Autocorrect System: Edits


This is part of a series that's introduced in Autocorrect: The System. In the previous post of this series we computed \(P(w_i)\) for all the words in the corpus, so now we'll write a few functions to manipulate strings so that we can edit the erroneous strings and return the right spellings of the words. In this section, we'll implement four functions:

  • delete_letter: given a word, it returns all the possible strings that have one character removed.
  • switch_letter: given a word, it returns all the possible strings that have two adjacent letters switched.
  • replace_letter: given a word, it returns all the possible strings that have one character replaced by another different letter.
  • insert_letter: given a word, it returns all the possible strings that have an additional character inserted.


Delete Letter

We're going to implement a function that, given a word, returns a list of strings with one character deleted.

def delete_letter(word: str, verbose: bool=False) -> list:
    """Delete one letter at a time

      word: the string/word for which you will generate all possible words 
               in the vocabulary which have 1 missing character
      delete_l: a list of all possible strings obtained by deleting 1 character from word

    delete_l = []
    split_l = []

    split_l = [(word[:index], word[index:]) for index in range(len(word) + 1)]
    delete_l = [left + right[1:] for left, right in split_l if right]

    if verbose:
        print(f"input word {word}, \nsplit_l = {split_l}, \ndelete_l = {delete_l}")

    return delete_l
delete_word_l = delete_letter(word="cans",

assert delete_word_l == ['ans', 'cns', 'cas', 'can']
input word cans, 
split_l = [('', 'cans'), ('c', 'ans'), ('ca', 'ns'), ('can', 's'), ('cans', '')], 
delete_l = ['ans', 'cns', 'cas', 'can']
deleted = len(delete_letter('at'))
print(f"Number of outputs of delete_letter('at') is {deleted}")
assert deleted == 2
Number of outputs of delete_letter('at') is 2

Switch Letter

Now implement a function that switches two letters in a word. It takes in a word and returns a list of all the possible switches of two letters that are adjacent to each other.

  • For example, given the word 'eta', it returns {'eat', 'tea'}, but does not return 'ate'.
def switch_letter(word: str, verbose: bool=False) -> list:
    """Switches pairs of adjacent letters

      word: input string
      switches: a list of all possible strings with one adjacent charater switched

    switch_l = []
    split_l = []

    split_l = [(word[:index], word[index:]) for index in range(len(word) + 1)]
    switch_l = [left[:-1] + right[0] + left[-1] + right[1:]
                for left, right in split_l
                if left and right]

    if verbose:
        print(f"Input word = {word} \nsplit_l = {split_l} \nswitch_l = {switch_l}") 

    return switch_l
switch_word_l = switch_letter(word="eta",
assert switch_word_l == ['tea', 'eat']
Input word = eta 
split_l = [('', 'eta'), ('e', 'ta'), ('et', 'a'), ('eta', '')] 
switch_l = ['tea', 'eat']
switches = len(switch_letter('at'))
print(f"Number of outputs of switch_letter('at') is {switches}")
assert switches == 1
Number of outputs of switch_letter('at') is 1

Replace Letter

Now implement a function that takes in a word and returns a list of strings with one replaced letter from the original word.

  • Step 1: is the same as in `delete_letter()`
  • Step 2: A list comprehension or for loop which form strings by replacing letters. This can be of the form:

[f(a,b,c) for a, b in splits if condition for c in string] Note the use of the second for loop. It is expected in this routine that one or more of the replacements will include the original word. For example, replacing the first letter of 'ear' with 'e' will return 'ear'.

  • Step 3: Remove the original input letter from the output.
def replace_letter(word: str, verbose: bool=False) -> list:
    """Replace each letter in the string with another letter in the alphabet

      word: the input string/word 

      replaces: a list of all possible strings where we replaced one letter from the original word. 

    letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    replace_l = []
    split_l = []

    split_l = [(word[:index], word[index:]) for index in range(len(word) + 1)]
    replace_l = [left + letter + right[1:] for left, right in split_l if right
                for letter in letters]
    replace_set = set(replace_l)

    replace_l = sorted(list(replace_set))

    if verbose:
        print(f"Input word = {word} \nsplit_l = {split_l} \nreplace_l {replace_l}")   

