PCA Dimensionality Reduction and Word Vectors


This is an extension of the previous two posts about Word Embeddings and Principal Component Analysis. Once again we're going to start with pre-trained word embeddings rather than train our own and then take the embeddings and explore them to better understand them.


# from python
from argparse import Namespace
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

import math
import os
import pickle

# from pypi
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from expects import (
from numpy.random import default_rng
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

import holoviews
import hvplot.pandas
import numpy
import pandas

# my stuff
from graeae import EmbedHoloviews, Timer

Set Up

The Timer

Just something to tell how long some processes take.

TIMER = Timer()


SLUG = "pca-dimensionality-reduction-and-word-vectors"
Embed = partial(EmbedHoloviews,

Plot = Namespace(
    color_cycle = holoviews.Cycle(["#4687b7", "#ce7b6d"])


numpy_random = default_rng(1)

The Environment


The Embeddings

These are the same embeddings as in the Word Embeddings exploration. They're loaded a dictionary of arrays (vectors). The original source is the Google News pre-trained data set available from the Word2Vec archive, but it is 3.64 gigabytes so Coursera extracted a subset of it to work with.

path = Path(os.environ["WORD_EMBEDDINGS"])
assert path.is_file()

with path.open("rb") as reader:
    embeddings = pickle.load(reader)

assert len(embeddings) == 243

The instructors also provide some code to show you how to create a different subset and I'm assuming that what they're showing is the actual way that they built this dataset. For future reference, this is the code given.

import nltk
from gensim.models import KeyedVectors

embeddings = KeyedVectors.load_word2vec_format('./GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin', binary = True)
f = open('capitals.txt', 'r').read()
set_words = set(nltk.word_tokenize(f))
select_words = words = ['king', 'queen', 'oil', 'gas', 'happy', 'sad', 'city', 'town', 'village', 'country', 'continent', 'petroleum', 'joyful']
for w in select_words:

def get_word_embeddings(embeddings):

    word_embeddings = {}
    for word in embeddings.vocab:
        if word in set_words:
            word_embeddings[word] = embeddings[word]
    return word_embeddings

word_embeddings = get_word_embeddings(embeddings)

The Data

The data set is a space-separated-values file with no header.

path = Path(os.environ["CAPITALS"])
assert path.is_file()

data = pandas.read_csv(path, delimiter=" ",
                       names=["City 1", "Country 1", "City 2", "Country 2"])
   City 1 Country 1   City 2    Country 2
0  Athens    Greece  Baghdad         Iraq
1  Athens    Greece  Bangkok     Thailand
2  Athens    Greece  Beijing        China
3  Athens    Greece   Berlin      Germany
4  Athens    Greece     Bern  Switzerland

It looks odd because this is actually an evaluation set. The first three columns are used to predict the fourth (e.g. Athens, Greece, and Baghdad are used to predict that Baghdad is the capital of Iraq).


Predicting Relationships Among Words

This part is about writing a function that will use the word embeddings to predict relationships among words.


  • The arguments will be three words
  • The first two will be considered related to each other somehow
  • The function will then predict a fourth word that is related to the third word in a way that is similar to the relationship between the first two words.

Another way to look at is it that if you are given three words - Athens, Greece, and Bangkok then the function will fill in the blank for "Athens is to Greece as Bangkok is to __".

Because of our input data set what the function will end up doing is finding the capital of a country. But first we need a distance function.

Cosine Similarity

\begin{align} \cos (\theta) &=\frac{\mathbf{A} \cdot \mathbf{B}}{\|\mathbf{A}\|\|\mathbf{B}\|}\\ &= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} A_{i} B_{i}}{\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n} A_{i}^{2}} \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n} B_{i}^{2}}}\\ \end{align}
  • A and B are the word vectors and \(A_i\) or \(B_i\) is the ith item of that vector
  • If the output is 0 then they are opposites and if the output is 1 then they are the same
  • If the number is between 0 and 1 then it is a similarity score
  • If the number is between 0 and -1 then it is a dissimilarity score
def cosine_similarity(A: numpy.ndarray, B: numpy.ndarray) -> float:
    '''Calculates the cosine similarity between two arrays

       A: a numpy array which corresponds to a word vector
       B: A numpy array which corresponds to a word vector
       cos: numerical number representing the cosine similarity between A and B.
    dot_product = A.dot(B)
    norm_of_A = numpy.linalg.norm(A)
    norm_of_B = numpy.linalg.norm(B)
    cos = dot_product/(norm_of_A * norm_of_B)
    return cos
king = embeddings["king"]
queen = embeddings["queen"]
similarity = cosine_similarity(king, queen)
print(f"The Cosine Similarity between 'king' and 'queen': {similarity:0.2f}.")
expected = 0.6510956
expect(math.isclose(similarity, expected, rel_tol=1e-6)).to(be_true)
The Cosine Similarity between 'king' and 'queen': 0.65.

Euclidean Distance

In addition to the Cosine Similarity we can use the (probably better known) Euclidean Distance.

\begin{aligned} d(\mathbf{A}, \mathbf{B})=d(\mathbf{B}, \mathbf{A}) &=\sqrt{\left(A_{1}-B_{1}\right)^{2}+\left(A_{2}-B_{2}\right)^{2}+\cdots+\left(A_{n}-B_{n}\right)^{2}} \\ &=\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left(A_{i}-B_{i}\right)^{2}} \end{aligned}
  • n is the number of elements in the vector
  • A and B are the corresponding word vectors.
  • The more similar the words, the more likely the Euclidean distance will be close to 0 (and zero means they are the same).
def euclidean(A: numpy.ndarray, B: numpy.ndarray) -> float:
    """Calculate the euclidean distance between two vectors

       A: a numpy array which corresponds to a word vector
       B: A numpy array which corresponds to a word vector
       d: numerical number representing the Euclidean distance between A and B.
    d = numpy.sqrt(((A - B)**2).sum())
    return d
actual = euclidean(king, queen)
expected = 2.4796925
print(f"The Euclidean Distance between 'king' and 'queen' is {actual:0.2f}.")
expect(math.isclose(actual, expected, rel_tol=1e-6)).to(be_true)
The Euclidean Distance between 'king' and 'queen' is 2.48.

The Predictor

Here's whdere we make the function that tries to predict the Country for a given Capital City. This will use the cosine similarity. This first version will use brute-force.

def get_country(city1: str, country1: str, city2: str, embeddings: dict) -> tuple:
    """Find the country that has a particular capital city

       city1: a string (the capital city of country1)
       country1: a string (the country of capital1)
       city2: a string (the capital city of country2)
       embeddings: a dictionary where the keys are words and values are their embeddings
       countries: most likely country, similarity score
    group = set((city1, country1, city2))

    city1_emb = embeddings[city1]

    country1_emb = embeddings[country1]

    city2_emb = embeddings[city2]

    vec = country1_emb - city1_emb  + city2_emb

    # Initialize the similarity to -1 (it will be replaced by a similarities that are closer to +1)
    similarity = -1

    # initialize country to an empty string
    country = ''

    for word in embeddings:
        if word not in group:
            word_emb = embeddings[word]
            # calculate cosine similarity between embedding of country 2 and the word in the embeddings dictionary
            cur_similarity = cosine_similarity(vec, word_emb)

            # if the cosine similarity is more similar than the previously best similarity...
            if cur_similarity > similarity:

                # update the similarity to the new, better similarity
                similarity = cur_similarity

                # store the country as a tuple, which contains the word and the similarity
                country = (word, similarity)
    return country
actual_country, actual_similarity = get_country("Athens", "Greece", "Cairo", embeddings)
print(f"Cairo is the capital of {actual_country}.")

expected_country, expected_similarity = "Egypt", 0.7626821
expect(math.isclose(actual_similarity, expected_similarity, rel_tol=1e-6)).to(be_true)
Cairo is the capital of Egypt.

Checking the Model Accuracy

\[ \text{Accuracy}=\frac{\text{Correct # of predictions}}{\text{Total # of predictions}} \]

country_getter = partial(get_country, embeddings=embeddings)
def get_accuracy(data: pandas.DataFrame) -> float:
    '''Calculate the fraction of correct capitals

       embeddings: a dictionary where the key is a word and the value is its embedding

       accuracy: the accuracy of the model
    num_correct = 0

    # loop through the rows of the dataframe
    for index, row in data.iterrows():

        # get city1
        city1 = row["City 1"]

        # get country1
        country1 = row["Country 1"]

        # get city2
        city2 =  row["City 2"]

        # get country2
        country2 = row["Country 2"]

        # use get_country to find the predicted country2
        predicted_country2, _ = country_getter(city1=city1, country1=country1, city2=city2)

        # if the predicted country2 is the same as the actual country2...
        if predicted_country2 == country2:
            # increment the number of correct by 1
            num_correct += 1

    # get the number of rows in the data dataframe (length of dataframe)
    m = len(data)

    # calculate the accuracy by dividing the number correct by m
    accuracy = num_correct/m
    return accuracy
with TIMER:
    accuracy = get_accuracy(data)
    print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy:0.2f}")
    expect(math.isclose(accuracy, 0.92, rel_tol=0.2)).to(be_true)
2020-10-07 17:50:28,897 graeae.timers.timer start: Started: 2020-10-07 17:50:28.897165
2020-10-07 17:50:50,755 graeae.timers.timer end: Ended: 2020-10-07 17:50:50.755424
2020-10-07 17:50:50,756 graeae.timers.timer end: Elapsed: 0:00:21.858259
Accuracy: 0.92

Plotting With PCA

Computing the PCA

Now we'll write a function to do the Principal Component Analysis for our embeddings.

