A Jinja Altair/Vega Shortcode

The Shortcode Template

This is a shortcode-template to add the HTML for an altair-vega sketch (both the script and div tags). The shortcode takes two arguments:

  • source: the name of the javascript chart file
  • divid: the ID of the div in the HTML where the chart will go.

The file is in shortcodes/altairdiv.tmpl. Note that since it's a template it will only work with Jinja. To make it work with mako you need another template (which I haven't made yet).

<div class="altair-vega" id="{{ divid }}"></div>

<script src="{{ source }}"></script>

Note: The only thing that makes this altair-specific is the class. This is also the case with the P5 Div Shortcode, so perhaps a generic shortcode that takes the class as a third-argument would be better… Although then you'd have to remember the class names.

Try it Out

As noted, this is a Jinja shortcode so the conf.py has to be pointing to the jinja theme.

 # from pypi
 import altair
 import pandas

 # monkey
 from graeae.visualization.altair_helpers import output_path, save_vega_embed
OUTPUT = output_path(slug="a-jinja-altairvega-shortcode")

data = pandas.DataFrame(dict(a=[1, 3, 5], b=[3, 9, 27]))
chart = altair.Chart(data).mark_bar().encode(
).properties(height=600, width="container")

save_vega_embed(chart, name="shortcode-bar",output_path=OUTPUT, div_id="shortcode-bar-id")

A Jinja Altair/Vega Template

The Altair Template

This is the Jinja template to get altair-vega into posts. To use it add .. template: altair.tmpl to the post metadata. It is located at themes/custom-jinja/templates/altair.tmpl

The Tangle

Here's the tangle that creates the template file.

{#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #}

{% extends 'post.tmpl' %}

{% block extra_head %}
  {{ super() }}
{% endblock %} 

Altair Helper Import

Both this template and the index.tmpl template need to import the vega library I made a macro to do it and put it in a separate file (altair_helper.tmpl) so we need to import that macro here.

{% import 'altair_helper.tmpl' as altair with context %}

The Altair Macro Call

Here's where we call the macro to insert the script tag to get vega.

{{ altair.altair_scripts() }}

The Altair Helper Template

This is the template file that contains the functions (macros) to check whether the HTML to work with vega should be added or not. It is located at themes/custom-jinja/templates/altair_helper.tmpl It's used by both the altair.tmpl template (above) and the index.tmpl template that's used for the latest posts.

The Tangle

{#  -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #}




Vega Scripts Macro

This adds the vega library to the HTML HEAD as well as defining an "error" class that gets used if there's an error in rendering the vega chart. It has the versions hard-wired into it so it will need to be changed if we want to use a different version of vega, vega-lite, or vega-embed.

{# macro to add the altair-vega.js code tags #}
{# and define an error color class #}
{% macro altair_scripts() %}
    .error {
        color: red;
  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega@5"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega-lite@5.6.1"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vega-embed@6"></script>
{% endmacro %}

Vega Post Macro

Here's a macro that gets called to set up a single post (as opposed to a post in the latest-posts feed). It adds the vega-imports to the document HEAD if there's a .. has_altair field in the meta data. I don't think this works yet - there needs to be more work done on the post template or I need to make a real plugin.

{# macro for a single post #}
{# `post`: a Post object #}
{% macro altair_scripts_ifpost(post) %}
    {% if post.meta("has_altair") %}
        {{ altair_scripts() }}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

Vega Index Macro

This is the macro that adds the vega libraries if the post is in the posts feed and it has been set in the metadata.

{# macro used by feed page with multiple posts (e.g. index.tmpl) #}
{# 'posts': list of Post objects #}
{# jinja doesn't support comprehensions so we have to use a for-loop #}
{# the ~post.meta~ object is a Functionary object #}
{# the metadata is in a dictionary that's in a dictionary #}
{# if you try ~post.meta.has_altair~ it will fail because you need the language you're using as a key #}
{# e.g. ~post.meta.en.has_altair~ #}
{# to not refer to the langugage you need to call it like a function, passing in the "has_altair" key as an argument #}
{% macro altair_scripts_ifposts(posts) %}
  {% set altair_added = False %}
  {% for post in posts %}
    {% if (post.meta("has_altair") or post.meta("template") == "altair.tmpl") and not altair_added %}
      {% set altair_added = True %}
      {{ altair_scripts() }}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

Lancelot Shortcode


This is a variant of the built-in doc shortcode (although it seems to go into the plugins folder for some reason, I'll have to look into that). The ReStructured Text doc documentation says that you can pass in text to display instead of the title of the post it's linking to, but I couldn't get it to work with the non-RST version so I adapted it so I could use it in org-mode posts. I didn't really look too closely at the code, just enough to get it working so it's probably pretty fragile.

The Plugin File

name = lancelot
module = lancelot

PluginCategory = Shortcode

author = The Cloistered Monkey
version = 0.2
website = https://necromuralist.github.io/Beach-Pig-Thigh
description = Variant of the doc shortcode that allows alternate titles.

