Vanilla RNNs and GRUs

Vanilla RNNs, GRUs and the scan function


# from python
from argparse import Namespace
from collections import namedtuple
from time import perf_counter

# from pypi
from expects import be_true, expect
from numpy import random

import numpy

Set Up

The Sigmoid Function

def sigmoid(x: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
    """Calculates the sigmoid of x

     x: the array (or float) to get the sigmoid for

     the sigmoid of x
    return 1.0 / (1.0 + numpy.exp(-x))


These are going to hold the arrays that we are using for calculation.

Weights = namedtuple("Weights", "w1 w2 w3 b1 b2 b3".split())
Inputs = namedtuple("Inputs", "X hidden_state".split())


The Forward Method For Vanilla RNNs and GRUs

In this part of the notebook, we'll look at the implementation of the forward method for a vanilla RNN and implement that same method for a GRU. For this excercise we'll use a set of random weights and variables with the following dimensions:

  • Embedding size (emb) : 128
  • Hidden state size (h_dim) : (16,1)

The weights w_ and biases b_ are initialized with dimensions (h_dim, emb + h_dim) and (h_dim, 1). We expect the hidden state h_t to be a column vector with size (h_dim,1) and the initial hidden state h_0 is a vector of zeros.

Now we'll set up the variables for the dimensions.

Dimension = Namespace(

Now we'll initialize the various arrays.


weights = Weights(
    w1 = random.standard_normal(
         Dimension.embedding + Dimension.hidden_state)),
    w2 = random.standard_normal(
         Dimension.embedding + Dimension.hidden_state)),
    w3 = random.standard_normal(
         Dimension.embedding + Dimension.hidden_state)),
    b1 = random.standard_normal((Dimension.hidden_state, 1)),
    b2 = random.standard_normal((Dimension.hidden_state, 1)),
    b3 = random.standard_normal((Dimension.hidden_state, 1)),  

inputs = Inputs(
    hidden_state = numpy.zeros((Dimension.hidden_state, 1)),
    X = random.standard_normal((Dimension.hidden_variables, Dimension.embedding, 1))

The Forward Method For Vanilla RNNs

The vanilla RNN cell is quite straight forward.

The computations made in a vanilla RNN cell are equivalent to the following equations:

\begin{equation} h^{\langle t \rangle}=g(W_{h}[h^{\langle t-1 \rangle},x^{\langle t \rangle}] + b_h) \label{eq: htRNN} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \hat{y}^{\langle t \rangle}=g(W_{yh}h^{\langle t \rangle} + b_y) \label{eq: ytRNN} \end{equation}

Where \([h^{\langle t-1 \rangle},x^{\langle t \rangle}]\) means that \(h^{\langle t-1 \rangle}\) and \(x^{\langle t \rangle}\) are concatenated together.

Here's the implementation of the forward method for a vanilla RNN.

def forward_vanilla_RNN(inputs: tuple, weights: tuple) -> tuple:
    Forward propagation for a a single vanilla RNN cell

     inputs: collection of x and the hidden state
     weights: collections of weights and biases

     hidden state twice (so we don't have to implement y for the scan)
    x, hidden_state = inputs
    w1, _, _, b1, _, __ = weights
    h_t =,
                                       x])) + b1
    h_t = sigmoid(h_t)
    return h_t, h_t

As you can see, we omitted the computation of \(\hat{y}^{\langle t \rangle}\). This was done for the sake of simplicity, so you can focus on the way that hidden states are updated here and in the GRU cell.

The Forward Method For GRUs

A GRU cell has more computations than the ones that vanilla RNNs have.

GRUs have relevance \(\Gamma_r\) and update \(\Gamma_u\) gates that control how the hidden state \(h^{\langle t \rangle}\) is updated on every time step. With these gates, GRUs are capable of keeping relevant information in the hidden state even for long sequences. The equations needed for the forward method in GRUs are:

\begin{equation} \Gamma_r=\sigma{(W_r[h^{\langle t-1\rangle}, x^{\langle t\rangle}]+b_r)} \end{equation} \begin{equation} \Gamma_u=\sigma{(W_u[h^{\langle t-1\rangle}, x^{\langle t\rangle}]+b_u)} \end{equation} \begin{equation} c^{\langle t\rangle}=\tanh{(W_h[\Gamma_r*h^{\langle t-1\rangle},x^{\langle t\rangle}]+b_h)} \end{equation} \begin{equation} h^{\langle t\rangle}=\Gamma_u*c^{\langle t\rangle}+(1-\Gamma_u)*h^{\langle t-1\rangle} \end{equation}

