NER: Data

The Data


# from python
import random

# from pypi
import numpy

# this project
from neurotic.nlp.named_entity_recognition import NERData, TOKEN

Set Up

ner = NERData()

# to make the functions pass we need to use their names (initially)
vocab = vocabulary =
tag_map = tags =


Reviewing The Dataset

As a review we can look at what's in the vocabulary.


The vocabulary maps words in our vocabulary to unique integers. As you can see, we made it case-sensitive.

We also made a map for tags.

for tag, index in tags.items():
    print(f" - {tag}: {index}")
- O: 0
- B-geo: 1
- B-gpe: 2
- B-per: 3
- I-geo: 4
- B-org: 5
- I-org: 6
- B-tim: 7
- B-art: 8
- I-art: 9
- I-per: 10
- I-gpe: 11
- I-tim: 12
- B-nat: 13
- B-eve: 14
- I-eve: 15
- I-nat: 16
- UNK: 17
Prefix Interpretation
B Token Begins an entity
I Token is Inside an entity

This is to help when you have multi-token entities. So if you had the name "Burt Reynolds", "Burt" would be tagged B-per and "Reynolds" would be tagged "I-per".

print(f"The number of tags is {len(tag_map)}")
print(f"The vocabulary size is {len(vocab):,}")
print(f"The training size is {len(,}")
print(f"The validation size is {len(,}")
print("The first training sentence is ")
print(f"'{' '.join([0])}'")
print("Its corresponding label is")
print(f" '{' '.join([0])}'")

print("The first training encoded sentence is ")
print("Its corresponding encoded label is")
The number of tags is 18
The vocabulary size is 35,180
The training size is 33,570
The validation size is 7,194
The first training sentence is 
'Opposition leader Michael Howard said he hopes the government in coming weeks will try to uncover possible security flaws exploited in the attacks .'
Its corresponding label is
 'O O B-per I-per O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O'
The first training encoded sentence is 
[7848, 538, 5951, 6187, 172, 502, 2453, 9, 293, 11, 5306, 822, 141, 1962, 7, 26689, 1176, 686, 11905, 14806, 11, 9, 292, 21]
Its corresponding encoded label is
[0, 0, 3, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

A Data Generator

The generator will have a main outer loop:

while True:  

runs continuously in the fashion of generators, pausing when yielding the next values. We will generate a batch_size output on each pass of this loop.

It has two inner loops.

  1. The first stores in temporal lists the data samples to be included in the next batch, and finds the maximum length of the sentences contained in it. By adjusting the length to include only the size of the longest sentence in each batch, overall computation is reduced.
  2. The second loop moves those inputs from the temporal list into NumPy arrays pre-filled with pad values.

There are three slightly out of the ordinary features.

  1. The first is the use of the NumPy full function to fill the NumPy arrays with a pad value. See full function documentation.
  2. The second is tracking the current location in the incoming lists of sentences. Generators variables hold their values between invocations, so we create an index variable, initialize to zero, and increment by one for each sample included in a batch. However, we do not use the index to access the positions of the list of sentences directly. Instead, we use it to select one index from a list of indexes. In this way, we can change the order in which we traverse our original list, keeping untouched our original list.
  3. The third also relates to wrapping. Because batch_size and the length of the input lists are not aligned, gathering a batch_size group of inputs may involve wrapping back to the beginning of the input loop. In our approach, it is just enough to reset the index to 0. We can re-shuffle the list of indexes to produce different batches each time.
def data_generator(batch_size: int, x: list, y: list, pad: int,
                   shuffle: bool=False, verbose: bool=False):
    """Generate batches of data for training

      batch_size - size of each batch generated
      x - sentences where words are represented as integers
      y - tags associated with the sentences
      pad - number to use as the padding character
      shuffle - Whether to shuffle the data
      verbose - Whether to print information to stdout

     a tuple containing 2 elements:
       X - np.ndarray of dim (batch_size, max_len) of padded sentences
       Y - np.ndarray of dim (batch_size, max_len) of tags associated with the sentences in X
    # count the number of lines in data_lines
    num_lines = len(x)

    # create an array with the indexes of data_lines that can be shuffled
    lines_index = list(range(num_lines))

    # shuffle the indexes if shuffle is set to True
    if shuffle:

    index = 0 # tracks current location in x, y
    while True:
        buffer_x = [0] * batch_size
        buffer_y = [0] * batch_size
        max_len = 0
        for i in range(batch_size):
             # if the index is greater than or equal to the number of lines in x
            if index >= num_lines:
                # then reset the index to 0
                index = 0
                # re-shuffle the indexes if shuffle is set to True
                if shuffle:

