CodeWars: Not Very Secure

The Problem Statement

In this example you have to validate if a user input string is alphanumeric. The given string is not nil/null/NULL/None, so you don't have to check that.

The string has the following conditions to be alphanumeric:

  • At least one character ("" is not valid)
  • Allowed characters are uppercase / lowercase Latin letters and digits from 0 to 9
  • No whitespaces / underscore

The Function Signature:

def alphanumeric(password):


First, some imports.

# python
from string import ascii_letters, digits
from typing import Callable

import random
import re

# pypy
from expects import expect, equal

Test Cases

These are the cases give by CodeWars - most of them are randomly generated.

    "hello world_",
    "     ",
    "__ * __",
    "V5cNfgK Hj4dEeJ",
    "7e7w0wn uH7GhK7",
    "BG        AWuGtQCnHac2wb",
    "K hTcILzx1tU7",
    "v0r k",

The Tester

It turns out that, once again, as with the binary conversion case from edabit, there is a python built-in that solves this problem (isalnum). From the python documentation:

Return True if all characters in the string are alphanumeric and there is at least one character, False otherwise. A character c is alphanumeric if one of the following returns True: c.isalpha(), c.isdecimal(), c.isdigit(), or c.isnumeric().

Curiously, there is an isdecimal method and an isdigit method. I read the documentation for them and it appears that isdigit actually encompasses more than the 10 digits of the base-10 system, including something called the Kharosthi Numbers so this function is too permissive, but the test cases they gave don't seem to have any exotic characters so I'm going to assume that it will work as a validator for this problem.

def tester(testee: Callable[[str], bool], cases: list=TEST_CASES,
           throw: bool=True) -> None:
    """Run the testee over the test-cases


     - `testee`: function to check if a string is alphanumeric
     - `cases`: iterable test-cases to check
     - `throw`: Throw a exception if a case fails (otherwise just print failure)


     AssertionError if any case fails
    for test_case in cases:
        except AssertionError as error:
            print("Failed Test Case: '{0}' Expected: {1} Actual: {2}".format(
                test_case, test_case.isalnum(), testee(test_case)))
            if throw:

A Solution

The problem-page on CodeWars shows a "RegularExpressions" tag so I'm going to assume that that's the way to solve it. My first thought was to use the \w special character, but the documentation says:

Matches Unicode word characters; this includes alphanumeric characters (as defined by str.isalnum()) as well as the underscore (_). If the ASCII flag is used, only [a-zA-Z0-9_] is matched.

The description says that it's equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9_], so we can't use it (we don't want underscores), but if we use the same character ranges and leave out the underscore, it should work.

ALPHANUMERIC = "[a-zA-Z0-9]"


def submitted(password: str) -> bool:
    """Check if the input is alphanumeric


     - password: string to check


      True if alphanumeric False otherwise
    return PATTERN_ONE.fullmatch(password) is not None


As a check, I'll see what happens if I used the \w instead.

WITH_UNDERSCORES = re.compile("\w" + ONE_OR_MORE)

def allows_underscores(password: str) -> bool:
    """Checks if the password has only alphanumeric or underscore characters


      - password: input to check


     - True if valid
    return WITH_UNDERSCORES.fullmatch(password) is not None



So, that was a surprise. Why did allows_underscores pass the tests? If you look back at the test-cases you'll see that none of them have just letters, digits, and underscores, if there's an underscore then there's also white-space or some other invalid character. Seems like there's a hole in their testing.

Let's add in a couple of cases that should fail.

EXTRA = "".join(random.choices(ascii_letters + digits + "_", k=25)) + "_"

tester(allows_underscores, TEST_CASES_2, throw=False)

That's better.

The End

So, another not so exciting problem, but I did learn that there's a fullmatch function now, spurring me to look up what the match and search methods do again, which was useful. As a note to my future self, match and fullmatch are essentially shortcuts so you don't have to use the beginning and ending of line characters. That is to say, search("^[a-z]+") is the equivalent of match("[a-z]+") and search("^[a-z]+$") is the equivalent of fullmatch("[a-z]+")". There might be other differences, but for simple cases like this that'll do.


Not-Very-Secure: The CodeWars problem page.

StackOverflow: Answer explaining the difference between match, search, and fullmatch.

Python's Regular Expressions: The documentation page.

str.isalnum: python's built-in types page with the string methods.