Sentiment Analysis: Testing the Model
Table of Contents
Having trained our Deep Learning model for Sentiment Analysis previously we're now going to test how well it did.
# python
from argparse import Namespace
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
# pypi
import nltk
import trax.fastmath.numpy as numpy
import trax.layers as trax_layers
# this project
from neurotic.nlp.twitter.sentiment_network import SentimentNetwork
from neurotic.nlp.twitter.tensor_generator import TensorBuilder, TensorGenerator
Set Up
This is because of all the trouble getting trax and tensorflow working with CUDA means I have to keep re-building the Docker container I'm using.
data_path = Path("~/data/datasets/nltk_data/").expanduser()"twitter_samples", download_dir=str(data_path))
The Data Generators
converter = TensorBuilder()
train_generator = partial(TensorGenerator, converter,
VALIDATION_GENERATOR = valid_generator()
SIZE_OF_VOCABULARY = len(converter.vocabulary)
OUTPUT_PATH = Path("~/models").expanduser()
if not OUTPUT_PATH.is_dir():
The Model Builder
trainer = SentimentNetwork(
WARNING:absl:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.) Step 110: Ran 10 train steps in 4.89 secs Step 110: train CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00662578 Step 110: eval CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00139236 Step 110: eval Accuracy | 1.00000000 Step 120: Ran 10 train steps in 2.61 secs Step 120: train CrossEntropyLoss | 0.03323080 Step 120: eval CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00684100 Step 120: eval Accuracy | 1.00000000 Step 130: Ran 10 train steps in 1.27 secs Step 130: train CrossEntropyLoss | 0.11124543 Step 130: eval CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00011413 Step 130: eval Accuracy | 1.00000000 Step 140: Ran 10 train steps in 0.71 secs Step 140: train CrossEntropyLoss | 0.03609489 Step 140: eval CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00000590 Step 140: eval Accuracy | 1.00000000 Step 150: Ran 10 train steps in 1.92 secs Step 150: train CrossEntropyLoss | 0.08605278 Step 150: eval CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00003427 Step 150: eval Accuracy | 1.00000000 Step 160: Ran 10 train steps in 1.31 secs Step 160: train CrossEntropyLoss | 0.04926774 Step 160: eval CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00003597 Step 160: eval Accuracy | 1.00000000 Step 170: Ran 10 train steps in 1.30 secs Step 170: train CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00986138 Step 170: eval CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00026259 Step 170: eval Accuracy | 1.00000000 Step 180: Ran 10 train steps in 0.76 secs Step 180: train CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00773767 Step 180: eval CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00038017 Step 180: eval Accuracy | 1.00000000 Step 190: Ran 10 train steps in 1.35 secs Step 190: train CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00555876 Step 190: eval CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00000706 Step 190: eval Accuracy | 1.00000000 Step 200: Ran 10 train steps in 0.76 secs Step 200: train CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00381955 Step 200: eval CrossEntropyLoss | 0.00000122 Step 200: eval Accuracy | 1.00000000
The Accuracy
This is from the last post. I havent' figured out how to arrange all the code yet.
def compute_accuracy(preds: numpy.ndarray,
y: numpy.ndarray,
y_weights: numpy.ndarray) -> tuple:
"""Compute a batch accuracy
preds: a tensor of shape (dim_batch, output_dim)
y: a tensor of shape (dim_batch,) with the true labels
y_weights: a n.ndarray with the a weight for each example
accuracy: a float between 0-1
weighted_num_correct (np.float32): Sum of the weighted correct predictions
sum_weights (np.float32): Sum of the weights
# Create an array of booleans,
# True if the probability of positive sentiment is greater than
# the probability of negative sentiment
# else False
is_pos = preds[:, 1] > preds[:, 0]
# convert the array of booleans into an array of np.int32
is_pos_int = is_pos.astype(numpy.int32)
# compare the array of predictions (as int32) with the target (labels) of type int32
correct = is_pos_int == y
# Count the sum of the weights.
sum_weights = y_weights.sum()
# convert the array of correct predictions (boolean) into an arrayof np.float32
correct_float = correct.astype(numpy.float32)
# Multiply each prediction with its corresponding weight.
weighted_correct_float =
# Sum up the weighted correct predictions (of type np.float32), to go in the
# denominator.
weighted_num_correct = weighted_correct_float.sum()
# Divide the number of weighted correct predictions by the sum of the
# weights.
accuracy = weighted_num_correct/sum_weights
return accuracy, weighted_num_correct, sum_weights
Testing the model on Validation Data
Now we'll test our model's prediction accuracy on validation data.