The Python Code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is public domain according to its author, the Cloistered Monkey

"""Shortcode for non-restructured text inter-site links.
Re-write of the ``doc`` plugin to allow alternative titles outside of RST
The documentation seems to indicate that this should work but it uses angle
brackets <> and something is converting them to less than and greater
than HTML symbols.

from nikola.plugin_categories import ShortcodePlugin
from nikola.utils import LOGGER, slugify

class Plugin(ShortcodePlugin):
    """Plugin for non-rst inter-site links."""

    name = "lancelot"

    def handler(self, title=None, site=None, data=None, lang=None,
                date=None, post=None):
        """Create an inter-site link

         if you don't use the keyword "title" in the shortcode, nikola will
        pass the string as the first argument to this method (using the *args
        trick). So for my future self: put the title first or never
        forget the keyword.

         title: optional argument to specify a different title from the post

         output HTML to replace the shortcode
        success, twin_slugs, title, permalink, slug = lancelot_link(
        if success:
            if twin_slugs:
                    ('More than one post with the same slug. '
                     f'Using "{permalink}" '
                     'for lancelot shortcode'))
            output = f'<a href="{permalink}">{title}</a>'
                f'"{slug}" slug doesn\'t exist.')
            output = ('<span class="error text-error" style="color: red;">'
                      f'Invalid link: {data}</span>')
        return output, []

def lancelot_link(site, slug, title):
    """process the slug, check if it exists or is duplicated

    if `title` is None this will grab the post-title

     site: the Nikola object
     slug: the text between the shortcode tags
     title: the title passed in by the user (if any)

     tuple (success, has duplicate slugs, title, permalink, slug)
    if '#' in slug:
        slug, fragment = slug.split('#', 1)
        fragment = None
    slug = slugify(slug)

    twin_slugs = False
    post = None
    for p in site.timeline:
        if p.meta('slug') == slug:
            if post is None:
                post = p
                twin_slugs = True
        if post is None:
            raise ValueError("No post with matching slug found.")
    except ValueError:
        return False, False, title, None, slug

    if title is None:
        title = post.title()

    permalink = post.permalink()
    if fragment:
        permalink += '#' + fragment

    return True, twin_slugs, title, permalink, slug

Jinja Math Helper

What This Is

In one of my Nikola sites (Bowling For Data) I wanted a simpler way to use pseudocode.js in posts (simpler than having to always insert the CDN URLs into the HTML) so I thought I'd copy what the .. has_math: metadata flag does, but it turns out to involve more code than I was hoping to need so I instead copied over the math template and hacked in what I needed.

I wanted to use it in a repository I'm starting up (Terribilis Ludum) so I copied the hacked template over to it but I couldn't get it to work. Then I realized that Bowling For Data is using mako while I had set up Terribilis Ludum for Jinja so I was going to have to re-do it. I find Jinja harder to understand than Mako, partly because their documentation is sparse (and just one long document) but also because Mako uses python-ish syntax while Jinja… doesn't. But I suppose it's a good idea to have both, so here's the Jinja version.

I was thinking it'd be better to make a separate template instead of replicng the math_helper.tmpl, but it gets called in the index page template so I'd have to hack that up too, which seemed like too much bother, especially since I don't really know what everything is doing in there.

The Macros

Pseudocode Macros

These define the macros to insert the pseudocode scripts into the HTML.


{% macro pseudocode() %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pseudocode@2.4.1/build/pseudocode.min.css">
{% endmacro %}

This is the current pseudocode.js version (as of October 11, 2023). There is also an URL that is just "latest" but the pseudocode.js documentation says that it isn't always up to date so thtis will require periodically checking on the version as time goes on if keeping up to date makes some kind of version.


{% macro code_styles() %}
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pseudocode@2.4.1/build/pseudocode.min.js">
{% endmacro %}

The Math Scripts Macro

This is the macro that configures MathJax. I tried changing it to MathJax 3 but the rendering went a little cuckoo so I had to go back to 2.7.5 like in the original.

{% macro math_scripts() %}
  <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.5/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML" integrity="sha384-3lJUsx1TJHt7BA4udB5KPnDrlkO8T6J6v/op7ui0BbCjvZ9WqV4Xm6DTP6kQ/iBH" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  {% if mathjax_config %}
    {{ mathjax_config }}
  {% else %}
    <script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
	tex2jax: {
	    inlineMath: [['$','$'], ['\\(','\\)']],

I did change the inlineMath dollar sign - the original had the word "latex" after the dollar sign, I guess so it doesn't mess up cases where you want actual dollar signs on the same line.

Pseudocode Additional Config

This is extra configuration stuff I added. I suppose this could (maybe should) go into the conf.py file. Maybe I'll change it later.

	displayMath: [['$$','$$'], ['\\[','\\]']],
	processEscapes: true,
	processEnvironments: true,

And this is just to close out the macro.

  {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

There was also a "math styles" macro but it only seemed to apply to katex and since I'm using MathJax I got rid of it.

The Post Checkers

These are the macros that get called in the index templates to check if the page needs the math rendering code.

Math Scripts

If the has_pseudocode flag is set I'm calling the math_scripts in the later macros that add the CSS because they insert stuff into the head of the HTML, not the body. This seems to help a little with getting the math in the pseudocode to render when the page is cached by the browser.

Math Scripts If Post

This first chunk runs if the post has .. has_math: true in the metadata. It's calling the math_scripts macro from the prior section.

{% macro math_scripts_ifpost(post) %}
  {% if post.has_math %}
   {{ math_scripts() }}

I added this next part for the pseudocode. I didn't build code to make a proper metadata setting for pseudocode so unlike the previous chunk which is able to check if post.has_math I'm checking the post.meta object for the string "has_pseudocode". So as long as the post metadata has .. has_pseudocode: <any text> it will put in the math and pseudocode.

{% elif post.meta("has_pseudocode") %}
  {# the call to math_scripts is in the CSS macros to put it in the HEAD #}
  {{ pseudocode() }}

And here's the end of the macro.

  {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

Math Scripts If Posts

This macro is like the previous one except it gets used when on the default page which has the latest several posts displayed on it so we need to check if any of the posts has the metadata requesting math or pseudocode and only insert them once, even if multiple posts use them.

This came from nikola.

{% macro math_scripts_ifposts(posts) %}
    {% if posts|selectattr("has_math")|list %}
      {{ math_scripts() }}

I added this next section to get the pseudocode into the page. Since mako uses python syntax I could do it as a generator comprehension in one line in the other version, but I couldn't figure out how to do it with Jinja so I used a for-loop. It doesn't add a lot of extra code but there were two things that seemed unusual. One is that you can't break out of the for-loop so I needed a variable to check if I've already set up MathJax and pseudocode.js. The other is that for some reason Jinja's variables are by default local to the for-loop, you can't access anything declared outside of it and thus I needed to use the namespace function which makes it so you can use the object not_yet in the loop, which is what I used to check that we only call the math_scripts and pseudocode macros once.

