POS Tagging: Checking the Accuracy of Model
Table of Contents
Predicting on a data set
Compute the accuracy of your prediction by comparing it with the true `y` labels.
- `pred` is a list of predicted POS tags corresponding to the words of the `test_corpus`.
# python
import math
# pypi
from dotenv import load_dotenv
# this stuff
from neurotic.nlp.parts_of_speech import DataLoader, HiddenMarkov, Matrices, TheTrainer
# some other stuff
from graeae import Timer
Set Up
The Timer
TIMER = Timer()
The Matrices
with TIMER:
loader = DataLoader()
trainer = TheTrainer(loader.processed_training)
matrices = Matrices(transition_counts=trainer.transition_counts,
model = HiddenMarkov(loader, trainer, matrices)
2020-11-30 20:41:51,497 graeae.timers.timer start: Started: 2020-11-30 20:41:51.497226 2020-11-30 20:43:32,311 graeae.timers.timer end: Ended: 2020-11-30 20:43:32.311608 2020-11-30 20:43:32,312 graeae.timers.timer end: Elapsed: 0:01:40.814382
These classes were defined in other posts:
The original notebooks use a naming scheme that I don't really like so have to be aliased to make my stuff work with theirs.
prep = loader.test_words
pred = model.predictions
raw = loader.test_data_tuples
missing = [index for index, pair in enumerate(raw) if not pair]
for index in missing:
raw[index] = tuple(("", "--n--"))
y = [label for word, label in raw]
print('The third word is:', prep[3])
print('Your prediction is:', pred[3])
print('Your corresponding label y is: ', y[3])
assert len(y) == len(prep)
assert len(y) == len(pred)
The third word is: temperature Your prediction is: NN Your corresponding label y is: NN
Redo Y
Now that I look at their code, they expect the "y" list to be the un-split strings. Ugh.
y = loader.test_data_raw
print('Your corresponding label y is: ', y[3])
Your corresponding label y is: temperature NN
Compute Accuracy
def compute_accuracy(predlist, y: list) -> float:
"""Calculate the accuracy of our model's predictions
pred: a list of the predicted parts-of-speech
y: a list of lines where each word is separated by a '\t' (i.e. word \t tag)
accuracy of the predictions
num_correct = 0
total = 0
# Zip together the prediction and the labels
for prediction, y in zip(pred, y):
# Split the label into the word and the POS tag
word_tag_tuple = y.split()
# Check that there is actually a word and a tag
# no more and no less than 2 items
if len(word_tag_tuple) != 2: # complete this line
# store the word and tag separately
word, tag = word_tag_tuple
# Check if the POS tag label matches the prediction
if tag == prediction: # complete this line
# count the number of times that the prediction
# and label match
num_correct += 1
# keep track of the total number of examples (that have valid labels)
total += 1
return num_correct/total
accuracy = compute_accuracy(pred, y)
print(f"Accuracy of the Viterbi algorithm is {accuracy:.4f}")
assert math.isclose(accuracy, 0.95, abs_tol=1e-2)
Accuracy of the Viterbi algorithm is 0.9545
Note: The original notebook accuracy was 0.9531. I don't really know what caused the difference - I suspect their preprocessing - but since this is better I'll keep it.
So, there you go, parts-of-speech tagging.