The Knapsack Problem

The Knapsack Problem(s)

The basic premise of the Knapsack Problem is that we have a knapsack with a maximum capacity (C) and a selection of n items, each item having a weight (\(w_i\)) and a value (\(v_i\)), and we want to pick the items that give us the most total value without exceeding the capacity of our knapsack.

There are two forms of the problem. The first form is what CLRS calls the \(\textit{0-1 Knapsack Problem}\) because we can either take the item (\(1\)) or not take the item (\(0\)) as opposed to the \(\textit{Fractional Knapsack Problem}\) where the "items" are things that we can take fractional portions of (if we're loading up on spices the \(\textit{0-1}\) problem might be pre-packaged spices while the \(\textit{fractional}\) problem involves scooping spices out of the bulk bins).

Although the problems look more or less the same, the fractional problem is one that can be solved using a greedy algorithm while the 0-1 problem can fail if you use a greedy approach so the all-or-nothing version is the more interesting case and the one we'll look at here.


# python
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial

import random

# pypi
from attrs import define
from expects import (be_below_or_equal, contain_exactly, equal, expect,
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

import altair
import numpy
import pandas

# other monkey stuff
from graeae.visualization.altair_helpers import output_path, save_chart
from graeae import Timer


Solution = namedtuple("Solution", "value inventory count")
TableSolution = namedtuple("TableSolution", "value inventory count table")
NEGATIVE_INFINITY = float("-inf")
TIMER = Timer()

SLUG = "the-knapsack-problem"
OUTPUT_PATH = output_path(SLUG)
save_it = partial(save_chart, output_path=OUTPUT_PATH)

The Brute Force Solution

One way to find the optimal load for our knapsack is to find all the possible loads and taking the best load from those that will fit in the knapsack. This requires us to calculate the values for every subset of items which means we'll have to do \(2^n\) calculations.

An Iterative Brute-Force Version

To have a reference solution I'll make a brute-force iterative version of the knapsack solver. This will have a greater runtime (\(n 2^n\)) but sometimes starting with something easy is useful, even if it's not the solution we ultimately want.

def brute_knapsack(capacity: int, values: list, weights: list) -> Solution:
    """Finds the best selection of items to maximize value

     capacity: maximum weight allowed
     values: value for each item available
     weights: how much each item weighs

     best-value, count of each item, count of loops
    assert len(values) == len(weights)

    number_of_items = len(values)
    items = [0] * number_of_items
    best_value = 0
    count = 0

    for combination in range(2**(number_of_items)):
        value, weight, carry = 0, 0, 1
        for item in range(number_of_items):
            increment = items[item] + carry
            keep = increment % 2
            carry = increment//2
            if keep:
                value += values[item]
                weight += weights[item]
            items[item] = keep
            count += 1
        if weight <= capacity and value > best_value:
            best_value = value
            solution = items[:]

    return Solution(value=best_value, inventory=solution, count=count)

Checking the Brute

def totals(inventory: list, values: list, weights: list) -> tuple:
    """Reduce the inventory values and weights to a total value and a total weight

     inventory: list of item counts
     values: list of values for the items
     list of weights for the items

     value, weight for the inventory
    value = sum((value for index, value in enumerate(values) if inventory[index]))
    weight = sum((weight for index, weight in enumerate(weights) if inventory[index]))
    return value, weight
def check_solution(solution: Solution,
                   expected_inventory: list,
                   values: list, weights: list, capacity: int):
    """Check that the solution matches the expected

     solution: namedtuple with the knapsack solution
     expected_inventory: list of 0's and 1's representing which items to keep
     expected_value: total value expected for the solution
     values: values for the items
     weights: weights for the items
     capacity: maximum weight for the knapsack

