Flask, TensorFlow, Streamlit and the MNIST Dataset


This is a re-working of Coursera's Neural Network Vizualizer Web App With Python course. What we'll do is use tensorflow to build a model to classify images of handwritten digits from the MNIST Database of Handwritten Digits which tensoflow provides as one of their pre-built datasets. MNIST (according to wikipedia) stands for Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (so we're using the Modified NIST Database).

Once we have the model we'll use Flask to serve up the model and Streamlit to build a web page to view the results.

Set Up


These are the libraries that we will use.

  • Python
    from functools import partial
    from pathlib import Path
    import os
  • PyPi
    from bokeh.models import HoverTool
    from dotenv import load_dotenv
    import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
    import numpy
    import pandas
    import hvplot.pandas
    import seaborn
    import tensorflow
  • My Stuff
    from graeae import EmbedHoloviews

The Environment

load_dotenv(".env", override=True)


There won't be a lot of plotting, but we'll use matplotlib with seaborn to look at some images to see what they look like and HVplot to do other visualizations.

get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')
get_ipython().run_line_magic('config', "InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'")
            rc={"axes.grid": False,
                "font.family": ["sans-serif"],
                "font.sans-serif": ["Open Sans", "Latin Modern Sans", "Lato"],
                "figure.figsize": (8, 6)},

This is for the nikola posts. If you run the jupyter kernel on a remote machine there's going to be two behaviors for the plot-files. If you create the file in the code block (like I do for the HVPlot plots) then the file will show up on the remote machine. If you use the :file argument in the org-mode header (like I do for matplotlib) it will create the file on the machine where you're running emacs. Given this behavior it might make more sense to edit the emacs file on the remote machine so all the files are created there… next time.

SLUG = "flask-tensorflow-and-mnist"
OUTPUT = Path("../../files/posts/keras/")/SLUG
Embed = partial(EmbedHoloviews, folder_path=OUTPUT)

The Random Seed

Since I'm commenting on the outcomes I'll set the random seed to try and make things more consistent.


The Data

Like I mentioned, tensorflow includes the MNIST data set that we can grab with the load_data function. It returns two tuples of numpy arrays.

(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tensorflow.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()

Let's see how much data we have.

rows, width, height = x_train.shape
print(f"Training:\t{rows:,} images\timage = {width} x {height}")
rows, width, height = x_test.shape
print(f"Testing:\t{rows:,} images\timage = {width} x {height}")
Training:       60,000 images   image = 28 x 28
Testing:        10,000 images   image = 28 x 28

A Note On the Tangling

I'm going to do this as a literate programming document with the tangle going into a temporary folder. I was creating the temporary folder using python but I'm running the code on a different machine from where I'm editing this document so running python executes on the remote machine but tangling out the files happens on my local machine. Maybe next time it will make more sense to edit the document on the remote machine (note to future self). Although that also introduces problems because then I'd have to run the tests headless… Every solution has a problem.


The Data

The Distribution

First, we can look at the distribution of the digits to see if they are equally represented.

labels = (pandas.Series(y_train).value_counts(sort=False)
          .rename(columns={"index": "Digit",
                           0: "Count"}))
hover = HoverTool(
        ("Digit", "@Digit"),
        ("Count", "@Count{0,0}"),
plot = labels.hvplot.bar(x="Digit", y="Count").opts(
    title="Digit Counts",

output = Embed(plot=plot, file_name="digit_distribution")

Figure Missing

If you look at the values for the counts you can see that there is a pretty significant difference between 1 and 5.

print(f"{int(labels.iloc[1].Count - labels.iloc[5].Count):,}")

But we're doing this as an exercise to get a web-page up more so than build a real model so let's not worry about that for now.

Some Example Digits

We'll make a 4 x 4 grid of the first 16 images to see what they look like. Note that our array uses 0-based indexing but matplotlib uses 1-based indexing so we have to make sure that the reference to the cell in the subplot is one ahead of the index for the array.


for index in range(IMAGES):
    pyplot.subplot(ROWS, COLUMNS, index + 1)
    pyplot.imshow(x_train[index], cmap='binary')


So the digits (at least the first 16) seem to be pretty clear.

