Slip Box System Parts List

The Four Parts

A Capture System

This should be paper-based, or at least something that's always there and quick to use.

  • a notebook
  • index cards
  • loose paper
  • napkinsā€¦

A Reference System

This is where you put information about your sources. For books and papers Zotero is handy, although once again, the fact that I have to fire up this GUI-based program adds a little bit of overhead. The original system was just another box so I'm going to try something like that. Maybe a sub-folderā€¦

The Slip Box

The original system was a wooden box with A6 paper. I'm using a static site with plain text (org-mode).

Something To Produce a Final Product

The system is aimed at writers, but I'm a computer programmer, and I think it might work with other types of output (like drawing) so it's really just having a way to produce something from your project.

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