In the next cell, we'll implement the forward method for a GRU cell by computing the update u and relevance r gates, and the candidate hidden state c.

def forward_GRU(inputs: tuple, weights: Namespace) -> tuple:
    Forward propagation for a single GRU cell

     inputs: collection of (x, h_t)
     weights: tuple of weights

     updated hidden weights twice
    x, h_t = inputs

    # weights.
    wu, wr, wc, bu, br, bc = weights

    # Update gate
    u =, numpy.concatenate([h_t, x])) + bu
    u = sigmoid(u)

    # Relevance gate
    r =, numpy.concatenate([h_t, x])) + br
    r = sigmoid(r)

    # Candidate hidden state 
    c =, numpy.concatenate([r * h_t, x])) + bc
    c = numpy.tanh(c)

    # New Hidden state h_t
    h_t = u * c + (1 - u) * h_t
    return h_t, h_t
  • A Check
    actual = forward_GRU([inputs.X[1], inputs.hidden_state], weights)[0]
    expected = numpy.array([[ 9.77779014e-01],
                            [ 2.10804828e-02],
                            [ 9.77365398e-05],
                            [ 9.99833090e-01],
                            [ 1.63200940e-08],
                            [ 8.51874303e-01],
                            [ 5.21399924e-02],
                            [ 2.15495959e-02],
                            [ 9.99878828e-01],
                            [ 9.77165472e-01]])
    expect(numpy.allclose(actual, expected)).to(be_true)
    [[ 9.77779014e-01]
     [ 2.10804828e-02]
     [ 9.77365398e-05]
     [ 9.99833090e-01]
     [ 1.63200940e-08]
     [ 8.51874303e-01]
     [ 5.21399924e-02]
     [ 2.15495959e-02]
     [ 9.99878828e-01]
     [ 9.77165472e-01]]

Part 2: Implementation of the scan function

The scan function is used for forward propagation in RNNs. It takes as inputs:

  • fn : the function to be called recurrently (i.e. forward_GRU)
  • elems : the list of inputs for each time step (X)
  • weights : the parameters needed to compute fn
  • h_0 : the initial hidden state

scan goes through all the elements x in elems, calls the function fn with arguments ([=x=, h_t=],=weights), stores the computed hidden state h_t and appends the result to a list ys. Complete the following cell by calling fn with arguments ([=x=, h_t=],=weights).

def scan(fn, elems, weights, h_0=None) -> tuple:
    Forward propagation for RNNs

     function: callable that updates the hidden state
      elems: input (x)
      weights: collection of weights
      h_0: the initial hidden weights
    h_t = h_0
    ys = []
    for x in elems:
        y, h_t = fn([x, h_t], weights)
    return ys, h_t

Comparing Vanilla RNNs and GRUs

You have already seen how forward propagation is computed for vanilla RNNs and GRUs. As a quick recap, you need to have a forward method for the recurrent cell and a function like scan to go through all the elements from a sequence using a forward method. You saw that GRUs performed more computations than vanilla RNNs, and you can check that they have 3 times more parameters. In the next two cells, we compute forward propagation for a sequence with 256 time steps (T) for an RNN and a GRU with the same hidden state h_t size (=h_dim==16).

Vanilla RNNs

We'll train the RNN and also time it.

tick = perf_counter()
ys, h_T = scan(forward_vanilla_RNN, inputs.X, weights, inputs.hidden_state)
tock = perf_counter()
RNN_time=(tock-tick) * 1000
print (f"It took {RNN_time:.2f}ms to run the forward method for the vanilla RNN.")
It took 2.03ms to run the forward method for the vanilla RNN.


tick = perf_counter()
ys, h_T = scan(forward_GRU, inputs.X, weights, inputs.hidden_state)
tock = perf_counter()
GRU_time=(tock - tick) * 1000
print (f"It took {GRU_time:.2f}ms to run the forward method for the GRU.")
It took 5.48ms to run the forward method for the GRU.

GRUs take more time to compute. This means that training and prediction would take more time for a GRU than for a vanilla RNN. However, GRUs allow you to propagate relevant information even for long sequences, so when selecting an architecture for NLP we should assess the tradeoff between computational time and performance.