    return replace_l
word = "can"
replace_l = replace_letter(word=word,
expected_replacements = (len(word) * 26) - len(word)
assert len(replace_l) == expected_replacements
print(f"Replacements: {len(replace_l)}")
expected = ['aan', 'ban', 'caa', 'cab', 'cac', 'cad', 'cae', 'caf', 'cag', 'cah', 'cai', 'caj', 'cak', 'cal', 'cam', 'cao', 'cap', 'caq', 'car', 'cas', 'cat', 'cau', 'cav', 'caw', 'cax', 'cay', 'caz', 'cbn', 'ccn', 'cdn', 'cen', 'cfn', 'cgn', 'chn', 'cin', 'cjn', 'ckn', 'cln', 'cmn', 'cnn', 'con', 'cpn', 'cqn', 'crn', 'csn', 'ctn', 'cun', 'cvn', 'cwn', 'cxn', 'cyn', 'czn', 'dan', 'ean', 'fan', 'gan', 'han', 'ian', 'jan', 'kan', 'lan', 'man', 'nan', 'oan', 'pan', 'qan', 'ran', 'san', 'tan', 'uan', 'van', 'wan', 'xan', 'yan', 'zan']
assert replace_l == expected
Input word = can 
split_l = [('', 'can'), ('c', 'an'), ('ca', 'n'), ('can', '')] 
replace_l ['aan', 'ban', 'caa', 'cab', 'cac', 'cad', 'cae', 'caf', 'cag', 'cah', 'cai', 'caj', 'cak', 'cal', 'cam', 'cao', 'cap', 'caq', 'car', 'cas', 'cat', 'cau', 'cav', 'caw', 'cax', 'cay', 'caz', 'cbn', 'ccn', 'cdn', 'cen', 'cfn', 'cgn', 'chn', 'cin', 'cjn', 'ckn', 'cln', 'cmn', 'cnn', 'con', 'cpn', 'cqn', 'crn', 'csn', 'ctn', 'cun', 'cvn', 'cwn', 'cxn', 'cyn', 'czn', 'dan', 'ean', 'fan', 'gan', 'han', 'ian', 'jan', 'kan', 'lan', 'man', 'nan', 'oan', 'pan', 'qan', 'ran', 'san', 'tan', 'uan', 'van', 'wan', 'xan', 'yan', 'zan']
Replacements: 75
word = "at"
replacements = len(replace_letter(word))
print(f"Number of outputs of replace_letter('at') is {replacements}")

expected = (len(word) * 26) - len(word)
assert expected == replacements
Number of outputs of replace_letter('at') is 50

Insert Letter

Now implement a function that takes in a word and returns a list with a letter inserted at every offset.

  • Step 1: is the same as in `delete_letter()`
  • Step 2: This can be a list comprehension of the form: [f(a,b,c) for a, b in splits if condition for c in string]
def insert_letter(word: str, verbose: bool=False) -> list:
    """Stick a letter before and after each letter in the word

      word: the input string/word 

      inserts: a set of all possible strings with one new letter inserted at every offset
    letters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    insert_l = []
    split_l = []

    split_l = [(word[:index], word[index:]) for index in range(len(word) + 1)]
    insert_l = [left + letter + right for left, right in split_l for letter in letters]

    if verbose:
        print(f"Input word {word} \nsplit_l = {split_l} \ninsert_l = {insert_l}")

    return insert_l
word = "at"
insert_l = insert_letter(word, True)
inserted = len(insert_l)
print(f"Number of strings output by insert_letter('at') is {inserted}")

assert inserted == (len(word) + 1) * 26

expected = ['aat', 'bat', 'cat', 'dat', 'eat', 'fat', 'gat', 'hat', 'iat', 'jat', 'kat', 'lat', 'mat', 'nat', 'oat', 'pat', 'qat', 'rat', 'sat', 'tat', 'uat', 'vat', 'wat', 'xat', 'yat', 'zat', 'aat', 'abt', 'act', 'adt', 'aet', 'aft', 'agt', 'aht', 'ait', 'ajt', 'akt', 'alt', 'amt', 'ant', 'aot', 'apt', 'aqt', 'art', 'ast', 'att', 'aut', 'avt', 'awt', 'axt', 'ayt', 'azt', 'ata', 'atb', 'atc', 'atd', 'ate', 'atf', 'atg', 'ath', 'ati', 'atj', 'atk', 'atl', 'atm', 'atn', 'ato', 'atp', 'atq', 'atr', 'ats', 'att', 'atu', 'atv', 'atw', 'atx', 'aty', 'atz']

assert expected == insert_l
Input word at 
split_l = [('', 'at'), ('a', 't'), ('at', '')] 
insert_l = ['aat', 'bat', 'cat', 'dat', 'eat', 'fat', 'gat', 'hat', 'iat', 'jat', 'kat', 'lat', 'mat', 'nat', 'oat', 'pat', 'qat', 'rat', 'sat', 'tat', 'uat', 'vat', 'wat', 'xat', 'yat', 'zat', 'aat', 'abt', 'act', 'adt', 'aet', 'aft', 'agt', 'aht', 'ait', 'ajt', 'akt', 'alt', 'amt', 'ant', 'aot', 'apt', 'aqt', 'art', 'ast', 'att', 'aut', 'avt', 'awt', 'axt', 'ayt', 'azt', 'ata', 'atb', 'atc', 'atd', 'ate', 'atf', 'atg', 'ath', 'ati', 'atj', 'atk', 'atl', 'atm', 'atn', 'ato', 'atp', 'atq', 'atr', 'ats', 'att', 'atu', 'atv', 'atw', 'atx', 'aty', 'atz']
Number of strings output by insert_letter('at') is 78
word = "at"
inserted = len(insert_letter(word))
print(f"Number of outputs of insert_letter('at') is {inserted}")

expected = (len(word) + 1) * 26
assert expected == inserted
Number of outputs of insert_letter('at') is 78


The Editor

Now to bundle it up for later.


