Levitin's Partition


This is part of a series that starts with this post.

The Algorithm

The Levitin version of the Partition function is a little more complicated than the CLRS version. It uses an outer loop with two inner loops. The outer loop continues until the indices for the partitions cross-over (or meet) and the inner loops move the boundaries until they find a value that needs to be swapped to the other partition (e.g. the loop sweeping upwards finds an element that's greater than or equal to the pivot element and so it needs to be moved to the upper partition). It uses the first element in the array as the value around which to partition the array.

\caption{Partition (Levitin)}
\INPUT An array and left and right locations defining a subarray
\OUTPUT The sub-array from left to right is partitioned and the partition location is returned

\PROCEDURE{Partition}{A, left, right}

\STATE PivotElement $\gets$ A[left]
\STATE PartitionLeft $\gets$ left
\STATE PartitionRight $\gets$ right + 1
    \STATE PartitionLeft $\gets$ PartitionLeft + 1
  \UNTIL {A[PartitionLeft] $\geq$ PivotElement}
  \STATE \\
    \STATE PartitionRight $\gets$ PartitionRight - 1
  \UNTIL {A[PartitionRight] $\leq$ PivotElement}

  \STATE \\ Swap(A[PartitionLeft], A[PartitionRight])

\UNTIL {PartitionLeft $\geq$ PartitionRight}
\STATE \\ Swap(A[PartitionLeft], A[PartitionRight])
\STATE Swap(A[left], A[PartitionRight])

\RETURN PartitionRight

The Implementation


# python
from collections.abc import MutableSequence
from functools import partial

import random

# pypi
from expects import be_true, contain_exactly, equal, expect

import altair
import pandas

# software under test
from bowling.sort.quick import levitins_partition

# monkey
from graeae.visualization.altair_helpers import output_path, save_chart
SLUG = "levitins-partition"
OUTPUT_PATH = output_path(SLUG)
save_it = partial(save_chart, output_path=OUTPUT_PATH)

The version Levitin uses appears to be closer to the version given by Tony Hoare, the creator of Quicksort. A notable difference between Wikipedia's pseudocode for Hoare's version and this version is that Hoare uses the middle element in the sub-array as the pivot while Levitin uses the left-most element as the pivot.

def partition_levitin(collection: MutableSequence,
                      left: int, right: int) -> int:
    """Partitions the collection around the first element

     collection: the list to partition
     left: index of the first element in the sub-list to partition
     right: index of the last element in the sub-list to partition

     the index of the pivot element
    pivot_element = collection[left]
    partition_left = left
    partition_right = right + 1

    while True:
        # if the pivot element is the largest element this loop
        # will try to go past the end of the list so we need a
        # check in the loop before we increment the partition_left
        while partition_left < right:
            partition_left += 1
            if collection[partition_left] >= pivot_element:

        while True:
            partition_right -= 1
            if collection[partition_right] <= pivot_element:

        if partition_left >= partition_right:

        collection[partition_left], collection[partition_right] = (
            collection[partition_right], collection[partition_left]

    # move the pivot element from the far left to its final place
    collection[left], collection[partition_right] = (
        collection[partition_right], collection[left]

    return partition_right

Some Checks

start = [8, 9, 7]
output = levitins_partition(start, 0, 2)
expect(start).to(contain_exactly(7, 8, 9))
start = [9, 9, 9 ,9, 9]
output = levitins_partition(start, 0, 3)
start = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
output = levitins_partition(start, 0, 5)
expect(start).to(contain_exactly(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
start = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
output = levitins_partition(start, 0, 5)
expect(start).to(contain_exactly(0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5))
prefix = random.choices(range(100), k=100)
middle = 100
suffix = random.choices(range(101, 201), k=100)
test = [middle] + prefix + suffix

output = levitins_partition(test, 0, len(test) - 1)
expect(all(item < middle for item in test[:output])).to(be_true)
expect(all(item > middle for item in test[output + 1:])).to(be_true)

