The Fish Configuration

This is the fish configuration file. It goes into ~/.config/fish/

Environment Variables

The --export flag exports the shell variable to child processes, making it an "environment variable".


Sets us up to use the emacs client as the default editor.

  • --create-frame tells emacs to create a new frame instead of continuing in the current one (if it's already open).
  • --alternate-editor: what to fall back to if the emacs-client server isn't running.
set --export ALTERNATE_EDITOR ""
set --export EDITOR "emacsclient --create-frame"
set --export VISUAL "emacsclient --create-frame --alternate-editor emacs"

The Rest

# for extra docker build features (like smarter pip caching)
set --export DOCKER_BUILDKIT 1

# R Downloads
set --export R_LIBS ~/.local/lib/R/library/

Proton VPN

The current command-line interface is deprecated so it gets uninstalled when you install the GUI, but the GUI was having problems so I uninstalled it and went back to using the CLI, but depending on what is installed this may or may not work (and it is kind of slow so it may not be a good idea anyway). Everytime you open a shell this will run (e.g. a byobu window or SSH session).

# check the vpn (requires the installation of the proton-vpn command-line command)
if status --is-interactive
  protonvpn-cli status