     AssertionError if something isn't the expected
    value, weight = totals(solution.inventory, values, weights)
    expected_value, expected_weight = totals(expected_inventory, values, weights)
def check_examples(solver: object) -> None:
    """Check the toy examples

     solver: function to find the optimal knapsack load
    # values and weights don't match
    # broken = lambda : solver(5, [0, 1], [2, 1, 3])
    # expect(broken).to(raise_error(AssertionError))

    capacity = 10
    values = [42, 12, 40, 25]
    weights = [7, 3, 4, 5]
    expected = [0, 0, 1, 1]

    solution = solver(capacity, values, weights)
    check_solution(solution, expected, values, weights, capacity)

    capacity = 6
    values = [3, 2, 4, 4]
    weights = [4, 3, 2, 3]

    expected = [0, 0, 1, 1]
    solution = solver(capacity, values, weights)
    check_solution(solution, expected, values, weights, capacity)

    capacity = 18
    values = [0, 3, 7, 7, 2, 5, 3, 0]
    weights = [4, 4, 6, 6, 1, 5, 2, 5]
    expected = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
    solution = solver(capacity, values, weights)
    check_solution(solution, expected, values, weights, capacity)

    # this won't work for greedy algorithms
    capacity = 10
    values = [42, 20, 25, 6]
    weights = [7, 4, 5, 6]
    expected = [0, 1, 1, 0]


Let's look at a particular solution.

values = [3, 4, 2, 4]
weights = [4, 2, 3, 3]
capacity = 6
solution = brute_knapsack(capacity=capacity, values=values, weights=weights)
print(f"Call Count: {solution.count}")
print(f"Chosen knapsack value {solution.value}")
print(f"Item inventory: {solution.inventory}")

expect(solution.count).to(equal(len(values) * 2**len(values)))
expect(solution.inventory).to(contain_exactly(0, 1, 0, 1))
Call Count: 64
Chosen knapsack value 8
Item inventory: [0, 1, 0, 1]

We have a solution that works, but the runtime is \(n2^n\) so let's make a version that does a little better.

A Recursive Exhaustive Search

def exhausted(capacity: int, values: list, weights: list, this_item: int=0) -> Solution:
    """Find the optimal knapsack using an exhaustive search

     capacity: how much weight the knapsack can hold
     values: how much the items are worth
     weights: hom much the items weigh
     this_item: index of the current item in the values and weights
     count: number of times this function is called
    assert len(values) == len(weights)

    next_item = this_item + 1

    # quit this branch if the knapsack is already out of space
    if capacity == 0:
         return Solution(0, [0] * (len(weights) - this_item), 1)

    # to save on an extra base-case call handle the last item separately here
    if next_item == len(weights):
        skip_this_item = Solution(0, [0], 1)

        if weights[this_item] > capacity:
            return skip_this_item

        use_this_item = Solution(value=values[this_item],
                                 inventory=[1], count=1)
        return max((skip_this_item, use_this_item), key=lambda x: x.value)

    # now on to the recursive cases
    descendant_solution = exhausted(this_item=next_item, capacity=capacity,
                                    values=values, weights=weights)

    skip_count = descendant_solution.count + 1
    skip_this_item = Solution(value=descendant_solution.value,
                              inventory=[0] + descendant_solution.inventory,

    if capacity < weights[this_item]:
        solution = skip_this_item
        count = skip_count
        capacity_after_this_item_is_added = capacity - weights[this_item]
        descendant_solution = exhausted(

        check_count = skip_count + descendant_solution.count

        include_this_item = Solution(value=values[this_item] + descendant_solution.value,
                                     inventory=[1] + descendant_solution.inventory,

        skip_this_item = Solution(value=skip_this_item.value,
        solution = max((skip_this_item, include_this_item), key=lambda x: x.value)
        count = check_count
    return solution


Checking The Exhaustive

Let's look at that example that we looked at for the iterative brute-force version.

values = [3, 4, 2, 4]
weights = [4, 2, 3, 3]
capacity = 6
solution = exhausted(capacity=capacity, values=values, weights=weights)
brute_solution = brute_knapsack(capacity=capacity, values=values, weights=weights)
print(f"Call Count: {solution.count}")
print(f"Chosen knapsack value {solution.value}")
print(f"Item inventory: {solution.inventory}")

Call Count: 12
Chosen knapsack value 8
Item inventory: [0, 1, 0, 1]

So now the number calls has gone down to \(\approx 2^n\), which is better, but not what we want just yet.

Levitin's Memory Function

This is a memoized function that is in Levitin's book. It looks slightly different from the other memoized functions in the other books (but they all look slightly different from each other anyway) but it's only cosmetic. I've been creating the final solution list of items to use in the functions themselves but I'm going to try doing it the way the books do and separate out the solution using a re-creation function afterwards.