A Levitin Tracker

This is the same function (hopefully) as levitins_partition but it collects the position of the elements in the list as things get swapped around so that we can plot it.

def levitin_tracker(collection: MutableSequence, 
                    left: int, right: int) -> tuple:
    """Partitions the collection around the last element

     collection: the list to partition
     left: index of the first element in the sub-list to partition
     right: index of the last element in the sub-list to partition

     locations dict, lower_bounds, upper_bounds
    # for the plotting
    locations = {value: [index] for index, value in enumerate(collection)}
    upper_bound = right
    lower_bound = left

    lower_bounds = [lower_bound]
    upper_bounds = [upper_bound]

    # the algorithm
    pivot_element = collection[left]
    partition_left = left
    partition_right = right + 1

    while True:
        while partition_left < right:
            partition_left += 1
            if collection[partition_left] >= pivot_element:

        while True:
            partition_right -= 1
            if collection[partition_right] <= pivot_element:

        if partition_left >= partition_right:

        collection[partition_left], collection[partition_right] = (
            collection[partition_right], collection[partition_left]

        # update the plotting
        for index, value in enumerate(collection):

    collection[left], collection[partition_right] = (
        collection[partition_right], collection[left]

    # update the plotting
    for index, value in enumerate(collection):

    return locations, lower_bounds, upper_bounds
def levitin_track_plotter(locations, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, title, filename):
    frame = pandas.DataFrame(locations)
    re_indexed = frame.reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "Step"})

    melted = re_indexed.melt(id_vars=["Step"], var_name="Element",

    lower_frame = pandas.DataFrame({"Lower Bound": lower_bounds})
    re_lowered = lower_frame.reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "Step"})
    low_melted = re_lowered.melt(id_vars=["Step"], var_name="Element",

    upper_frame = pandas.DataFrame({"Lower Bound": upper_bounds})
    re_uppered = upper_frame.reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "Step"})
    up_melted = re_uppered.melt(id_vars=["Step"], var_name="Element",

    last_location = melted.Location.max()

    elements = altair.Chart(melted).mark_line().encode(
        x=altair.X("Step:Q", axis=altair.Axis(tickMinStep=1)),
        y=altair.Y("Location:Q", axis=altair.Axis(tickMinStep=1),
                   scale=altair.Scale(domain=(-1, last_location))),
        color=altair.Color("Element:O", legend=None),
        tooltip=["Step", "Element", "Location"]

    lower = altair.Chart(low_melted).mark_line(color="red").encode(
        x=altair.X("Step:Q", axis=altair.Axis(tickMinStep=1)),
        y=altair.Y("Location:Q", axis=altair.Axis(tickMinStep=1),
                   scale=altair.Scale(domain=(-1, last_location))),
        tooltip=["Step", "Location"]

    upper = altair.Chart(up_melted).mark_line(color="red").encode(
        x=altair.X("Step:Q", axis=altair.Axis(tickMinStep=1)),
        y=altair.Y("Location:Q", axis=altair.Axis(tickMinStep=1),
                   scale=altair.Scale(domain=(-1, last_location))),
        tooltip=["Step", "Location"]

    chart = (elements + lower + upper).properties(
    width=800, height=520

    save_it(chart, filename)

A Backwards Case

middle = 20
first_half = list(range(middle))
second_half = list(range(middle + 1, 2 * middle))


items = [middle] + second_half + first_half

locations, lower_bounds, upper_bounds = levitin_tracker(items, 0, len(items) - 1)
levitin_track_plotter(locations, lower_bounds, upper_bounds,
                      "Levitin Worst Case Swaps", "levitin-worst-plot")

Figure Missing

A More Random Case

Let's try something a little more random.

middle = 20
first_half = list(range(middle))
second_half = list(range(middle + 1, 2 * middle))
items = first_half + second_half

locations, lower_bounds, upper_bounds = levitin_tracker(items, 0, len(items) - 1)
levitin_track_plotter(locations, lower_bounds, upper_bounds,
                      title="Randomized Input", filename="levitin-randomized-input")

Figure Missing

A Sketch Of The Implementation