            # The current position is obtained using `lines_index[index]`
            # Store the x value at the current position into the buffer_x
            buffer_x[i] = x[lines_index[index]]

            # Store the y value at the current position into the buffer_y
            buffer_y[i] = y[lines_index[index]]

            lenx = len(buffer_x[i])    #length of current x[]
            if lenx > max_len:
                max_len = lenx                   #max_len tracks longest x[]

            # increment index by one
            index += 1

        # create X,Y, NumPy arrays of size (batch_size, max_len) 'full' of pad value
        X = numpy.full((batch_size, max_len), pad)
        Y = numpy.full((batch_size, max_len), pad)

        # copy values from lists to NumPy arrays. Use the buffered values
        for i in range(batch_size):
            # get the example (sentence as a tensor)
            # in `buffer_x` at the `i` index
            x_i = buffer_x[i]

            # similarly, get the example's labels
            # in `buffer_y` at the `i` index
            y_i = buffer_y[i]

            # Walk through each word in x_i
            for j in range(len(x_i)):
                # store the word in x_i at position j into X
                X[i, j] = x_i[j]

                # store the label in y_i at position j into Y
                Y[i, j] = y_i[j]

        if verbose: print("index=", index)
batch_size = 5
mini_sentences =[0: 8]
mini_labels =[0: 8]
dg = data_generator(batch_size, mini_sentences, mini_labels, vocab["<PAD>"], shuffle=False, verbose=True)
X1, Y1 = next(dg)
X2, Y2 = next(dg)
print(Y1.shape, X1.shape, Y2.shape, X2.shape)
print(X1[0][:], "\n", Y1[0][:])
index= 5
index= 2
(5, 27) (5, 27) (5, 24) (5, 24)
[ 7848   538  5951  6187   172   502  2453     9   293    11  5306   822
   141  1962     7 26689  1176   686 11905 14806    11     9   292    21
 35178 35178 35178] 
 [    0     0     3    10     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
 35178 35178 35178]

Bundle It Up


# from python
from typing import List, Tuple
import random

# from pypi
import attr
import numpy

Some Types

Vectors = List[List[int]]
Batch = Tuple[numpy.ndarray]

The Data Generator

class DataGenerator:
    """A generator of data to train the NER Model

     batch_size: how many lines to generate at once
     x: the encoded sentences
     y: the encoded labels 
     padding: encoding to use for padding lines
     shuffle: whether to shuffle the data
     verbose: whether to print messages to stdout
    batch_size: int
    x: Vectors
    y: Vectors
    padding: int
    shuffle: bool=False
    verbose: bool=False
    _batch: iter=None

The Batch Generator

def batch_generator(self):
    """Generates batches"""
    line_count = len(self.x)
    line_indices = list(range(line_count))

    if self.shuffle:
    index = 0

    while True:
        x_batch = [0] * self.batch_size
        y_batch = [0] * self.batch_size
        longest = 0
        for batch_index in range(self.batch_size):
            if index >= line_count:
                index = 0
                if self.shuffle:

            x_batch[batch_index] = self.x[line_indices[index]]
            y_batch[batch_index] = self.y[line_indices[index]]

            longest = max(longest, len(x_batch[batch_index]))
            index += 1

        X = numpy.full((self.batch_size, longest), self.padding)
        Y = numpy.full((self.batch_size, longest), self.padding)

        for batch_index in range(self.batch_size): 
            line = x_batch[batch_index]
            label = y_batch[batch_index]

            for word in range(len(line)):
                X[batch_index, word] = line[word]
                Y[batch_index, word] = label[word]

        if self.verbose:
            print("index=", index)
        yield (X,Y)

The Generator Method

def batch(self):
    """The instance of the generator"""
    if self._batch is None:
        self._batch = self.batch_generator()
    return self._batch

The Iterator Method

def __iter__(self):
    return self

The Next Method

def __next__(self) -> Batch:
    return next(self.batch)

Test It

from neurotic.nlp.named_entity_recognition import DataGenerator

generator = DataGenerator([0:8],
                [0: 8],

X1, Y1 = next(generator)
X2, Y2 = next(generator)
print(Y1.shape, X1.shape, Y2.shape, X2.shape)
print(X1[0][:], "\n", Y1[0][:])
(5, 27) (5, 27) (5, 24) (5, 24)
[ 7848   538  5951  6187   172   502  2453     9   293    11  5306   822
   141  1962     7 26689  1176   686 11905 14806    11     9   292    21
 35178 35178 35178] 
 [    0     0     3    10     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0     0
 35178 35178 35178]