Some Pseudocode

The Memoizer

Note: Levitin keeps the weights, values, and solution table in the global space so it doesn't appear in the pseudocode. I'm going to copy that here but change it when I get to implementing it. I'm also going to change the variables a little to get them a little closer to the names I use. I'll call the eternal collections \(\textit{Table, Weights}\), and \(\textit{Values}\).

The \(Table\) is an \(items \times capacity\) table, with from 0 to number of items rows and 0 to the capacity columns. The 0 row and 0 column get initialized with 0 and the other cells with -1. If we have 4 items and a knapsack capacity of 5 we'd have an initial table like this.

  0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
2 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
3 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
4 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1

Where the rows are the items and the columns are the used-capacities for the knapsack.

\caption{Memory Function Knapsack Solver}
\INPUT $i$: the number of the first items to consider.
\INPUT $c$: the knapsack's capacity.
\OUTPUT Value of the optimal subset of the first $i$ items that fit in the knapsack.
\PROCEDURE{MFKnapsack}{$i, c$}
\IF {\textit{Table}$[i, c] < 0$}
 \IF {$c < \textit{Weights}[i]$}
  \STATE $v \gets $ \textsc{MFKnapsack}($i - 1, c$)
  \STATE $v \gets $ \textsc{Max}(\textsc{MFKnapsack}($i - 1, c$), $\textit{Values}[i] + $ \textsc{MFKnapsack}($i - 1, c - \textit{Weights}[i]$))
 \STATE $\textit{Table}[i, c] \gets v$
\RETURN $\textit{Table}[i, c]$

To start the function you would pass in the total number of items as the argument for \(i\). Since we initialized the cells (other than the zero row and column) with -1 the initial if is a check to see if the item and capacity passed to the function is already in the table and if it isn't we run the body but if it is we can just return the value from the table.

In the body if the weight of the current item is beyond the remaining capacity of the knapsack we pick the value for the previous item using the current capacity. If the current item will fit in the knapsack then we pick the larger of the previous item's entry with the current capacity and the value of the current item plus the previous item's entry for the current capacity minus the weight of the current item - meaning we pick the bigger of the values we get if we skip this item or keep it.

  1. If the item and capacity aren't in the table:
    • If the item's weight is greater than the remaining capacity use the previous item's value for the current capacity.
    • Otherwise use the greater of the previous item's value and this item's value plus the previous item's value for the current capacity minus the current item's weight (the capacity if you use the current item)
    • Whichever value you use, set it to the table's entry for this item and the current capacity
  2. Return the table entry for this item and the current capacity

A Reconstructor

The main algorithm builds a memo-table and returns the value of the optimal solution but doesn't tell you which items are actually taken. For that we'll need a separate function. The pseudocode assumes that the weights (\(w_i\)) and values (\(v_i\)) are global variables.

\caption{Knapsack Inventory Reconstructor}
\INPUT $A$: The table created to solve the knapsack problem
\INPUT $c$: the knapsack's capacity.
\OUTPUT An optimal knapsack solution
\PROCEDURE{KnapsackReconstruction}{$A, C$}

\STATE \( S \gets \emptyset \)
\STATE \(c \gets C \)
\FOR {\(i = n \ldots 1\)}
    \IF {\(w_i \leq c\) and \(A[i - 1][c - w_i] + v_i \geq A[i - 1][c]\)}
        \STATE \(S \gets S \cup \{i\}\)
        \STATE \(c \gets c - w_i\)

Memory-Function Knapsack

The counts and such are cluttering up the function so I'm going to make this class-based.

class Memorizer:
    """Dynamic Programming solution to the knapsack problem

     capacity: total capacity (by weight) of knapsack
     values: values for items to put in knapsack
     weights: weights for items to put in knapsack
    capacity: int
    values: list
    weights: list
    _items: int=None
    _table: list=None
    count: int=0
    _value: int=None
    _inventory: list=None

    def items(self) -> int:
        """The number of items available for the knapsack

         AssertionError: the number of values and weights don't match

         number of items
        if self._items is None:
            assert len(self.values) == len(self.weights)
            self._items = len(self.values)
        return self._items

    def value(self) -> int:
        """The total value of the optimal knapsack"""
        if self._value is None:
            self._value = self.find_value(self.items,
        return self._value

    def table(self) -> list:
        """The memo table

        items + 1 x capacity + 1 list of lists: 0's in 0 column/row, -1 elsewhere
        if self._table is None:
            first_row = [0] * (self.capacity + 1)
            row = [0] + [-1] * self.capacity
            table = [row[:] for item in range(self.items)]
            self._table = [first_row] + table
        return self._table

    def find_value(self, item: int, capacity: int) -> int:
        """Find the best total value for the knapsack

         item: the number of the item to use (0...item)
         capacity: maximum weight allowed

        self.count += 1
        # the table is padded 
        # so we need to adjust the item index for weights, values
        this_item = item - 1
        if self.table[item][capacity] < 0:
            previous_item = item - 1
            previous_value = self.find_value(previous_item, capacity)

            if capacity < self.weights[this_item]:
                value = previous_value
                value = max(previous_value,
                            self.values[this_item] + self.find_value(
                                capacity - self.weights[this_item]))
            self.table[item][capacity] = value
        return self.table[item][capacity]

    def inventory(self) -> list:
        """Reconstructs the optimal knapsack load using the table

         inventory of items in the optimal knapsack
        if self._inventory is None:
            # make sure that the problem has already been solved
            self._inventory = [0] * self.items
            remaining_capacity = self.capacity

            for table_item in range(self.items, 0, -1):
                # table_item is padded by one
                this_item = previous_table_item = table_item - 1

                if (self.weights[this_item] <= remaining_capacity and
                        remaining_capacity - self.weights[this_item]]
                    + self.values[this_item]
                    >= self.table[previous_table_item][remaining_capacity]):
                    self._inventory[this_item] = 1
                    remaining_capacity -= self.weights[this_item]
        return self._inventory            

    def __call__(self) -> int:
        """Finds the best solution:

        As a side effect this also sets self.value

         value for optimal knapsack
        return self.value

Check the table maker

capacity, items = 5, 4
values = weights = [0] * items

table = Memorizer(capacity=capacity, weights=weights, values = values).table

# one row per item plus a zero row
expect(len(table)).to(equal(items + 1))

# columns from 0...capacity
expect(len(table[0])).to(equal(capacity + 1))

# first row should be 0's

# first column should be 0's
expect(sum(row[0] for row in table)).to(equal(0))

# everything else should be -1 (items x capacity sub-array)
expect(sum(sum(row) for row in table)).to(equal(-1 * (items * capacity)))

Check the Final Table

weights = [2, 1, 3, 2]
values = [12, 10, 20, 15]
capacity = 5
memoizer = Memorizer(weights=weights, values=values, capacity=capacity)

expected_table = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                  [0, 0, 12, 12, 12, 12],
                  [0, -1, 12, 22, -1, 22],
                  [0, -1, -1, 22, -1, 32],
                  [0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 37]]

for row_index, row in enumerate(memoizer.table):

Check the Recovered Solution

Although knowing what the optimal value is for the knapsack is somewhat informative in that it tells us what we can expect to achieve, it isn't really the solution since we don't know what items actually give us this value, so we're going to need to reconstruct it from the table.

weights = [2, 1, 3, 2]
values = [12, 10, 20, 15]
capacity = 5

solution = Memorizer(capacity=capacity, values=values, weights=weights)

expect(solution.inventory).to(contain_exactly(1, 1, 0, 1))

Check It Against The Examples

values = [3, 4, 2, 4]
weights = [4, 2, 3, 3]
capacity = 6

solution = Memorizer(capacity, values, weights)
print(f"Chosen knapsack value {solution.value}")
print(f"Item inventory: {solution.inventory}")
print(f"Call Count: {solution.count}")
Chosen knapsack value 8
Item inventory: [0, 1, 0, 1]
Call Count: 17

Our solution is correct, but if you count all the function calls, not just the calls where the solution isn't in the table yet, it takes more calls than our exhaustive function.

Compared to the Exhaustive Search

sizes = list(range(2, 61))

# 0 weights break the Memorizer so make sure everything weighs at least 1
values = [random.choices(list(range(1, size)), k=size) for size in sizes]
weights = [random.choices(list(range(1, random.randint(1, size) * size)), k=size)
           for size in sizes]
capacities = [sum(random.choices(weight, k=4)) for weight in weights]

capacities_values_weights = list(zip(capacities, values, weights))
with TIMER:
    exhaustive_output = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
    delayed(exhausted)(capacity, values, weights)
        for capacity,values,weights in capacities_values_weights)
Started: 2022-07-11 02:35:10.337731
Ended: 2022-07-11 02:50:47.862952
Elapsed: 0:15:37.525221
def memorizer_knapsack(capacity, values, weights):
    memorizer = Memorizer(capacity, values, weights)
    return memorizer

with TIMER:
    memorized_output = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
    delayed(memorizer_knapsack)(capacity, values, weights)
        for capacity,values,weights in capacities_values_weights)

for index, output in enumerate(exhaustive_output):
        capacity, value, weight = capacities_values_weights[index]
        b_value, b_weight = totals(output.inventory,
        m_value, m_weight = totals(memorized_output[index].inventory,
    except AssertionError as error:
        c, v, w = capacities_values_weights[index]
        print(f"Index: {index}")
        print(f"Brute: {brute_knapsack(c, v, w)}")
Started: 2022-07-11 05:00:50.158584
Ended: 2022-07-11 05:00:52.849549
Elapsed: 0:00:02.690965
frame = pandas.DataFrame({"Items": sizes,
                          "Exhaustive": [
                              for solution in exhaustive_output],
                          "Memoized": [
                              for solution in memorized_output]})

melted = frame.melt(id_vars=["Items"],
                    value_vars=["Exhaustive", "Memoized"],
                    var_name="Algorithm", value_name="Calls")

chart = altair.Chart(melted).mark_line(point=True).encode(
    tooltip=[altair.Tooltip("Items", format=","),
             altair.Tooltip("Calls", format=","),
    title="Exhaustive vs Memoized Knapsack Solution",

save_it(chart, "exhaustive-vs-memoized")

Figure Missing

The height of those last points squashes the previous points down to make it look like the two algorithms do about the same until you hit 47 items, but if you trim off those end points you'll see that the exhaustive algorithm generally requires much more calls than the memoized version. The points aren't on a smooth line as a function of the number of items because whenever an item won't fit in the remaining capacity of the knapsack we skip the second recursive call.

trimmed = melted[melted.Items < UPPER_BOUND]
chart = altair.Chart(trimmed).mark_line(point=True).encode(
    tooltip=[altair.Tooltip("Items", format=","),
             altair.Tooltip("Calls", format=","),
    title=f"Exhaustive vs Memoized Knapsack Solution (< {UPPER_BOUND})",

save_it(chart, "exhaustive-vs-memoized-trimmed")

Figure Missing

Dynamic Programming

This is taken from Algorithms Illuminated Part 3.

Some Pseudocode

\caption{Dynamic Programming Knapsack Solver}
\INPUT Item Values: \(v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_n\)
\INPUT Item Weights: \(w_1, w_2, \ldots, w_n\)
\INPUT Knapsack Capacity \(C\)
\OUTPUT Subset \(S\) of items with maximum possible sum of values and size at most \(C\)
\PROCEDURE{DynamicKnapsack}{\(v, w, C\)}
\STATE \(A \gets (n + 1) \times (c + 1)\) two dimensional array.
\FOR {\(c \in \{0 \ldots C\}\)}
  \STATE \(A[0][c] \gets 0\)

\FOR {\(i \in \{1 \ldots n\}\)}
  \FOR {\(c \in \{0 \ldots C \}\)}
    \IF {\(w_i > C \)}
      \STATE \(A[i][c] \gets A[i - 1][c]\)
      \STATE \(A[i][c] \gets \)\textsc{Max}(\(A[i - 1][c], A[i - 1][c - w_i] + v_i\))

\RETURN \(A[n][C]\)

This looks pretty much like the memoized-recursive version so it shouldn't be too hard to understand.