    {% else %}
      {% set not_yet = namespace(set_up=true) %}
      {% for post in posts %}
	{% if post.meta("has_pseudocode") and not_yet.set_up %}
	  {{ pseudocode() }}
	  {% set not_yet.set_up = false %}
	{% endif %}
      {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

Math Styles

This is like the previous two sections except it inserts the CSS. This gets put into the head while the scripts get put into the body of the posts. According to StackOverflow putting javascript in the HEAD can block loading so javascript should go at the bottom. Is that what my P5 template is doing? I'll need to look into that.

It might be the reason that MathJax isn't rendering until I refresh the page sometimes, though, so I use it to insert MathJax into the HTML head when putting in pseudocode.js.

Math Styles If Post

Since I got rid of the math-style macro this just loads the pseudocode styling (if it's needed).

{% macro math_styles_ifpost(post) %}
    {% if post.meta("has_pseudocode") %}
      {{ math_scripts() }}
      {{ code_styles() }}
    {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

Math Styles If Posts

And this is for the case where there are multiple posts on a page.

{% macro math_styles_ifposts(posts) %}
  {% set not_yet = namespace(set_up=true) %}
  {% for post in posts %}
    {% if post.meta("has_pseudocode") and not_yet.set_up %}
      {{ math_scripts() }}
      {{ code_styles() }}
      {% set not_yet.set_up = false %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

The Race Condition

There appears to be a race condition problem that happens sometimes if I reload the page too many times.(https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax/issues/1805#issuecomment-314433504). It prevents the math being completely rendered in the pseudocode (it converts the inline symbol (slash right-parethesis) to dollar signs, so it's doing something, but it leaves the rest of the latex as is). It can be fixed by clearing the cache but I decided to try and work around it a little.

It only affects the pseudocode so I moved the loading of the math_scripts into the styles macros because they insert it into the head and not the body (which mathjax says is preferred anyway). It doesn't bother the pseudocode to be in the body so I'm leaving it there.

Orgmode Plugin init.el

This is the emacs configuration (init.el) for the orgmode plugin to export posts and pages to HTML. I spent forever messing with the init.el file for my emacs instance, but it turns out that the plugin has its own configuration so you have to make changes here or they won't matter.


This is the list of languages that pygments will colorize when source-code blocks are exported. The org-babel documentation has a list of supported languages, but it doesn't list fish, although that seems to work. It might be because I inserted fish-mode, or maybe it just has to be a supported pygments language.

The first argument is what you put as the type in the source block and the second is the pygments short-name ("org-source-name" . "pygments-name").


Add coloring for the fish-shell.

("fish" . "fish")
function color_test
  echo "colorize me"


("gherkin" . "gherkin")
Scenario: Gherkin colorization

Feature: Pygments gherkin colorization

Given a gherkin feature file
When the org-mode file is exported to HTML
Then the feature fragment is colorized.


("html" . "html")
<h1>Colorize HTML</h1>


For INI configuration files.

("ini" . "ini")
killer = whale
monk = fish
lion = seal


("jinja" . "html+jinja")
{% macro pseudocode() %}
  <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pseudocode@latest/build/pseudocode.min.js"></script>
{% endmacro %}


("mako" . "html+mako")
<%def name="pseudocode()">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pseudocode@latest/build/pseudocode.min.js"></script>

Lazy Image Loading

This adds Lazy Loading to the HTML image tags.

;; Export images with lazy link type
(defun org-custom-link-img-url-export (path desc format)
   ((eq format 'html)
    (format "<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\" loading=\"lazy\" />" path desc))))
(org-add-link-type "lazy-img-url" nil 'org-custom-link-img-url-export)

This is supposed to let the browser know that it doesn't have to load the image until it's within view of the user. Here's an example hosted on pCloud.

Majority-Item Panels 1 & 2

You use it by using lazy-img-url instead of img-url in an image link.

[[lazy-img-url:test-image.png][Alternate Image Name]]

Silencing the Python Warning

Emacs warns you that it's using 4 spaces for the python code, which is what we want anyway, so this should, hopefully, turn off all those warnings.

(setq python-indent-guess-indent-offset t)
(setq python-indent-guess-indent-offset-verbose nil)

The Tangle

;; Init file to use with the orgmode plugin.

;; this is generated from the post with the slug: orgmode-plugin-initel

;; Load org-mode
;; Requires org-mode v8.x

(require 'package)
(setq package-load-list '((htmlize t)))

(require 'org)
(require 'ox-html)

;;; Custom configuration for the export.

;;; Add any custom configuration that you would like to 'conf.el'.
(setq nikola-use-pygments t
      org-export-with-toc nil
      org-export-with-section-numbers nil
      org-startup-folded 'showeverything)

;; Load additional configuration from conf.el
(let ((conf (expand-file-name "conf.el" (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
  (if (file-exists-p conf)
      (load-file conf)))

;;; Macros

;; Load Nikola macros
(setq nikola-macro-templates
           (expand-file-name "macros.org" (file-name-directory load-file-name)))

;;; Code highlighting
(defun org-html-decode-plain-text (text)
  "Convert HTML character to plain TEXT. i.e. do the inversion of
     `org-html-encode-plain-text`. Possible conversions are set in
   (lambda (pair)
     (setq text (replace-regexp-in-string (cdr pair) (car pair) text t t)))
   (reverse org-html-protect-char-alist))

;; Use pygments highlighting for code
(defun pygmentize (lang code)
  "Use Pygments to highlight the given code and return the output"
    (insert code)
    (let ((lang (or (cdr (assoc lang org-pygments-language-alist)) "text")))
      (shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max)
                               (format "pygmentize -f html -l %s" lang)
                               (buffer-name) t))

(defconst org-pygments-language-alist
  '(("asymptote" . "asymptote")
    ("awk" . "awk")
    ("c" . "c")
    ("console" . "console")
    ("c++" . "cpp")
    ("cpp" . "cpp")
    ("clojure" . "clojure")
    ("css" . "css")
    ("d" . "d")
    ("emacs-lisp" . "scheme")
    ("F90" . "fortran")
    ("gnuplot" . "gnuplot")
    ("groovy" . "groovy")
    ("haskell" . "haskell")
    ("java" . "java")
    ("js" . "js")
    ("julia" . "julia")
    ("latex" . "latex")
    ("lisp" . "lisp")
    ("makefile" . "makefile")
    ("matlab" . "matlab")
    ("mscgen" . "mscgen")
    ("ocaml" . "ocaml")
    ("octave" . "octave")
    ("perl" . "perl")
    ("picolisp" . "scheme")
    ("python" . "python")
    ("r" . "r")
    ("ruby" . "ruby")
    ("sass" . "sass")
    ("scala" . "scala")
    ("scheme" . "scheme")
    ("sh" . "sh")
    ("shell-session" . "shell-session")
    ("sql" . "sql")
    ("sqlite" . "sqlite3")
    ("tcl" . "tcl"))
  "Alist between org-babel languages and Pygments lexers.
lang is downcased before assoc, so use lowercase to describe language available.
See: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages.html and
http://pygments.org/docs/lexers/ for adding new languages to the mapping.")

;; Override the html export function to use pygments
(defun org-html-src-block (src-block contents info)
  "Transcode a SRC-BLOCK element from Org to HTML.
CONTENTS holds the contents of the item.  INFO is a plist holding
contextual information."
  (if (org-export-read-attribute :attr_html src-block :textarea)
      (org-html--textarea-block src-block)
    (let ((lang (org-element-property :language src-block))
          (code (org-element-property :value src-block))
          (code-html (org-html-format-code src-block info)))
      (if nikola-use-pygments
            (unless lang (setq lang ""))
            (pygmentize (downcase lang) (org-html-decode-plain-text code)))

;; Export images with custom link type
(defun org-custom-link-img-url-export (path desc format)
   ((eq format 'html)
    (format "<img src=\"%s\" alt=\"%s\"/>" path desc))))
(org-add-link-type "img-url" nil 'org-custom-link-img-url-export)

;; Export images with built-in file scheme
(defun org-file-link-img-url-export (path desc format)
   ((eq format 'html)
    (format "<img src=\"/%s\" alt=\"%s\"/>" path desc))))
(org-add-link-type "file" nil 'org-file-link-img-url-export)

;; Support for magic links (link:// scheme)
  :export (lambda (path desc backend)
               ((eq 'html backend)
                (format "<a href=\"link:%s\">%s</a>"
                        path (or desc path))))))


;; Export function used by Nikola.
(defun nikola-html-export (infile outfile)
  "Export the body only of the input file and write it to
specified location."
  (with-current-buffer (find-file infile)
    (org-macro-replace-all nikola-macro-templates)
    (org-html-export-as-html nil nil t t)
    (write-file outfile nil)))

;; silence  notice that emacs is using a default of 4 spaces


Nikola Conf.py

Site Data

# Data about this site
BLOG_AUTHOR = "The Cloistered Monkey"  # (translatable)
BLOG_TITLE = "Beach Pig Rump & Thigh"  # (translatable)
# This is the main URL for your site. It will be used
# in a prominent link. Don't forget the protocol (http/https)!
SITE_URL = "https://necromuralist.github.io/Beach-Pig-Thigh/"
# This is the URL where Nikola's output will be deployed.
# If not set, defaults to SITE_URL
# BASE_URL = "https://necromuralist.github.io/Bowling-For-Data/"
BLOG_EMAIL = "cloisteredmonkey.jmark@slmail.me"
BLOG_DESCRIPTION = "A Monkey Works With Nikola."  # (translatable)

The Theme

This is how you choose the theme to use. We're using a custom theme so there's three things that have to match.

The Theme Location

Next to the conf.py file at the root of the nikola repository we need a folder named "themes" and inside that we put a folder whose name matches the name of our theme. I'm going to use custom-mako as our example. The only other expected option at this point would be custom-jinja. So our "themes" folder should look like this (more or less):


The Theme Configuration

Inside the themes/custom-mako/ folder we need a file with the name custom-mako.theme - the base name of the file needs to match the name of our theme. This is where we tell nikola that we're using mako (or jinja as the case may be). Here's what's in it (the mako version).

engine = mako
parent = bootstrap4
author = The Nikola Contributors
author_url = https://getnikola.com/
license = MIT
based_on = Bootstrap 4 <http://getbootstrap.com/>
tags = bootstrap

family = bootstrap4

The conf.py

Inside conf.py we put the name of the theme, matching the name of the folder and configuration file.

# Name of the theme to use.
THEME = "custom-mako"

Posts and Pages


    ("posts/*.org", "posts", "post.tmpl"),
    ("posts/*.rst", "posts", "post.tmpl"),
    ("posts/*.md", "posts", "post.tmpl"),
    ("posts/*.txt", "posts", "post.tmpl"),
    ("posts/*.html", "posts", "post.tmpl"),


    ("source/*.org", "", "page.tmpl"),
    ("source/*.rst", "", "page.tmpl"),
    ("source/*.md", "", "page.tmpl"),
    ("source/*.txt", "", "page.tmpl"),
    ("source/*.html", "", "page.tmpl"),

The Index Path

# Final location for the main blog page and sibling paginated pages is
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / INDEX_PATH / index-*.html
# (translatable)

INDEX_PATH = "posts"

Navigation Links

	("/posts/", "Posts"),
	("/archive.html", "Archive"),
	("/categories/", "Tags"),
	("/rss.xml", "RSS"),
		("https://necromuralist.github.io/", "The Cloistered Monkey"),
		("https://necromuralist.github.io/Ape-Iron/", "Ape Iron"),
		("https://necromuralist.github.io/Bowling-For-Data/", "Bowling For Data"),
		("https://necromuralist.github.io/Neurotic-Networking/", "Neurotic Networking"),
		("https://necromuralist.github.io/Visions-Voices-Data/", "Visions, Voices, Data")
	    "Monkey Pages"

Github Deploy

# github_deploy configuration
# For more details, read the manual:
# https://getnikola.com/handbook.html#deploying-to-github
# You will need to configure the deployment branch on GitHub.

# The name of the remote where you wish to push to, using github_deploy.

# Whether or not github_deploy should commit to the source branch automatically
# before deploying.

The License

<div id="license"xmlns:cc="http://creativecommons.org/ns#" >This work is licensed under
<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/?ref=chooser-v1" target="_blank" rel="license noopener noreferrer" style="display:inline-block;">CC BY 4.0
<img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/cc.svg?ref=chooser-v1">
<img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/icons/by.svg?ref=chooser-v1"></a>

The Footer

CONTENT_FOOTER = 'Scribbles by <a href="mailto:{email}">{author}</a> - Powered by         <a href="https://getnikola.com" rel="nofollow">Nikola</a>         {license}'

Strip Indexes

# If a link ends in /index.html,  drop the index.html part.
# http://mysite/foo/bar/index.html => http://mysite/foo/bar/
# (Uses the INDEX_FILE setting, so if that is, say, default.html,
# it will instead /foo/default.html => /foo)

Search Form

# A search form to search this site, for the sidebar. You can use a Google
# custom search (https://www.google.com/cse/)
# Or a DuckDuckGo search: https://duckduckgo.com/search_box.html
# Default is no search form.
# (translatable)
# This search form works for any site and looks good in the "site" theme where
# it appears on the navigation bar:
 <!-- DuckDuckGo custom search -->
 <form method="get" id="search" action="https://duckduckgo.com/" role="search"
 <input type="hidden" name="sites" value="%s">
 <input type="hidden" name="k8" value="#444444">
 <input type="hidden" name="k9" value="#D51920">
 <input type="hidden" name="kt" value="h">
 <input type="text" name="q" maxlength="255"
  placeholder="Search&hellip;" class="form-control me-2" style="margin-top: 4px;" aria-lab>
 <input type="submit" value="DuckDuckGo Search" style="visibility: hidden;">
 <!-- End of custom search -->
 """ % SITE_URL

The Tangle

This should eventually get broken up enough to be hidden, but not yet.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import time

# !! This is the configuration of Nikola. !! #
# !!  You should edit it to your liking.  !! #

# ! Some settings can be different in different languages.
# ! A comment stating (translatable) is used to denote those.
# ! There are two ways to specify a translatable setting:
# ! (a) BLOG_TITLE = "My Blog"
# ! (b) BLOG_TITLE = {"en": "My Blog", "es": "Mi Blog"}
# ! Option (a) is used when you don't want that setting translated.
# ! Option (b) is used for settings that are different in different languages.


# Nikola is multilingual!
# Currently supported languages are:
# en        English
# af        Afrikaans
# ar        Arabic
# az        Azerbaijani
# bg        Bulgarian
# bs        Bosnian
# ca        Catalan
# cs        Czech [ALTERNATIVELY cz]
# da        Danish
# de        German
# el        Greek [NOT gr]
# eo        Esperanto
# es        Spanish
# et        Estonian
# eu        Basque
# fa        Persian
# fi        Finnish
# fr        French
# fur       Friulian
# gl        Galician
# he        Hebrew
# hi        Hindi
# hr        Croatian
# hu        Hungarian
# ia        Interlingua
# id        Indonesian
# it        Italian
# ja        Japanese [NOT jp]
# ko        Korean
# lt        Lithuanian
# ml        Malayalam
# mr        Marathi
# nb        Norwegian (Bokmål)
# nl        Dutch
# pa        Punjabi
# pl        Polish
# pt        Portuguese
# pt_br     Portuguese (Brazil)
# ru        Russian
# sk        Slovak
# sl        Slovene
# sq        Albanian
# sr        Serbian (Cyrillic)
# sr_latin  Serbian (Latin)
# sv        Swedish
# te        Telugu
# th        Thai
# tr        Turkish [NOT tr_TR]
# uk        Ukrainian
# ur        Urdu
# vi        Vietnamese
# zh_cn     Chinese (Simplified)
# zh_tw     Chinese (Traditional)
# If you want to use Nikola with a non-supported language you have to provide
# a module containing the necessary translations
# (cf. the modules at nikola/data/themes/base/messages/).
# If a specific post is not translated to a language, then the version
# in the default language will be shown instead.

# What is the default language?

# What other languages do you have?
# The format is {"translationcode" : "path/to/translation" }
# the path will be used as a prefix for the generated pages location
    # Example for another language:
    # "es": "./es",

# What will translated input files be named like?

# If you have a page something.rst, then something.pl.rst will be considered
# its Polish translation.
#     (in the above example: path == "something", ext == "rst", lang == "pl")
# this pattern is also used for metadata:
#     something.meta -> something.pl.meta

TRANSLATIONS_PATTERN = '{path}.{lang}.{ext}'

# Links for the sidebar / navigation bar.  (translatable)
# This is a dict.  The keys are languages, and values are tuples.
# For regular links:
#     ('https://getnikola.com/', 'Nikola Homepage')
# For submenus:
#     (
#         (
#             ('https://apple.com/', 'Apple'),
#             ('https://orange.com/', 'Orange'),
#         ),
#         'Fruits'
#     )
# WARNING: Support for submenus is theme-dependent.
#          Only one level of submenus is supported.
# WARNING: Some themes, including the default Bootstrap 4 theme,
#          may present issues if the menu is too large.
#          (in Bootstrap, the navbar can grow too large and cover contents.)
# WARNING: If you link to directories, make sure to follow
#          ``STRIP_INDEXES``.  If it’s set to ``True``, end your links
#          with a ``/``, otherwise end them with ``/index.html`` — or
#          else they won’t be highlighted when active.


# Alternative navigation links. Works the same way NAVIGATION_LINKS does,
# although themes may not always support them. (translatable)
# (Bootstrap 4: right-side of navbar, Bootblog 4: right side of title)


# A theme color. In default themes, it might be displayed by some browsers as
# the browser UI color (eg. Chrome on Android). Other themes might also use it
# as an accent color (the default ones don’t). Must be a HEX value.
THEME_COLOR = '#5670d4'

# Theme configuration. Fully theme-dependent. (translatable)
# Samples for bootblog4 (enabled) and bootstrap4 (commented) follow.
# bootblog4 supports: featured_large featured_small featured_on_mobile
#                     featured_large_image_on_mobile featured_strip_html sidebar
# bootstrap4 supports: navbar_light (defaults to False)
#                      navbar_custom_bg (defaults to '')

# Config for bootblog4:
	# Show the latest featured post in a large box, with the previewimage as its background.
	'featured_large': False,
	# Show the first (remaining) two featured posts in small boxes.
	'featured_small': False,
	# Show featured posts on mobile.
	'featured_on_mobile': True,
	# Show image in `featured_large` on mobile.
	# `featured_small` displays them only on desktop.
	'featured_large_image_on_mobile': True,
	# Strip HTML from featured post text.
	'featured_strip_html': False,
	# Contents of the sidebar, If empty, the sidebar is not displayed.
	'sidebar': '',
	"navbar_light": True,
# Config for bootstrap4:
#         # Use a light navbar with dark text. Defaults to False.
#         'navbar_light': False,
#         # Use a custom navbar color. If unset, 'navbar_light' sets text +
#         # background color. If set, navbar_light controls only background
#         # color. Supported values: bg-dark, bg-light, bg-primary, bg-secondary,
#         # bg-success, bg-danger, bg-warning, bg-info, bg-white, bg-transparent.
#         'navbar_custom_bg': '',
#     }
# }

# POSTS and PAGES contains (wildcard, destination, template) tuples.
# (translatable)
# The wildcard is used to generate a list of source files
# (whatever/thing.rst, for example).
# That fragment could have an associated metadata file (whatever/thing.meta),
# and optionally translated files (example for Spanish, with code "es"):
#     whatever/thing.es.rst and whatever/thing.es.meta
#     This assumes you use the default TRANSLATIONS_PATTERN.
# From those files, a set of HTML fragment files will be generated:
# cache/whatever/thing.html (and maybe cache/whatever/thing.html.es)
# These files are combined with the template to produce rendered
# pages, which will be placed at
# output/TRANSLATIONS[lang]/destination/pagename.html
# where "pagename" is the "slug" specified in the metadata file.
# The page might also be placed in /destination/pagename/index.html
# if PRETTY_URLS are enabled.
# The difference between POSTS and PAGES is that POSTS are added
# to feeds, indexes, tag lists and archives and are considered part
# of a blog, while PAGES are just independent HTML pages.
# Finally, note that destination can be translated, i.e. you can
# specify a different translation folder per language. Example:
#     PAGES = (
#         ("pages/*.rst", {"en": "pages", "de": "seiten"}, "page.tmpl"),
#         ("pages/*.md", {"en": "pages", "de": "seiten"}, "page.tmpl"),
#     )


# Below this point, everything is optional

# Post's dates are considered in UTC by default, if you want to use
# another time zone, please set TIMEZONE to match. Check the available
# list from Wikipedia:
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
# (e.g. 'Europe/Zurich')
# Also, if you want to use a different time zone in some of your posts,
# you can use the ISO 8601/RFC 3339 format (ex. 2012-03-30T23:00:00+02:00)
TIMEZONE = "America/Los_Angeles"

# If you want to use ISO 8601 (also valid RFC 3339) throughout Nikola
# (especially in new_post), set this to True.
# Note that this does not affect DATE_FORMAT.
# FORCE_ISO8601 = False

# Date format used to display post dates. (translatable)
# Used by babel.dates, CLDR style: http://cldr.unicode.org/translation/date-time-1/date-time
# You can also use 'full', 'long', 'medium', or 'short'
# DATE_FORMAT = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'

# Date format used to display post dates, if local dates are used. (translatable)
# Used by Luxon: https://moment.github.io/luxon/docs/manual/formatting
# Example for presets: {'preset': True, 'format': 'DATE_FULL'}
#     DEFAULT_LANG: {'preset': False, 'format': 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'},
# }

# Date fanciness.
# 0 = using DATE_FORMAT and TIMEZONE (without JS)
# 1 = using LUXON_DATE_FORMAT and local user time (JS, using Luxon)
# 2 = using a string like “2 days ago” (JS, using Luxon)
# Your theme must support it, Bootstrap already does.

