical Look

Using math to figure out the number of comparisons is nice and all, but let's do some counting using real code. I'm going to re-implement the bubble sort but this time keeping track of the comparisons and swaps.

Some Setup

# python
from collections.abc import MutableSequence
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial

import random
from numpy.random import default_rng

# pypi
from bokeh.models import HoverTool
from expects import be_above_or_equal, contain_only, equal, expect
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from numba import njit

import hvplot.pandas
import pandas

# my stuff
from graeae import EmbedHoloviews, Timer

Stuff For Later

TIMER = Timer()
SLUG = "bubble-sort-an-empirical-look"
PATH = f"files/posts/{SLUG}/"
Embed = partial(EmbedHoloviews, folder_path=PATH)

Numba Random

numba_random = default_rng(2021)

A Counter

This is going to be a reimplementation of the Bubble Sort function but with variables added to keep track of the counts. I originally did this class-based so I could re-use the code but once I switched from pypy to numba that started to get problematic, and the functions are short anyway so I guess it's all the same.

Some Types

ElementCount = int
ComparisonCount = int
SwapCount = int
SortedElements = MutableSequence
Counts = tuple[ElementCount, ComparisonCount, SwapCount, SortedElements]

BubbleOutput = namedtuple("BubbleOutput",
                              "element_count", "comparisons",

The Sorting Function (With Counts)

def bubble(elements: MutableSequence) -> Counts:
    """Sorts the list in place

     elements: list of (in-place) sortable elements

     number of elements, count of comparisons, count of swaps, sorted elements
    all_but_one = len(elements) - 1
    comparisons = swaps = 0
    for items_sorted in range(all_but_one):
        for in_front_of_us in range(all_but_one - items_sorted):
            comparisons += 1
            to_the_right = in_front_of_us + 1
            if elements[to_the_right] < elements[in_front_of_us]:
                 elements[to_the_right]) = (elements[to_the_right],
                swaps += 1
    return BubbleOutput(len(elements), comparisons, swaps, elements)

One thing to note is that in the algorithm the outer loop stops at \(n-2\), which it also does here, but since the range function doesn't include the last number our argument is only \(n-1\), which might look confusing at first, and might sound even more confusing when you read this, but the point is they're the same even though they might not look exactly the same.

Testing the Counter

def check_non_decreasing(elements: list) -> None:
    """Checks that all the elements in the list are non-decreasing

     elements: list of comparable sorted items

     AssertionError if something is out of order
    last_one = elements[0]
    for index in range(1, n):
        this_one = elements[index]
        last_one = this_one

A Random Input

Because we aren't using any kind of short-circuiting to stop once the data is sorted, it will always loop \(\Omega(n^2)\), but the number of swaps will depend on the input.

n = 1000
inputs = random.choices(list(range(n)), k=n)

output = bubble(inputs)

sorted_elements = output.elements

expected_runtime = expected_swaps = (n * (n - 1))/2

The Worst Case

In the worst case where it's in the exact opposite sorted order (non-increasing instead of non-decreasing) the number of comparisons should equaly the number of swaps.

output = bubble(list(reversed(list(range(n)))))

The Tracker

To visualize what the sort is doing I'm going to update the bubble sort to keep track of the order of the items as it's being sorted. I'm using a dictionary to map the list values to their locations so we can't use inputs where there are repeated elements or more than one list of locations will be mapped to a element value.

IndexHistory = list[int]
ElementValue = int
Swaps = dict[ElementValue, IndexHistory]
def swap_tracker(elements: MutableSequence) -> Swaps:
    """Does the bubble-sort and tracks the locations

     elements: list of orderable items

     dict of element value: list of indices it was at during sort
    all_but_one = len(elements) - 1

    swaps = {element: [index] for index, element in enumerate(elements)}

    for items_sorted in range(all_but_one):
        for in_front_of_us in range(all_but_one - items_sorted):
            to_the_right = in_front_of_us + 1
            if elements[to_the_right] < elements[in_front_of_us]:
                 elements[to_the_right]) = (elements[to_the_right],
                for index, element in enumerate(elements):
    return swaps

First a little sanity check just to make sure it still works.

inputs = [6, 3, 4, 1]

swaps = swap_tracker(inputs)
n = 100
inputs = list(range(n))

swaps = swap_tracker(inputs)


Try Them Out


Let's look at how the comparisons and swaps change as the input gets bigger. To speed this up I'm going to run the sort in numba.

numba_bubble = njit(bubble)
runs = {}
things_to_sort = [numba_random.integers(low=0, high=count, size=count)
                  for count in range(1, 10**5+ 1, 1000)]

with TIMER:
    comparisons_and_swaps = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
        for thing_to_sort in things_to_sort)
Started: 2021-12-22 02:49:12.003456
Ended: 2021-12-22 02:50:44.485043
Elapsed: 0:01:32.481587

