Graphs: Strongly Connected Components


Imports For Testing

# pypi
from expects import (
# this project
from bowling.data_structures.graphs.depth_first_search import (

from bowling.data_structures.graphs.transpose import Transpose

The Graph Transpose

A transpose of a directed graph (\(G^T\)) contains the same nodes and the same edges but the direction of each edge is reversed.

Imports for the Transpose

# python
from collections import defaultdict

# this project
from bowling.data_structures.graphs.depth_first_search import (

The Transpose

class Transpose:
    """Creates the transpose of a graph

     graph: the directed graph to transpose
    def __init__(self, graph: DirectedGraph) -> None:
        self.graph = graph
        self._adjacent = None
        self._vertices = None

The Adjacency Sets

def adjacent(self) -> dict:
    """Vertex: set of adjacente vertices dictionary"""
    if self._adjacent is None:
        self._adjacent = defaultdict(set)

        for vertex, neighbors in self.graph.adjacent.items():
            for neighbor in neighbors:
                print(f"Adding neighbor {vertex} to {self.vertices}")
    return self._adjacent

The Vertices

def vertices(self) -> set:
    """The vertices in the directed graph"""
    if self._vertices is None:
        self._vertices = self.graph.vertices
    return self._vertices

Testing the Transpose

graph = DirectedGraph()
vertex_a = DFSVertex("a")
vertex_b = DFSVertex("b")
vertex_e = DFSVertex("e")
vertex_f = DFSVertex("f")

graph.add(vertex_a, vertex_b)
graph.add(vertex_b, vertex_e)
graph.add(vertex_b, vertex_f)
graph.add(vertex_e, vertex_a)
graph.add(vertex_e, vertex_f)

transpose = Transpose(graph)

expect(transpose.vertices).to(contain_only(vertex_a, vertex_b,
                                           vertex_e, vertex_f))

expect(transpose.adjacent[vertex_f]).to(contain_only(vertex_b, vertex_e))

Strongly Connected Components

A Strongly Connected Component of a Directed Graph is a sub-graph where each pair of vertices has an edge in both directions (if a has an edge to b then b has an edge to a).

The Steps to Build Them

  1. Call DFS(G) to compute the finishing times.
  2. Compute \(G^T\)
  3. Call DFS(\(G^T\) ), going through the vertices in decreasing finish time in the main loop.
  4. Output the Depth-First forest created in step 3 as the Strongly Connected Components.

The Builder

class StronglyConnectedComponents:
    """Build the strongly connected components sub-trees

     graph: directed graph to process
    def __init__(self, graph: DirectedGraph) -> None:
        self.graph = graph
        self._transpose = None
        self._forest = None

The Transpose

def transpose(self) -> Transpose:
    """The transpose of the original graph"""
    if self._transpose is None:
        self._transpose = Transpose(self.graph)
    return self._transpose

Find the Child

Unlike with a Binary Search Tree, our vertices don't keep track of their child nodes, just the predecessor node so this is a helper to get all the children of a node.

def find_child(self, vertices: set, predecessor: DFSVertex,
               path: list) -> list:
    """Find the child nodes of the given predecessor

     this is a helper to find the children in a Strongly Connected Component
     For it to make sense the vertices should have the forest already built

     vertices: source of nodes
     predecessor: node in the graph to find the child of
     path: list to append child nodes to
    for vertex in vertices:
        if vertex.predecessor is predecessor:
            self.find_child(vertices, vertex, path)
    return path

The Call

def forest(self) -> dict:
    """creates the forest with the strongly connected components

     adjacency dict for the strongly connected components
    if self._forest is None:
        # do the search to get the finish times
        searcher = DepthFirstSearch(self.graph)

        # change the transpose vertices to be in reversed finish order
        vertices = sorted(self.graph.vertices,
                          key=lambda vertex: vertex.finished,
        self.transpose._vertices = dict(zip(vertices, (None,) * len(vertices)))

        # do a depth first search on the graph transpose
        searcher.graph = self.transpose

        # at this point the strongly connected components are set up in 
        # self.transpose, but you have to do some figuring to get the trees

        # get the roots of the trees in the forest
        roots = (vertex for vertex in self.transpose.vertices
                 if vertex.predecessor is None)

        # build a forest for each root by finding its children
        forest = (self.find_child(self.transpose.vertices, root, [root])
                  for root in roots)

        # build a new adjacency dict
        self._forest = dict()

        # the neighbors are all the original adjacent nodes without the 
        # tree nodes
        for tree in forest:
            neighbors = set()
            for node in tree:
                neighbors = neighbors.union(self.graph.adjacent[node])
            neighbors = neighbors - set(tree)
            self._forest[tuple(tree)] = neighbors
    return self._forest

Testing it

from bowling.data_structures.graphs.transpose import StronglyConnectedComponents

graph = DirectedGraph()
vertex_a = DFSVertex("a")
vertex_b = DFSVertex("b")
vertex_c = DFSVertex("c")
vertex_d = DFSVertex("d")
vertex_e = DFSVertex("e")
vertex_f = DFSVertex("f")
vertex_g = DFSVertex("g")
vertex_h = DFSVertex("h")

graph.add(vertex_a, vertex_b)
graph.add(vertex_b, vertex_c)
graph.add(vertex_b, vertex_e)
graph.add(vertex_b, vertex_f)
graph.add(vertex_c, vertex_d)
graph.add(vertex_c, vertex_g)
graph.add(vertex_d, vertex_c)
graph.add(vertex_d, vertex_h)
graph.add(vertex_e, vertex_a)
graph.add(vertex_e, vertex_f)
graph.add(vertex_f, vertex_g)
graph.add(vertex_g, vertex_f)
graph.add(vertex_g, vertex_h)
graph.add(vertex_h, vertex_h)

components = StronglyConnectedComponents(graph)
forest = components.forest

Let's see what's in the forest.

Since the Depth-First Search created a forest of strongly connected components, we can see how many trees are in the forest by finding the roots (the nodes with no predecessor).

for root in forest:
[autoreload of bowling.data_structures.graphs.transpose failed: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/bravo/.virtualenvs/Bowling-For-Data/site-packages/IPython/extensions/", line 245, in check
    superreload(m, reload, self.old_objects)
  File "/home/bravo/.virtualenvs/Bowling-For-Data/site-packages/IPython/extensions/", line 394, in superreload
    module = reload(module)
  File "/usr/lib/pypy3/lib-python/3/", line 314, in reload
    return importlib.reload(module)
  File "/usr/lib/pypy3/lib-python/3/importlib/", line 169, in reload
    _bootstrap._exec(spec, module)
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 639, in _exec
  File "<builtin>/frozen importlib._bootstrap_external", line 737, in exec_module
  File "<builtin>/frozen importlib._bootstrap_external", line 873, in get_code
  File "<builtin>/frozen importlib._bootstrap_external", line 804, in source_to_code
  File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 228, in _call_with_frames_removed
  File "/home/bravo/Bowling-For-Data/bowling/data_structures/graphs/", line 126
    self._forest[tuple(tree])] = neighbors
SyntaxError: closing parenthesis ']' does not match opening parenthesis '('

So We have four Strongly Connected Components.