# Customize the locale/region used for a language.
# For example, to use British instead of US English: LOCALES = {'en': 'en_GB'}
# LOCALES = {}

# One or more folders containing files to be copied as-is into the output.
# The format is a dictionary of {source: relative destination}.
# Default is:
# FILES_FOLDERS = {'files': ''}
# Which means copy 'files' into 'output'

# One or more folders containing code listings to be processed and published on
# the site. The format is a dictionary of {source: relative destination}.
# Default is:
# LISTINGS_FOLDERS = {'listings': 'listings'}
# Which means process listings from 'listings' into 'output/listings'

# A mapping of languages to file-extensions that represent that language.
# Feel free to add or delete extensions to any list, but don't add any new
# compilers unless you write the interface for it yourself.
# The default compiler for `new_post` is the first entry in the POSTS tuple.
# 'rest' is reStructuredText
# 'markdown' is Markdown
# 'html' assumes the file is HTML and just copies it
    "rest": ['.rst', '.txt'],
    #"markdown": ['.md', '.mdown', '.markdown'],
    #"textile": ['.textile'],
    #"txt2tags": ['.t2t'],
    #"bbcode": ['.bb'],
    #"wiki": ['.wiki'],
    #"ipynb": ['.ipynb'],
    #"html": ['.html', '.htm'],
    # PHP files are rendered the usual way (i.e. with the full templates).
    # The resulting files have .php extensions, making it possible to run
    # them without reconfiguring your server to recognize them.
    #"php": ['.php'],
    # Pandoc detects the input from the source filename
    # but is disabled by default as it would conflict
    # with many of the others.
    # "pandoc": ['.rst', '.md', '.txt'],
    "orgmode": (".org",),    

# Enable reST directives that insert the contents of external files such
# as "include" and "raw." This maps directly to the docutils file_insertion_enabled
# config. See: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/user/config.html#file-insertion-enabled

# Create by default posts in one file format?
# Set to False for two-file posts, with separate metadata.

# Preferred metadata format for new posts
# "Nikola": reST comments, wrapped in a HTML comment if needed (default)
# "YAML": YAML wrapped in "---"
# "TOML": TOML wrapped in "+++"
# "Pelican": Native markdown metadata or reST docinfo fields. Nikola style for other formats.

# Use date-based path when creating posts?
# Can be enabled on a per-post basis with `nikola new_post -d`.
# The setting is ignored when creating pages.

# What format to use when creating posts with date paths?
# Default is '%Y/%m/%d', other possibilities include '%Y' or '%Y/%m'.

# If this is set to True, the DEFAULT_LANG version will be displayed for
# untranslated posts.
# If this is set to False, then posts that are not translated to a language
# LANG will not be visible at all in the pages in that language.

# Nikola supports logo display.  If you have one, you can put the URL here.
# Final output is <img src="LOGO_URL" id="logo" alt="BLOG_TITLE">.
# The URL may be relative to the site root.
# LOGO_URL = ''

# When linking posts to social media, Nikola provides Open Graph metadata
# which is used to show a nice preview. This includes an image preview
# taken from the post's previewimage metadata field.
# This option lets you use an image to be used if the post doesn't have it.
# The default is None, valid values are URLs or output paths like
# "/images/foo.jpg"

# If you want to hide the title of your website (for example, if your logo
# already contains the text), set this to False.
# Note: if your logo is a SVG image, and you set SHOW_BLOG_TITLE = False,
# you should explicitly set a height for #logo in CSS.

# Paths for different autogenerated bits. These are combined with the
# translation paths.

# Final locations are:
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / TAG_PATH / index.html (list of tags)
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / TAG_PATH / tag.html (list of posts for a tag)
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / TAG_PATH / tag RSS_EXTENSION (RSS feed for a tag)
# (translatable)
# TAG_PATH = "categories"

# By default, the list of tags is stored in
#     output / TRANSLATION[lang] / TAG_PATH / index.html
# (see explanation for TAG_PATH). This location can be changed to
#     output / TRANSLATION[lang] / TAGS_INDEX_PATH
# with an arbitrary relative path TAGS_INDEX_PATH.
# (translatable)
# TAGS_INDEX_PATH = "tags.html"

# If TAG_PAGES_ARE_INDEXES is set to True, each tag's page will contain
# the posts themselves. If set to False, it will be just a list of links.

# Set descriptions for tag pages to make them more interesting. The
# default is no description. The value is used in the meta description
# and displayed underneath the tag list or index page’s title.
#        "blogging": "Meta-blog posts about blogging.",
#        "open source": "My contributions to my many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal libre software projects."
#    },
# }

# Set special titles for tag pages. The default is "Posts about TAG".
#        "blogging": "Meta-posts about blogging",
#        "open source": "Posts about open source software"
#    },
# }

# If you do not want to display a tag publicly, you can mark it as hidden.
# The tag will not be displayed on the tag list page and posts.
# Tag pages will still be generated.
HIDDEN_TAGS = ['mathjax']

# Only include tags on the tag list/overview page if there are at least
# TAGLIST_MINIMUM_POSTS number of posts or more with every tag. Every tag
# page is still generated, linked from posts, and included in the sitemap.
# However, more obscure tags can be hidden from the tag index page.

# A list of dictionaries specifying tags which translate to each other.
# Format: a list of dicts {language: translation, language2: translation2, …}
# For example:
#   [
#     {'en': 'private', 'de': 'Privat'},
#     {'en': 'work', 'fr': 'travail', 'de': 'Arbeit'},
#   ]

# If set to True, a tag in a language will be treated as a translation
# of the literally same tag in all other languages. Enable this if you
# do not translate tags, for example.