This program will take in a data generator and the model.
- The generator allows us to get batches of data. You can use it with a
for batch in iterator: # do something with that batch
has dimensions (X, Y, weights)
- Column 0 corresponds to the tweet as a tensor (input).
- Column 1 corresponds to its target (actual label, positive or negative sentiment).
- Column 2 corresponds to the weights associated (example weights)
- You can feed the tweet into model and it will return the predictions for the batch.
# GRADED FUNCTION: test_model
def test_model(generator: TensorGenerator, model: trax_layers.Serial) -> float:
"""Calculate the accuracy of the model
generator: an iterator instance that provides batches of inputs and targets
model: a model instance
accuracy: float corresponding to the accuracy
accuracy = 0.
total_num_correct = 0
total_num_pred = 0
### START CODE HERE (Replace instances of 'None' with your code) ###
for batch in generator:
# Retrieve the inputs from the batch
inputs = batch[0]
# Retrieve the targets (actual labels) from the batch
targets = batch[1]
# Retrieve the example weight.
example_weight = batch[2]
# Make predictions using the inputs
pred = model(inputs)
# Calculate accuracy for the batch by comparing its predictions and targets
batch_accuracy, batch_num_correct, batch_num_pred = compute_accuracy(
pred, targets, example_weight)
# Update the total number of correct predictions
# by adding the number of correct predictions from this batch
total_num_correct += batch_num_correct
# Update the total number of predictions
# by adding the number of predictions made for the batch
total_num_pred += batch_num_pred
# Calculate accuracy over all examples
accuracy = total_num_correct/total_num_pred
return accuracy
# testing the accuracy of your model: this takes around 20 seconds
model = trainer.training_loop.eval_model
# we used all the data for the training and validation (oops)
# so we don't have any test data. Fix that later
#accuracy = test_model(VALIDATION_GENERATOR, model)
generator = valid_generator(infinite=False)
accuracy = test_model(generator, model)
print(f'The accuracy of your model on the validation set is {accuracy:.4f}', )
The accuracy of your model on the validation set is 0.9995
Testing Some Custom Input
Finally, let's test some custom input. You will see that deepnets are more powerful than the older methods we have used before. Although we got close to 100% accuracy using Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression, that was because the task was way easier.
This is used to predict on a new sentence.
def predict(sentence: str) -> tuple:
"""Predicts the sentiment of the sentence
sentence to get the sentiment for
predictions, sentiment
inputs = numpy.array(converter.to_tensor(sentence))
# Batch size 1, add dimension for batch, to work with the model
inputs = inputs.reshape(1, len(inputs))
# predict with the model
probabilities = model(inputs)
# Turn probabilities into categories
prediction = int(probabilities[0, 1] > probabilities[0, 0])
sentiment = "positive" if prediction == 1 else "negative"
return prediction, sentiment
sentence = "It's such a nice day, think i'll be taking Sid to Ramsgate fish and chips for lunch at Peter's fish factory and then the beach maybe"
inputs = numpy.array(converter.to_tensor(sentence))
A Positive Sentence
sentence = "It's such a nice day, think i'll be taking Sid to Ramsgate fish and chips for lunch at Peter's fish factory and then the beach maybe"
tmp_pred, tmp_sentiment = predict(sentence)
print(f"The sentiment of the sentence \n***\n\"{sentence}\"\n***\nis {tmp_sentiment}.")
The sentiment of the sentence *** "It's such a nice day, think i'll be taking Sid to Ramsgate fish and chips for lunch at Peter's fish factory and then the beach maybe" *** is positive.
A Negative Sentence
sentence = "I hated my day, it was the worst, I'm so sad."
tmp_pred, tmp_sentiment = predict(sentence)
print(f"The sentiment of the sentence \n***\n\"{sentence}\"\n***\nis {tmp_sentiment}.")
The sentiment of the sentence *** "I hated my day, it was the worst, I'm so sad." *** is negative.
Notice that the model works well even for complex sentences.
On Pooh
s = "Oh, bother!"
print(f"{s}: {predict(s)}")
Oh, bother!: (0, 'negative')
On Deep Nets
Deep nets allow you to understand and capture dependencies that you would have not been able to capture with a simple linear regression, or logistic regression.
- It also allows you to better use pre-trained embeddings for classification and tends to generalize better.
So, there you have it, a Deep Learning Model for Sentiment Analysis built using Trax. Here are the prior posts in this series.