Extracting Word Embeddings

Introduction and Preliminaries

In the previous post we trained the CBOW model, now in this post we'll look at how to extract word embedding vectors from a model.


# from pypi
from expects import be_true, expect
import numpy

Preliminary Setup

Before moving on, you will be provided with some variables needed for further procedures, which should be familiar by now. Also a trained CBOW model will be simulated, the corresponding weights and biases are provided:

Define the tokenized version of the corpus.

words = ['i', 'am', 'happy', 'because', 'i', 'am', 'learning']

Define V. Remember this is the size of the vocabulary.

vocabulary =  sorted(set(words))
V = len(vocabulary)

Get the word_to_index and index_to_word dictionaries for the tokenized corpus.

word_to_index = {word: index for index, word in enumerate(vocabulary)}
index_to_word = dict(enumerate(vocabulary))

Define first matrix of weights

W1 = numpy.array([
    [ 0.41687358,  0.08854191, -0.23495225,  0.28320538,  0.41800106],
    [ 0.32735501,  0.22795148, -0.23951958,  0.4117634 , -0.23924344],
    [ 0.26637602, -0.23846886, -0.37770863, -0.11399446,  0.34008124]])

Define second matrix of weights.

W2 = numpy.array([[-0.22182064, -0.43008631,  0.13310965],
                  [ 0.08476603,  0.08123194,  0.1772054 ],
                  [ 0.1871551 , -0.06107263, -0.1790735 ],
                  [ 0.07055222, -0.02015138,  0.36107434],
                  [ 0.33480474, -0.39423389, -0.43959196]])

Define first vector of biases.

b1 = numpy.array([[ 0.09688219],
                  [ 0.29239497],

Define second vector of biases.

b2 = numpy.array([[ 0.0352008 ],

Extracting word embedding vectors

Once you have finished training the neural network, you have three options to get word embedding vectors for the words of your vocabulary, based on the weight matrices \(\mathbf{W_1}\) and/or \(\mathbf{W_2}\).

Option 1: Extract embedding vectors from \(\mathbf{W_1}\)

The first option is to take the columns of \(\mathbf{W_1}\) as the embedding vectors of the words of the vocabulary, using the same order of the words as for the input and output vectors.

Note: in this practice notebooks the values of the word embedding vectors are meaningless since we only trained for a single iteration with just one training example, but here's how you would proceed after the training process is complete.

For example \(\mathbf{W_1}\) is this matrix:

[[ 0.41687358  0.08854191 -0.23495225  0.28320538  0.41800106]
 [ 0.32735501  0.22795148 -0.23951958  0.4117634  -0.23924344]
 [ 0.26637602 -0.23846886 -0.37770863 -0.11399446  0.34008124]]

The first column, which is a 3-element vector, is the embedding vector of the first word of your vocabulary. The second column is the word embedding vector for the second word, and so on.

These are the words corresponding to the columns.

for word in vocabulary:
    print(f" - {word}")
- am
- because
- happy
- i
- learning

And the word embedding vectors corresponding to each word are:

for word, index in word_to_index.items():
    word_embedding_vector = W1[:, index]
    print(f'{word}:    \t{word_embedding_vector}')
am:     [0.41687358 0.32735501 0.26637602]
because:        [ 0.08854191  0.22795148 -0.23846886]
happy:          [-0.23495225 -0.23951958 -0.37770863]
i:      [ 0.28320538  0.4117634  -0.11399446]
learning:       [ 0.41800106 -0.23924344  0.34008124]

Option 2: Extract embedding vectors from \(\mathbf{W_2}\)

The second option is to transpose \(\mathbf{W_2}\) and take the columns of this transposed matrix as the word embedding vectors just like you did for \(\mathbf{W_1}\).

[[-0.22182064  0.08476603  0.1871551   0.07055222  0.33480474]
 [-0.43008631  0.08123194 -0.06107263 -0.02015138 -0.39423389]
 [ 0.13310965  0.1772054  -0.1790735   0.36107434 -0.43959196]]
for word, index in word_to_index.items():
    word_embedding_vector = W2.T[:, index]
    print(f'{word}:    \t{word_embedding_vector}')
am:     [-0.22182064 -0.43008631  0.13310965]
because:        [0.08476603 0.08123194 0.1772054 ]
happy:          [ 0.1871551  -0.06107263 -0.1790735 ]
i:      [ 0.07055222 -0.02015138  0.36107434]
learning:       [ 0.33480474 -0.39423389 -0.43959196]

Option 3: extract embedding vectors from \(\mathbf{W_1}\) and \(\mathbf{W_2}\)

The third option, which is the one you will use in this week's assignment, uses the average of \(\mathbf{W_1}\) and \(\mathbf{W_2^\intercal}\).

Calculate the average of \(\mathbf{W_1}\) and \(\mathbf{W_2^\intercal}\), and store the result in W3.

W3 = (W1 + W2.T)/2

expected = numpy.array([
    [ 0.09752647,  0.08665397, -0.02389858,  0.1768788 ,  0.3764029 ],
    [-0.05136565,  0.15459171, -0.15029611,  0.19580601, -0.31673866],
    [ 0.19974284, -0.03063173, -0.27839106,  0.12353994, -0.04975536]])
expect(numpy.allclose(W3, expected)).to(be_true)
[[ 0.09752647  0.08665397 -0.02389858  0.1768788   0.3764029 ]
 [-0.05136565  0.15459171 -0.15029611  0.19580601 -0.31673866]
 [ 0.19974284 -0.03063173 -0.27839106  0.12353994 -0.04975536]]

Extracting the word embedding vectors works just like the two previous options, by taking the columns of the matrix you've just created.

for word, index in word_to_index.items():
    word_embedding_vector = W3[:, index]
    print(f'{word}:    \t{word_embedding_vector}')
am:     [ 0.09752647 -0.05136565  0.19974284]
because:        [ 0.08665397  0.15459171 -0.03063173]
happy:          [-0.02389858 -0.15029611 -0.27839106]
i:      [0.1768788  0.19580601 0.12353994]
learning:       [ 0.3764029  -0.31673866 -0.04975536]

Now you know 3 different options to get the word embedding vectors from a model.


Now we've gone through the process of training a CBOW model in order to create word embeddings. The steps were: