Deep N-Grams: Loading the Data

Text to Tensor

In this section we're going to load the text data and transform it into tensors.


# python
from pathlib import Path

import os

# pypi
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from expects import (be_true,

Set Up

The path to the data is kept in a .env file so we'll load it into the environment here.

load_dotenv("posts/nlp/.env", override=True)
data_path = Path(os.environ["SHAKESPEARE"]).expanduser()


Loading the Data

We're going to be using the plays of Shakespeare. Unlike previously, this data source has them in separate files so we'll have to load each one separately. We're going to be generating characters, not words, so each character has to be given an integer ID. We'll use the Unicode values given to us by the built-in ord function.

lines = []
for filename in data_path.glob("*.txt"):
    with as play:
        cleaned = (line.strip() for line in play)
        lines += [line for line in cleaned if line]

This only cleans out the leading and trailing whitespace, there are other things like tabs still in there.

line_count = len(lines)
print(f"Number of lines: {line_count:,}")
print(f"Sample line at position 0: {lines[0]}")
print(f"Sample line at position 999: {lines[999]}")
Number of lines: 125,097
Sample line at position 0: king john
Sample line at position 999: as it makes harmful all that speak of it.

To make this a little easier, we'll convert all characters to lowercase. This way, for example, the model only needs to predict the likelihood that a letter is 'a' and not decide between uppercase 'A' and lowercase 'a'.

lines = [line.lower() for line in lines]

new_line_count = len(lines)
print(f"Number of lines: {new_line_count:,}")
print(f"Sample line at position 0: {lines[0]}")
print(f"Sample line at position 999: {lines[999]}")
Number of lines: 125,097
Sample line at position 0: king john
Sample line at position 999: as it makes harmful all that speak of it.

Once again, we're gong to do a strait split to create the training and validation data instead of using randomization.

SPLIT = 1000
validation = lines[-SPLIT:]
training = lines[:-SPLIT]

print(f"Number of lines for training: {len(training):,}")
print(f"Number of lines for validation: {len(validation):,}")
Number of lines for training: 124,097
Number of lines for validation: 1,000

To Tensors

Like I mentioned before, we're going to use python's ord function to convert the letters to integers.

for character in "abc xyz123":
    print(f"{character}: {ord(character)}")
a: 97
b: 98
c: 99
 : 32
x: 120
y: 121
z: 122
1: 49
2: 50
3: 51
def line_to_tensor(line: str, EOS_int: int=1) -> list:
    """Turns a line of text into a tensor

     line: A single line of text.
     EOS_int: End-of-sentence integer. Defaults to 1.

     a list of integers (unicode values) for the characters in the ``line``.
    tensor = []
    # for each character:
    for c in line:

        # convert to unicode int
        c_int = ord(c)

        # append the unicode integer to the tensor list

    # include the end-of-sentence integer
    return tensor

Test the Output

actual = line_to_tensor('abc xyz')
expected = [97, 98, 99, 32, 120, 121, 122, 1]


Bundle It Up

This is going to be needed in future posts so I'm going to put it in a class.


# python
from pathlib import Path

import os

# pypi
from dotenv import load_dotenv

import attr

The Data Loader

class DataLoader:
    """Load the data and convert it to 'tensors'

     env_path: the path to the env file (as a string)
     env_key: the environmental variable with the path to the data
     validation_size: number for the validation set
     end_of_sentence: integer to use to indicate the end of a sentence
    env_path: str="posts/nlp/.env"
    env_key: str="SHAKESPEARE"
    validation_size: int=1000
    end_of_sentence: int=1
    _data_path: Path=None
    _lines: list=None
    _training: list=None
    _validation: list=None

The Data Path

def data_path(self) -> Path:
    """Loads the dotenv and converts the path

     assertion error if path doesn't exist
    if self._data_path is None:
        load_dotenv(self.env_path, override=True)
        self._data_path = Path(os.environ[self.env_key]).expanduser()
        assert self.data_path.is_dir()
    return self._data_path

The Lines

def lines(self) -> list:
    """The lines of text-data"""
    if self._lines is None:
        self._lines = []
        for filename in self.data_path.glob("*.txt"):
            with as play:
                cleaned = (line.strip() for line in play)
                self._lines += [line.lower() for line in cleaned if line]
    return self._lines

The Training Set

def training(self) -> list:
    """Subset of the lines for training"""
    if self._training is None:
        self._training = self.lines[:-self.validation_size]
    return self._training

The Validation Set

def validation(self) -> list:
    """The validation subset of the lines"""
    if self._validation is None:
        self._validation = self.lines[-self.validation_size:]
    return self._validation

To Tensor

def to_tensor(self, line: str) -> list:
    """Converts the line to the unicode value

     line: the text to convert
     line converted to unicode integer encodings
    return [ord(character) for character in line] + [self.end_of_sentence]

Check the Data Loader

from neurotic.nlp.deep_rnn.data_loader import DataLoader

loader = DataLoader()

expect(len( - SPLIT))

actual = loader.to_tensor('abc xyz')
expected = [97, 98, 99, 32, 120, 121, 122, 1]

for line in loader.lines[:10]:
king john
dramatis personae
king john:
prince henry    son to the king.
arthur  duke of bretagne, nephew to the king.
the earl of
pembroke        (pembroke:)
the earl of essex       (essex:)
the earl of
salisbury       (salisbury:)