  • The word vectors are of dimension 300.
  • Use PCA to change the 300 dimensions to n_components dimensions.
  • The new matrix should be of dimension m, n_components (m being the number of rows).
  • First de-mean the data
  • Get the eigenvalues using `linalg.eigh`. Use `eigh` rather than `eig` since R is symmetric. The performance gain when using `eigh` instead of `eig` is substantial.
  • Sort the eigenvectors and eigenvalues by decreasing order of the eigenvalues.
  • Get a subset of the eigenvectors (choose how many principle components you want to use using `n_components`).
  • Return the new transformation of the data by multiplying the eigenvectors with the original data.
def compute_pca(X: numpy.ndarray, n_components: int=2) -> numpy.ndarray:
    """Calculate the principal components for X

       X: of dimension (m,n) where each row corresponds to a word vector
       n_components: Number of components you want to keep.

       X_reduced: data transformed in 2 dims/columns + regenerated original data
    # you need to set axis to 0 or it will calculate the mean of the entire matrix instead of one per row
    X_demeaned = X - X.mean(axis=0)

    # calculate the covariance matrix
    # the default numpy.cov assumes the rows are variables, not columns so set rowvar to False
    covariance_matrix = numpy.cov(X_demeaned, rowvar=False)

    # calculate eigenvectors & eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
    eigen_vals, eigen_vecs = numpy.linalg.eigh(covariance_matrix)

    # sort eigenvalue in increasing order (get the indices from the sort)
    idx_sorted = numpy.argsort(eigen_vals)

    # reverse the order so that it's from highest to lowest.
    idx_sorted_decreasing = list(reversed(idx_sorted))

    # sort the eigen values by idx_sorted_decreasing
    eigen_vals_sorted = eigen_vals[idx_sorted_decreasing]

    # sort eigenvectors using the idx_sorted_decreasing indices
    # We're only sorting the columns so remember to get all the rows in the slice
    eigen_vecs_sorted = eigen_vecs[:, idx_sorted_decreasing]

    # select the first n eigenvectors (n is desired dimension
    # of rescaled data array, or dims_rescaled_data)
    # once again, make sure to get all the rows and only slice the columns
    eigen_vecs_subset = eigen_vecs_sorted[:, :n_components]

    # transform the data by multiplying the transpose of the eigenvectors 
    # with the transpose of the de-meaned data
    # Then take the transpose of that product.
    X_reduced = numpy.dot(eigen_vecs_subset.T, X_demeaned.T).T
    return X_reduced

I was getting the wrong values because for some reason so I decided to take out the call to random (since the seed was being set the values were always the same anyway) and just declare the test input array.

X = numpy.array([[4.17022005e-01, 7.20324493e-01, 1.14374817e-04, 3.02332573e-01,
                  1.46755891e-01, 9.23385948e-02, 1.86260211e-01, 3.45560727e-01,
                  3.96767474e-01, 5.38816734e-01],
                 [4.19194514e-01, 6.85219500e-01, 2.04452250e-01, 8.78117436e-01,
                  2.73875932e-02, 6.70467510e-01, 4.17304802e-01, 5.58689828e-01,
                  1.40386939e-01, 1.98101489e-01],
                 [8.00744569e-01, 9.68261576e-01, 3.13424178e-01, 6.92322616e-01,
                  8.76389152e-01, 8.94606664e-01, 8.50442114e-02, 3.90547832e-02,
                  1.69830420e-01, 8.78142503e-01]])
X_reduced = compute_pca(X, n_components=2)
# eigen_vecs, eigen_subset, X_demeaned = compute_pca(X, n_components=2)
print("Your original matrix was " + str(X.shape) + " and it became:")

expected = numpy.array([
 [0.43437323, 0.49820384],
 [0.42077249, -0.50351448],
 [-0.85514571, 0.00531064],

numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(X_reduced, expected)
Your original matrix was (3, 10) and it became:
[[ 0.43437323  0.49820384]
 [ 0.42077249 -0.50351448]
 [-0.85514571  0.00531064]]

Plot It

We'll use most of the non-country words to create a plot to see how well the PCA does.

words = ['oil', 'gas', 'happy', 'sad', 'city', 'town',
         'village', 'country', 'continent', 'petroleum', 'joyful']
subset = numpy.array([embeddings[word] for word in words])
reduced = compute_pca(subset)
reduced = pandas.DataFrame(reduced, columns="X Y".split())
reduced["Word"] = words
labels = reduced.hvplot.labels(x="X", y="Y", text="Word", text_baseline="top")

points = reduced.hvplot.scatter(x="X", y="Y", color=Plot.blue, padding=0.5)

plot = (points * labels).opts(
    title="PCA of Words",

outcome = Embed(plot=plot, file_name="pca_words")()

Figure Missing

It appears to have worked fairly well.

Sklearn Comparison

As a comparison here's what SKlearn's PCA does.

model = PCA(n_components=2)
reduced = model.fit(subset).transform(subset)
reduced = pandas.DataFrame(reduced, columns="X Y".split())
reduced["Word"] = words

labels = reduced.hvplot.labels(x="X", y="Y", text="Word", text_baseline="top")

points = reduced.hvplot.scatter(x="X", y="Y", color=Plot.blue, padding=0.5)

plot = (points * labels).opts(
    title="PCA of Words (SKLearn)",

outcome = Embed(plot=plot, file_name="sklearn_pca_words")()

Figure Missing

They look fairly comparable, I'll conclude that they are close (or close enough).