Normalizing the Data

One problem we have, though, is that images use values from 0 to 255 to indicate the brightness of a pixel, but neural networks tend to work better with values from 0 to 1, so we'l have to scale the data back. The images are also 28 x 28 squares, but we need to transform them to flat vectors. We can change the shape of the input data using the numpy.reshape function, which takes the original data and the shape you want to change it to. In our case we want the same number of rows that there were originally and we want to reduce the images from 2-dimensional images to 1-dimensional images which we can do by passing in the number of total number of pixels in each image as a single number instead of width and height.

Since we have to do this for both the training and testing data I'll make a helper function.

def normalize(data: numpy.array) -> numpy.array:
    """reshapes the data and scales the values"""
    rows, width, height = data.shape
    pixels = width * height
    data = numpy.reshape(data, (rows, pixels))

    assert data.shape == (rows, pixels)

    data = data / MAX_BRIGHTNESS

    assert data.max() == 1
    assert data.min() == 0
    return data
x_train = normalize(x_train)
x_test = normalize(x_test)

The Neural Network Model

Build and Train It

Now we'll build the model. It's going to be a simple fully-connected network with three layers (input, hidden, output). To make the visualization simpler we'll use the sigmoid activation function.

Besides the shallowness of the model it's also going to be relatively simple, with only 32 nodes in the hidden layer.

First we'll build it as a Sequential (linear stack) model.

rows, pixels = x_train.shape
CATEGORIES = len(labels)
ACTIVATION = "sigmoid"

model = tensorflow.keras.models.Sequential([

Now we can compile the model using a sparse categorical cross-entropy loss function, which is for the case where you have more than one category (non-binary) and the Adam optimizer.


And next we'll train the model by calling its fit method.


history = model.fit(
    x_train, y_train,
    validation_data=(x_test, y_test),
    epochs=EPOCHS, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE,

Plot the Training History

history = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(history.history)
history = history.rename(
        "loss": "Training Loss",
        "accuracy": "Training Accuracy",
        "val_loss": "Validation Loss",
        "val_accuracy": "Validation Accuracy",
hover = HoverTool(
        ("Metric", "$name"),
        ("Epoch", "$x"),
        ("Value", "$y")

plot = history.hvplot().opts(
    title="Training History",
output = Embed(plot=plot, file_name="training_history")

Figure Missing

for column in history.columns:
    lowest = history[column].min()
    highest = history[column].max()
    print(f"({column}) Min={lowest:0.2f} Max={highest: 0.2f}")
(Training Loss) Min=0.20 Max= 2.26
(Training Accuracy) Min=0.22 Max= 0.95
(Validation Loss) Min=0.21 Max= 2.14
(Validation Accuracy) Min=0.38 Max= 0.94

So our validation accuracy goes from 38 % to 94%, which isn't bad, especially when you consider what a simple model we have.

Save It

Now we can save the model to use in our flask application.

Note To Self: Since this is being run on a remote machine, both the .env file and the directory to save the models refers to the remote machine, not the local machine where this file is being edited so you have to copy it to the local machine later on to use it with flask.

Also note that the you can't see the name since I put it in a .env file but it has .h5 as the extension. According to the TensorFlow page on saving and loading a model, H5 is the older format, they've switched to the SavedModel format, you lose some information that would help you resume training, but we're not going to do that anyway, and the H5 format should be a little smaller.

Most of the next blob is to make sure the folder for the model exists. I put it in the environment variable mostly because I keep changing my mind as to where to put it and what to call it.

base = "flask_tensorflow_mnist"
MODELS = Path(os.environ[base]).expanduser()
MODEL_NAME = os.environ[f"{base}_model"]
if not MODELS.is_dir():
assert MODELS.is_dir()
assert MODEL_PATH.is_file()

The Web Page

  • Back-End (The Model Server)
    • Tests
      • Fixtures

        These are the pytest fixtures to make it easier to create objects.

         # python
         from argparse import Namespace
         # from pypi
         import pytest
         import tensorflow
         # software under test
         from ml_server import app
         class Katamari:
             """Something to stick things into"""
         def katamari() -> Katamari:
             return Katamari()
         def client():
             """generates the flask client for testing"""
             app.config["TESTING"] = True
             with app.test_client() as client:
                 yield client
         def mnist():
             """Gets the test labels"""
             MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 255
             _, (x_test, y_test) = tensorflow.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()
             return Namespace(
      • Features

        These are the feature files.