In Python

class CaptainDynamic(Memorizer):
    """Dynamic Programming solution to the knapsack problem

     capacity: total capacity (by weight) of knapsack
     values: values for items to put in knapsack
     weights: weights for items to put in knapsack
    def value(self) -> int:
        """The total value of the optimal knapsack"""
        if self._value is None:
            self._value = self.find_value()
        return self._value

    def find_value(self) -> int:
        """Finds the optimal value"""
        for item_row in range(1, self.items + 1):
            previous_item = this_item = item_row - 1
            for capacity in range(self.capacity + 1):
                skip_this_item = self.table[previous_item][capacity]
                if self.weights[this_item] > capacity:
                    self.table[item_row][capacity] = skip_this_item
                    use_this_item = (
                            capacity - self.weights[this_item]] +

                    self.table[item_row][capacity] = max(
                        (skip_this_item, use_this_item)
                self.count += 1
        return self.table[self.items][self.capacity]

Check the table maker

capacity, items = 5, 4
values = weights = [0] * items

table = CaptainDynamic(capacity=capacity, weights=weights, values = values).table

# one row per item plus a zero row
expect(len(table)).to(equal(items + 1))

# columns from 0...capacity
expect(len(table[0])).to(equal(capacity + 1))

# first row should be 0's

# first column should be 0's
expect(sum(row[0] for row in table)).to(equal(0))

# everything else should be -1 (items x capacity sub-array)
expect(sum(sum(row) for row in table)).to(equal(-1 * (items * capacity)))

Check the Recovered Solution

Although knowing what the optimal value is for the knapsack is somewhat informative in that it tells us what we can expect to achieve, it isn't really the solution since we don't know what items actually give us this value, so we're going to need to reconstruct it from the table.

weights = [2, 1, 3, 2]
values = [12, 10, 20, 15]
capacity = 5

solution = CaptainDynamic(capacity=capacity, values=values, weights=weights)

expect(solution.inventory).to(contain_exactly(1, 1, 0, 1))

m_solution = Memorizer(capacity=capacity, values=values, weights=weights)
expect(m_solution.inventory).to(contain_exactly(1, 1, 0, 1))

Check It Against The Examples

values = [3, 4, 2, 4]
weights = [4, 2, 3, 3]
capacity = 6

d_solution = CaptainDynamic(capacity, values, weights)
print("Captain Dynamic")
print(f"Chosen knapsack value {d_solution.value}")
print(f"Item inventory: {d_solution.inventory}")
print(f"Call Count: {d_solution.count}")

m_solution = Memorizer(capacity, values, weights)
print(f"Chosen knapsack value: {m_solution.value}")
print(f"Item inventory: {m_solution.inventory}")
print(f"Call Count: {m_solution.count}")
Captain Dynamic
Chosen knapsack value 8
Item inventory: [0, 1, 0, 1]
Call Count: 28

Chosen knapsack value: 8
Item inventory: [0, 1, 0, 1]
Call Count: 17

Our solution is correct, but if you count all the function calls, not just the calls where the solution isn't in the table yet, it takes more calls than our exhaustive function.


def dynamic_knapsack(capacity, values, weights):
    captain = CaptainDynamic(capacity, values, weights)
    return captain

with TIMER:
    dynamic_output = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(
    delayed(dynamic_knapsack)(capacity, values, weights)
        for capacity,values,weights in capacities_values_weights)

for index, output in enumerate(exhaustive_output):
        capacity, value, weight = capacities_values_weights[index]
        b_value, b_weight = totals(output.inventory,
        m_value, m_weight = totals(dynamic_output[index].inventory,
    except AssertionError as error:
        c, v, w = capacities_values_weights[index]
        print(f"Index: {index}")
        print(f"Brute: {brute_knapsack(c, v, w)}")
Started: 2022-07-11 05:08:19.593276
Ended: 2022-07-11 05:08:21.585963
Elapsed: 0:00:01.992687
frame = pandas.DataFrame({"Items": sizes,
                          "Dynamic": [
                              for solution in dynamic_output],
                          "cN": [
                              solution.capacity * solution.items
                              for solution in dynamic_output],
                          "Memoized": [
                              for solution in memorized_output]})

melted = frame.melt(id_vars=["Items"],
                    value_vars=["Dynamic", "Memoized", "cN"],
                    var_name="Algorithm", value_name="Calls")

chart = altair.Chart(melted).mark_line(point=True).encode(
    tooltip=[altair.Tooltip("Items", format=","),
             altair.Tooltip("Calls", format=","),
    title="Dynamic vs Memoized Knapsack Solution",

save_it(chart, "dynamic-vs-memoized")

Figure Missing