# python
from string import ascii_lowercase
# from pypi
import attr

The Editor Class

class TheEditor:
    """Does various edits to words

     word: string to edit
    word: str
    _splits: list=None
    _deleted: list=None
    _switched: list=None
    _replaced: list=None
    _inserted: list=None


A list of splits.

def splits(self) -> list:
    """Tuples of splits for word"""
    if self._splits is None:
        self._splits = [(self.word[:index], self.word[index:])
                        for index in range(len(self.word) + 1)]
    return self._splits


def deleted(self) -> list:
    """Deletes one letter at a time from the word

     list of all possible strings created by deleting one letter
    if self._deleted is None:
        self._deleted = [left + right[1:]
                         for left, right in self.splits if right]
    return self._deleted


def switched(self) -> list:
    """switches one letter pair at a time

     all possible strings with one adjacent charater switched
    if self._switched is None:
        self._switched = [left[:-1] + right[0] + left[-1] + right[1:]
                          for left, right in self.splits
                          if left and right]
    return self._switched

Replace a Letter

def replaced(self) -> list:
    """Replace each letter with every other letter of the alphabet

     replacements in alphabetical order (doesn't include original word)
    if self._replaced is None:
        self._replaced = set([left + letter + right[1:]
                              for left, right in self.splits if right
                              for letter in ascii_lowercase])
        self._replaced = sorted(list(self._replaced))
    return self._replaced

Insert Letters

def inserted(self) -> list:
    """Adds letters before and after each letter

      all possible strings with one new letter inserted at every offset
    if self._inserted is None:
        self._inserted = [left + letter + right
                          for left, right in self.splits
                          for letter in ascii_lowercase]
    return self._inserted

Checking the Editor

from neurotic.nlp.autocorrect.edits import TheEditor

editor = TheEditor(word="cans")

# splits
expected = [('', 'cans'), ('c', 'ans'), ('ca', 'ns'), ('can', 's'), ('cans', '')]
assert editor.splits == expected, editor.splits

# deletions
expected = ['ans', 'cns', 'cas', 'can']

assert editor.deleted == expected

# switches
word = "eta"
editor = TheEditor(word=word)
expected = ['tea', 'eat']
assert editor.switched == expected

editor = TheEditor(word="at")
switches = len(editor.switched)
print(f"Number of outputs of switch_letter('at') is {switches}")
assert switches == 1

# replacements
word = "can"
editor = TheEditor(word)
replacements = editor.replaced
expected = (len(word) * 26) - len(word)
assert len(replacements) == expected, f"expected: {expected} actual: {len(replacements)}"

expected = ['aan', 'ban', 'caa', 'cab', 'cac', 'cad', 'cae', 'caf', 'cag', 'cah', 'cai', 'caj', 'cak', 'cal', 'cam', 'cao', 'cap', 'caq', 'car', 'cas', 'cat', 'cau', 'cav', 'caw', 'cax', 'cay', 'caz', 'cbn', 'ccn', 'cdn', 'cen', 'cfn', 'cgn', 'chn', 'cin', 'cjn', 'ckn', 'cln', 'cmn', 'cnn', 'con', 'cpn', 'cqn', 'crn', 'csn', 'ctn', 'cun', 'cvn', 'cwn', 'cxn', 'cyn', 'czn', 'dan', 'ean', 'fan', 'gan', 'han', 'ian', 'jan', 'kan', 'lan', 'man', 'nan', 'oan', 'pan', 'qan', 'ran', 'san', 'tan', 'uan', 'van', 'wan', 'xan', 'yan', 'zan']
assert replacements == expected

word = "at"
editor = TheEditor(word)
expected = (len(word) * 26) - len(word)
assert expected == len(editor.replaced)

# Insertions
inserted = len(editor.inserted)
assert inserted == (len(word) + 1) * 26

expected = ['aat', 'bat', 'cat', 'dat', 'eat', 'fat', 'gat', 'hat', 'iat', 'jat', 'kat', 'lat', 'mat', 'nat', 'oat', 'pat', 'qat', 'rat', 'sat', 'tat', 'uat', 'vat', 'wat', 'xat', 'yat', 'zat', 'aat', 'abt', 'act', 'adt', 'aet', 'aft', 'agt', 'aht', 'ait', 'ajt', 'akt', 'alt', 'amt', 'ant', 'aot', 'apt', 'aqt', 'art', 'ast', 'att', 'aut', 'avt', 'awt', 'axt', 'ayt', 'azt', 'ata', 'atb', 'atc', 'atd', 'ate', 'atf', 'atg', 'ath', 'ati', 'atj', 'atk', 'atl', 'atm', 'atn', 'ato', 'atp', 'atq', 'atr', 'ats', 'att', 'atu', 'atv', 'atw', 'atx', 'aty', 'atz']

assert expected == editor.inserted

word = "at"
editor = TheEditor(word)
inserted = len(editor.inserted)
print(f"Number of outputs of insert_letter('at') is {inserted}")

expected = (len(word) + 1) * 26
assert expected == inserted