Approximate kNN for Machine Translation


In the previous post we implemented Locality Sensitive Hashing. It's part of a series of posts building an English to French translator whose links are gathered in this post.


# python
from argparse import Namespace

# pypi
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from nltk.corpus import twitter_samples

import numpy

# this repo
from neurotic.nlp.word_embeddings.embeddings import EmbeddingsLoader
from neurotic.nlp.word_embeddings.english_french import TrainingData
from neurotic.nlp.word_embeddings.hashing import (DocumentsEmbeddings,
from neurotic.nlp.word_embeddings.nearest_neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from neurotic.nlp.twitter.processor import TwitterProcessor
from import TheTrainer

Set Up

The Environment


The Tweets

positive_tweets = twitter_samples.strings("positive_tweets.json")
negative_tweets = twitter_samples.strings("negative_tweets.json")
tweets = positive_tweets + negative_tweets

The Twitter Processor

process_tweet = TwitterProcessor()

The Embeddings

embeddings = EmbeddingsLoader()
documents = DocumentsEmbeddings(embeddings=embeddings.english_subset,
                                process=process_tweet, documents=tweets)

Some Constants

TWEET = Namespace(

The Planes

universes = PlanesUniverse(vector_count=TWEET.vectors,
assert universes.plane_count == 10

The Hash Tables

hasher = HashTables(planes=universes.planes,
hash_tables = hasher.hash_tables

The ID Tables

id_tables = hasher.id_tables

The Training Data

data = TrainingData()


Approximate K-NN

Implement approximate K nearest neighbors using locality sensitive hashing, to search for documents that are similar to a given document at the index doc_id.


Variable Description
doc_id index into the document list all_tweets
v document vector for the tweet in all_tweets at index doc_id
planes_l list of planes (the global variable created earlier)
k number of nearest neighbors to search for
num_universes_to_use Number of available universes to use (25 by default)

The approximate_knn function finds a subset of candidate vectors that are in the same "hash bucket" as the input vector 'v'. Then it performs the usual k-nearest neighbors search on this subset (instead of searching through all 10,000 tweets).


  • There are many dictionaries used in this function. Try to print out planes_l, hash_tables, id_tables to understand how they are structured, what the keys represent, and what the values contain.
  • To remove an item from a list, use .remove()
  • To append to a list, use .append()
  • To add to a set, use .add()
# This is the code used to do the fast nearest neighbor search. Feel free to go over it
def approximate_knn(document_id: int,
                    document_embedding: numpy.ndarray,
                    multiverse_planes: list,
                    k: int=1,
                    universes: int=TWEET.universes):
    """Search for k-NN using hashes

     document_id: index for the document in the lists
     document_embedding: vector representing a documents word embeddings
     multiverse_planes: dictionary of planes for the hash-tables
     k: number of neighbors to find
     universes: number of times to repeat the search

     list of indexes for neighbor documents
    assert universes <= TWEET.universes

    # Vectors that will be checked as possible nearest neighbor
    possible_neighbors = list()

    # list of document IDs
    ids_of_possible_neighbors = list()

    # create a set for ids to consider, for faster checking if a document ID already exists in the set
    set_of_ids_of_possible_neighbors = set()
    hasher = HashTable(planes=multiverse_planes, vectors=None)

    # loop through the universes of planes
    for universe in range(universes):

        # get the set of planes from the planes_l list, for this particular universe_id
        planes = multiverse_planes[universe]

        # get the hash value of the vector for this set of planes
        # hash_value = hash_value_of_vector(v, planes)
        hash_value = HashTable(planes=planes, vectors=None).hash_value(document_embedding)

        # get the hash table for this particular universe_id
        hash_table = hash_tables[universe]

        # get the list of document vectors for this hash table, where the key is the hash_value
        document_vectors = hash_table[hash_value]

        # get the id_table for this particular universe_id
        id_table = id_tables[universe]

        # get the subset of documents to consider as nearest neighbors from this id_table dictionary
        new_ids_to_consider = id_table[hash_value]

        ### START CODE HERE (REPLACE INSTANCES OF 'None' with your code) ###

        # remove the id of the document that we're searching
        if document_id in new_ids_to_consider:
            print(f"removed document_id {document_id} of input vector from new_ids_to_search")

        # loop through the subset of document vectors to consider
        for index, new_id in enumerate(new_ids_to_consider):

            # if the document ID is not yet in the set ids_to_consider...
            if new_id not in set_of_ids_of_possible_neighbors:
                # access document_vectors_l list at index i to get the embedding
                # then append it to the list of vectors to consider as possible nearest neighbors
                document_vector = document_vectors[index]

                # append the new_id (the index for the document) to the list of ids to consider

                # also add the new_id to the set of ids to consider
                # (use this to check if new_id is not already in the IDs to consider)

        ### END CODE HERE ###

    # Now run k-NN on the smaller set of vecs-to-consider.
    print("Fast considering %d vecs" % len(possible_neighbors))

    # convert the vecs to consider set to a list, then to a numpy array
    vecs_to_consider_arr = numpy.array(possible_neighbors)

    # call nearest neighbors on the reduced list of candidate vectors
    nearest_neighbors = NearestNeighbors(candidates=possible_neighbors, k=k)
    nearest_neighbor_ids = nearest_neighbors(document_embedding)

    # Use the nearest neighbor index list as indices into the ids to consider
    # create a list of nearest neighbors by the document ids
    nearest_neighbor_ids = [ids_of_possible_neighbors[index]
                            for index in nearest_neighbor_ids]

    return nearest_neighbor_ids
doc_id = 0
doc_to_search = tweets[doc_id]
vec_to_search = documents.documents_embeddings[doc_id]

#FollowFriday @France_Inte @PKuchly57 @Milipol_Paris for being top engaged members in my community this week :)
nearest_neighbor_ids = approximate_knn(
    k=3, universes=5)

print(f"Nearest neighbors for document {doc_id}")
print(f"Document contents: {doc_to_search}")

for neighbor_id in nearest_neighbor_ids:
    print(f"Nearest neighbor at document id {neighbor_id}")
    print(f"document contents: {tweets[neighbor_id]}")
Fast considering 79 vecs
Nearest neighbors for document 0
Document contents: #FollowFriday @France_Inte @PKuchly57 @Milipol_Paris for being top engaged members in my community this week :)

Nearest neighbor at document id 254
document contents: Something to get your #Friday off to a great start :) Have a great day all! #Mclaren #FridayFeeling #TGIF
Nearest neighbor at document id 2714
document contents: Current playlist :D
Nearest neighbor at document id 51
document contents: #FollowFriday @France_Espana @reglisse_menthe @CCI_inter for being top engaged members in my community this week :)

The first and third neighbors seem reasonable, although the third looks like it's just a re-working of our source tweet.