         Feature: A Prediction Getter
         Scenario: The root page is retrieved
           Given a connection to the flask client
           When the root page is retrieved
           Then it has the expected text
         Scenario: A prediction is retrieved
           Given the get_prediction function
           When a prediction is retrieved
           Then it has the correct tuple
         Scenario: The API end-point is retrieved
           Given a connection to the flask client
           When the API end-point is retrieved
           Then the response has the expected JSON
      • The Tests

        These are the actual test functions.

         # python
         from http import HTTPStatus
         import random
         # pypi
         from expects import (
         from pytest_bdd import (
         import numpy
         # for testing
         from fixtures import client, katamari, mnist
         # software under test
         from ml_server import get_prediction, PATHS
         # ***** Get Root Page ***** #
         # Scenario: The root page is retrieved
         @given("a connection to the flask client")
         def setup_client(katamari, client):
             # this is a no-op since I made a fixture to build the client instead
         @when("the root page is retrieved")
         def get_root_page(katamari, client):
             katamari.response = client.get(PATHS.root)
         @then("it has the expected text")
         def check_root_text(katamari):
                 contain(b"This is the Neural Network Visualizer"))
         # ***** get predictions ***** #
         # *** Call the function *** #
         # Scenario: A prediction is retrieved
         @given("the get_prediction function")
         def check_get_prediction():
             """Another no-op"""
         @when("a prediction is retrieved")
         def call_get_prediction(katamari, mocker):
             choice_mock = mocker.MagicMock()
             katamari.index = 6
             choice_mock.return_value = katamari.index
             mocker.patch("ml_server.numpy.random.choice", choice_mock)
             katamari.output = get_prediction()
         @then("it has the correct tuple")
         def check_predictions(katamari, mnist):
             # Our model emits a list with one array for each layer of the model
             # the last layer is the prediction layer
             predictions = katamari.output[0][-1]
             predicted = predictions.argmax()
             expected = mnist.y_test[katamari.index]
             # now check the image
             expected = mnist.x_test[katamari.index]
             # expect(katamari.output[1].shape).to(equal((28, 28)))
             expect(numpy.array_equal(katamari.output[1], expected)).to(be_true)
         # *** API Call *** #
         #Scenario: the API end-point is retrieved
         #  Given a connection to the flask client
         @when("the API end-point is retrieved")
         def get_predictions(katamari, client, mocker):
             # set up the mock so we can control which of the images it tries to predict
             choice_mock = mocker.MagicMock()
             mocker.patch("ml_server.numpy.random.choice", choice_mock)
             katamari.index = random.randrange(100)
             choice_mock.return_value = katamari.index
             katamari.response = client.get(PATHS.api)
         @then("the response has the expected JSON")
         def check_response(katamari, mnist):
             data = katamari.response.json
             layers = data["prediction"]
             # the prediction should be the three outputs of our model
             # except with lists instead of numpy arrays
             prediction = numpy.array(layers[-1])
             # now check that it made the expected prediction
             predicted = prediction.argmax()
             expected = mnist.y_test[katamari.index]
             # and that it gave us the right image
             expected = mnist.x_test[katamari.index]
             expect(numpy.array_equal(numpy.array(data["image"]), expected)).to(be_true)
    • The Implementation

      This is where we tangle out a file to run a flask server that will serve up our model's predictions.


      First up is our imports. Other than Flask there really isn't anything new here.

       # python
       from argparse import Namespace
       import json
       import os
       import random
       import string
       from pathlib import Path
       # pypi
       import numpy
       import tensorflow
       from dotenv import load_dotenv
       from flask import Flask, request

      Now we create the flask app and something to hold the paths.

       app = Flask(__name__)
       PATHS = Namespace(
           root = "/",
           api = "/api",

      Next we'll load the saved model. I'm going to break this up a little bit just because I wasn't clear about what was going on originally.

       base = "flask_tensorflow_mnist"
       MODELS = Path(os.environ[base]).expanduser()
       MODEL_NAME = os.environ[f"{base}_model"]
       assert MODELS.is_dir()
       assert MODEL_PATH.is_file()
       model = tensorflow.keras.models.load_model(MODEL_PATH)

      At this point we should have a re-loaded version of our trained model (minus some information as noted above because it was saved using the H5 format). Our model has one output layer - the softmax prediction layer - which gives the probabilities that an input image is one of the ten digits, but since we want to see what each layer is doing, we'll create a new model with the output from each layer added to the outputs - so since we have three layers in the model we'll now have three outputs.

       feature_model = tensorflow.keras.models.Model(
           outputs=[layer.output for layer in model.layers])

      Next let's load and normalize the data. We don't use the training data or the labels here.

       MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 255
       _, (x_test, _) = tensorflow.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data()
       x_test = x_test/MAX_BRIGHTNESS

      Now we create the function to get the prediction for an image. It also returns the image so that we can see what it was.

       ROWS, HEIGHT, WIDTH = x_test.shape
       def get_prediction() -> (list, numpy.array):
           """Gets a random image and prediction
           The 'prediction' isn't so much the value (e.g. it's a 5) but rather the
           outputs of each layer so that they can be visualised. So the first value
           of the tuple will be a list of arrays whose length will be the number of 
           layers in the model. Each array will be the outputs for that layer.
           This always pulls the image from =x_test=.
            What our model predicts for a random image and the image
           index = numpy.random.choice(ROWS)
           image = x_test[index,:,:]
           image_array = numpy.reshape(image, (1, PIXELS))
           return feature_model.predict(image_array), image

      Next we create the handler for the REST calls. If you make a GET request from the root you'll get an HTML page back.

       @app.route(PATHS.root, methods=['GET'])
       def index():
           """The home page view"""
           return "This is the Neural Network Visualizer (use /api for the API)"

      If you return a dict flask will automatically identify it as JSON.

       @app.route(PATHS.api, methods=["GET"])
       def api():
           """the JSON view
             JSON with prediction layers and image
           predictions, image = get_prediction()
           # JSON needs lists, not numpy arrays
           final_predictions = [prediction.tolist() for prediction in predictions]
           return {"prediction": final_predictions,
                   'image': image.tolist()}

      And now we make the "main" entry point.

       if __name__ == "__main__":

      To run this you would enter the same directory as the ml_server.py file and execute:

       python ml_server.py

      Or better, use the development server.

      set -X FLASK_APP ml_server
      set -X FLASK_ENV development
      flask run

      This will automatically re-load if you make changes to the code. The first two lines in the code block above tell flask which one of the modules has the flask-app and also that it should run in development mode. I'm using the Fish Shell, so if you are using bash or a similar shell instead the lines would be this instead.

      export FLASK_APP=ml_server
      export FLASK_ENV=development
      flask run
  • Front-End
    • Tests
      # python
      from argparse import Namespace
      # pypi
      from selenium import webdriver
      import pytest
      def browser():
          """Creates the selenium webdriver session"""
          browser = webdriver.Firefox()
          yield browser
      CSSSelectors = Namespace(
          main_title = ".main h1",
          main_button = ".main button",
          sidebar_title = ".sidebar h1",
          sidebar_image = ".sidebar-content img",
      class HomePage:
          """A page-class for testing
           address: the address of the streamlit server
           wait: seconds to implicitly wait for page-objects
          def __init__(self, address: str="http://localhost:8501",
                       wait: int=1) -> None:
              self.address = address
              self.wait = wait
              self._browser = None
          def browser(self) -> webdriver.Firefox:
              """The browser opened to the home page"""
              if self._browser is None:
                  self._browser = webdriver.Firefox()
              return self._browser
          def main_title(self) -> webdriver.firefox.webelement.FirefoxWebElement:
              """The object with the main title"""
              return self.browser.find_element_by_css_selector(
          def main_button(self) -> webdriver.firefox.webelement.FirefoxWebElement:
              """The man button"""
              return self.browser.find_element_by_css_selector(
          def sidebar_title(self) -> webdriver.firefox.webelement.FirefoxWebElement:
              """The sidebar title element"""
              return self.browser.find_element_by_css_selector(
          def sidebar_image(self) -> webdriver.firefox.webelement.FirefoxWebElement:
              """This tries to get the sidebar image element
              return self.browser.find_element_by_css_selector(
          def __del__(self):
              """Finalizer that closes the browser"""
              if self._browser is not None:
      def home_page():
          return HomePage()
    • The Features

      We can start with the imports and basic set up.

       # pypi
       from expects import (
       from pytest_bdd import (
       # fixtures
       from fixtures import katamari
       from front_end_fixtures import home_page
       and_also = then
      • The Initial Text
         Feature: The GUI web page to view the model
         Scenario: The user goes to the home page and checks it out
           Given a browser on the home page
           When the user checks out the titles and button
           Then they have the expected text
        # ***** The Text ***** #
        # Scenario: The user goes to the home page and checks it out
        @given("a browser on the home page")
        def setup_browser(katamari, home_page):
            # katamari.home_page = home_page
        @when("the user checks out the titles and button")
        def get_text(katamari, home_page):
            katamari.main_title = home_page.main_title.text
            katamari.button_text = home_page.main_button.text
            katamari.sidebar_title = home_page.sidebar_title.text
        @then("they have the expected text")
        def check_text(katamari):
            expect(katamari.main_title).to(equal("Neural Network Visualizer"))
            expect(katamari.button_text).to(equal("Get Random Prediction"))
            expect(katamari.sidebar_title).to(equal("Input Image"))
      • Click the Button
        Scenario: The user gets a random prediction
          Given a browser on the home page
          When the user clicks on the button
          Then the sidebar displays the input image
        # ***** The button click ****** #
        # Scenario: The user gets a random prediction
        #  Given a browser on the home page
        @when("the user clicks on the button")
        def click_get_image_button(home_page):
        @then("the sidebar displays the input image")
        def check_sidebar_sections(home_page):
    • Streamlit

      For the front-end we'll use Streamlit, a python library to make creating web-pages for certain types of applications more easily (I think, I'll need to check it out more later).


      First the imports.

       # python
       import json
       import os
       from urllib.parse import urljoin
       # pypi
       import requests
       import numpy
       import streamlit
       import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
       # this code
       from ml_server import PATHS

      Now we'll setup the URL for our flask backend - as you can see we're expecting to run this on the localhost address, you'd have to change this for make it available outside the host PC.

       URI = urljoin("", PATHS.api)

      Next we'll set the title for the page - this can be a little confusing, although it's called the title, it isn't the HTML title but rather the main heading for the page.

       streamlit.title('Neural Network Visualizer')

      Now we'll add a collapsible sidebar where we'll eventually put our image output and add a headline for it (Input Image).

       streamlit.sidebar.markdown('# Input Image')

      Now we'll add some logic. I think this would be the control portion of a more traditional web-server. It's basically where we react to a button press by getting a random image and visualizing how it makes a prediction.

       # create a button and wait for someone to press it
       if streamlit.button("Get Random Prediction"):
           # Someone pressed the button, make an API call to our flask server
           response = requests.get(URI)
           # convert the response to a dict
           response = response.json()
           # get the prediction array
           predictions = response.get('prediction')
           # get the image we were making the prediction for
           image = response.get('image')
           # the image 
           # streamlit expects a numpy array or string-like object, not lists
           image = numpy.array(image)
           # show the image in the sidebar
           streamlit.sidebar.image(image, width=150)
           # iterate over the prediction for each layer in the model
           for layer, prediction in enumerate(predictions):
               # convert the prediction list to an array
               # and flatten it to a vector
               numbers = numpy.squeeze(numpy.array(prediction))
               pyplot.figure(figsize=(32, 4))
               rows = 1
               if layer == 2:
                   # this is the output layer so we only want one row
                   # and we want 10 columns (one for each digit)
                   columns = 10
                   # this is the input or hidden layer
                   # since our model had 32 hidden nodes it has 32 columns
                   # the original version had 2 rows and 16 columns, but
                   # while that looked nicer, I think it makes more sense for 
                   # there to be one layer
                   columns = 32
               for index, number in enumerate(numbers):
                   # add a subplot to the figure
                   pyplot.subplot(rows, columns, index + 1)
                   pyplot.imshow((number * numpy.ones((8, 8, 3)))
                                 .astype('float32'), cmap='binary')
                   if layer == 2:
                       pyplot.xlabel(str(index), fontsize=40)
                   pyplot.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.05, hspace=0.05)
               streamlit.text('Layer {}'.format(layer + 1), )