Now we'll plot it.

unzipped = list(zip(*comparisons_and_swaps))
bubba_frame = pandas.DataFrame({"Elements": unzipped[SIZE],
                                "Comparisons": unzipped[COMPARISONS],
                                "Swaps": unzipped[SWAPS]})
bubba_frame["n^2"] = bubba_frame["Elements"]**2
tooltips_comparisons = [
    ("Elements", "@Elements{0,}"),
    ("Comparisons", "@Comparisons{0,}")

tooltips_swaps = [
    ("Elements", "@Elements{0,}"),
    ("Swaps", "@Swaps{0,}")

tooltips_n2 = [
    ("Elements", "@Elements{0,}"),
    ("n^2", "@{n^2}{0,}")

hover_comparisons = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips_comparisons)
hover_swaps = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips_swaps)
hover_n2 = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips_n2)

swap_plots = bubba_frame.hvplot(x="Elements", y="Swaps").opts(
comparison_plots = bubba_frame.hvplot(x="Elements", y="Comparisons").opts(
n_squared_plot = bubba_frame.hvplot(x="Elements", y="n^2").opts(

plot = (swap_plots * comparison_plots * n_squared_plot).opts(
    title="Comparisons, Swaps and n-squared Counts",
    height=700, width=800)
output = Embed(plot=plot, file_name="bubble_sort_comparisons")()

Figure Missing

The top line (yellow) is the square of the size of the inputs, the middle (red) is the number of comparisons, and the bottom line (blue) is the number of swaps. If you hover over the lines you can see that each line is roughly double the one below it - there are around twice as many comparisons as swaps for a given input and \(n^2\) is around twice as big as the comparison count for a given input.


The comparisons and swaps are pretty much what we expected to see, they just confirm the theoretical assessment, but now let's look at plotting the swaps as they occur to see if we can understand what the bubble sort is doing.

COUNT = 20
inputs = random.sample(list(range(COUNT)), k=COUNT)
swaps = swap_tracker(inputs)

# swaps = {str(key): value for key, value in tracker.swaps.items()}
track_frame = pandas.DataFrame(swaps)
re_indexed = track_frame.reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "Swap"})
melted = re_indexed.melt(var_name="Value To Sort", value_name="Location In Array", id_vars="Swap")

tooltips = [
    ("Item to Sort", "@{Value To Sort}"),
    ("Swap", "@{Swap}"),
    ("Current Location", "@{Location In Array}")

hover = HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips)

ticks = [(index, index) for index in range(COUNT)]
plot = melted.hvplot(x="Swap", y="Location In Array",
                     by="Value To Sort").opts(tools=[hover],
                     width=800, height=700, yticks=ticks,
                            title="Bubble Sort Swaps",)

output = Embed(plot=plot, file_name="bubble_sort_swaps")()

Figure Missing


HoloViews seems to not let you set the Tooltips if you use multiple columns, which is why I went through all the rigamarole of melting it. If you just plot it as the DataFrame with each column being one of the tracked locations for a sort value (e.g. the column name is '1' and the rows are the positions in the array at each swap) then the plot comes out okay, but the labels are kind of confusing.

The plot is hopefully a useful way to figure out what's going on. If you look at the unsorted values you can see that once they are the largest of the unsorted values, they "bubble up" in a diagonal but straight line. Before this plot I would have said that the largest elements are the ones that get sorted first, but if you look at the plot (assuming I don't re-run it and change the arrangements) and in particular you look at the least-valued elements (1 and 2) you can see that they reach their final position fairly early, just by virtue of being in a position to get pushed down.

Worst Case

The random-input gives an interesting view of how the algorithm might work in practice, but let's look at the worst-case input where the values are in the opposite of the sorted order.

COUNT = 20
inputs = list(reversed(range(COUNT)))
swaps = swap_tracker(inputs)

track_frame = pandas.DataFrame(swaps)
re_indexed = track_frame.reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "Swap"})
melted = re_indexed.melt(var_name="Value To Sort", value_name="Location In Array", id_vars="Swap")

ticks = [(index, index) for index in range(COUNT)]
plot = melted.hvplot(x="Swap", y="Location In Array", cmap="blues",
                     by="Value To Sort").opts(show_legend=False,
                     width=800, height=700, yticks=ticks,
                            title="Bubble Sort Swaps (Worst Case)",)

output = Embed(plot=plot, file_name="bubble_sort_worst_swaps")()

Figure Missing

This image gives an even better sense of the way that the bubble sort works. Since the Bubble Sort uses a left-to-right traversal and swapping as you go, the largest values shoot up to their final positions in straight lines, while the lesser values get pushed down a little with each traversal until they reach the correct position.


The final post in this series (maybe) will look at a variation on the Bubble Sort that can improve the performance in special cases.