# Final locations are:
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / CATEGORY_PATH / index.html (list of categories)
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / CATEGORY_PATH / CATEGORY_PREFIX category.html (list of posts for a category)
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / CATEGORY_PATH / CATEGORY_PREFIX category RSS_EXTENSION (RSS feed for a category)
# (translatable)
# CATEGORY_PATH = "categories"

# By default, the list of categories is stored in
#     output / TRANSLATION[lang] / CATEGORY_PATH / index.html
# (see explanation for CATEGORY_PATH). This location can be changed to
# with an arbitrary relative path CATEGORIES_INDEX_PATH.
# (translatable)
# CATEGORIES_INDEX_PATH = "categories.html"

# If CATEGORY_ALLOW_HIERARCHIES is set to True, categories can be organized in
# hierarchies. For a post, the whole path in the hierarchy must be specified,
# using a forward slash ('/') to separate paths. Use a backslash ('\') to escape
# a forward slash or a backslash (i.e. '\//\\' is a path specifying the
# subcategory called '\' of the top-level category called '/').
# If CATEGORY_OUTPUT_FLAT_HIERARCHY is set to True, the output written to output
# contains only the name of the leaf category and not the whole path.

# If CATEGORY_PAGES_ARE_INDEXES is set to True, each category's page will contain
# the posts themselves. If set to False, it will be just a list of links.

# Set descriptions for category pages to make them more interesting. The
# default is no description. The value is used in the meta description
# and displayed underneath the category list or index page’s title.
#        "blogging": "Meta-blog posts about blogging.",
#        "open source": "My contributions to my many, varied, ever-changing, and eternal libre software projects."
#    },
# }

# Set special titles for category pages. The default is "Posts about CATEGORY".
#        "blogging": "Meta-posts about blogging",
#        "open source": "Posts about open source software"
#    },
# }

# If you do not want to display a category publicly, you can mark it as hidden.
# The category will not be displayed on the category list page.
# Category pages will still be generated.

# A list of dictionaries specifying categories which translate to each other.
# Format: a list of dicts {language: translation, language2: translation2, …}
# See TAG_TRANSLATIONS example above.

# If set to True, a category in a language will be treated as a translation
# of the literally same category in all other languages. Enable this if you
# do not translate categories, for example.

# If no category is specified in a post, the destination path of the post
# can be used in its place. This replaces the sections feature. Using
# category hierarchies is recommended.

# If True, the prefix will be trimmed from the category name, eg. if the
# POSTS destination is "foo/bar", and the path is "foo/bar/baz/quux",
# the category will be "baz/quux" (or "baz" if only the first directory is considered).
# Note that prefixes coming from translations are always ignored.

# If True, only the first directory of a path will be used.

# Map paths to prettier category names. (translatable)
#        'webdev': 'Web Development',
#        'webdev/django': 'Web Development/Django',
#        'random': 'Odds and Ends',
#    },
# }

# By default, category indexes will appear in CATEGORY_PATH and use
# CATEGORY_PREFIX. If this is enabled, those settings will be ignored (except
# for the index) and instead, they will follow destination paths (eg. category
# 'foo' might appear in 'posts/foo'). If the category does not come from a
# destpath, first entry in POSTS followed by the category name will be used.
# For this setting, category hierarchies are required and cannot be flattened.

# If ENABLE_AUTHOR_PAGES is set to True and there is more than one
# author, author pages are generated.

# Path to author pages. Final locations are:
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / AUTHOR_PATH / index.html (list of authors)
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / AUTHOR_PATH / author.html (list of posts by an author)
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / AUTHOR_PATH / author RSS_EXTENSION (RSS feed for an author)
# (translatable)
# AUTHOR_PATH = "authors"

# If AUTHOR_PAGES_ARE_INDEXES is set to True, each author's page will contain
# the posts themselves. If set to False, it will be just a list of links.

# Set descriptions for author pages to make them more interesting. The
# default is no description. The value is used in the meta description
# and displayed underneath the author list or index page’s title.
#        "Juanjo Conti": "Python coder and writer.",
#        "Roberto Alsina": "Nikola father."
#    },
# }

# If you do not want to display an author publicly, you can mark it as hidden.
# The author will not be displayed on the author list page and posts.
# Tag pages will still be generated.

# Allow multiple, comma-separated authors for a post? (Requires theme support, present in built-in themes)


# Optional HTML that displayed on “main” blog index.html files.
# May be used for a greeting. (translatable)

# Create per-month archives instead of per-year
# Create one large archive instead of per-year
# Create year, month, and day archives each with a (long) list of posts
# If monthly archives or full archives are created, adds also one archive per day
# Create previous, up, next navigation links for archives
# Final locations for the archives are:
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / ARCHIVE_PATH / YEAR / index.html
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / ARCHIVE_PATH / YEAR / MONTH / index.html
# output / TRANSLATION[lang] / ARCHIVE_PATH / YEAR / MONTH / DAY / index.html
# (translatable)
# ARCHIVE_FILENAME = "archive.html"

# If ARCHIVES_ARE_INDEXES is set to True, each archive page which contains a list
# of posts will contain the posts themselves. If set to False, it will be just a
# list of links.

# URLs to other posts/pages can take 3 forms:
# rel_path: a relative URL to the current page/post (default)
# full_path: a URL with the full path from the root
# absolute: a complete URL (that includes the SITE_URL)
# URL_TYPE = 'rel_path'

# Extension for RSS feed files
# RSS_EXTENSION = ".xml"

# RSS filename base (without extension); used for indexes and galleries.
# (translatable)

# Final location for the blog main RSS feed is:
# (translatable)
# RSS_PATH = ""

# Final location for the blog main Atom feed is:
# (translatable)
# ATOM_PATH = ""

# Atom filename base (without extension); used for indexes.
# (translatable)

# Extension for Atom feed files
# ATOM_EXTENSION = ".atom"

# Slug the Tag URL. Easier for users to type, special characters are
# often removed or replaced as well.

# Slug the Author URL. Easier for users to type, special characters are
# often removed or replaced as well.

# A list of redirection tuples, [("foo/from.html", "/bar/to.html")].
# A HTML file will be created in output/foo/from.html that redirects
# to the "/bar/to.html" URL. notice that the "from" side MUST be a
# relative URL.
# If you don't need any of these, just set to []

# Presets of commands to execute to deploy. Can be anything, for
# example, you may use rsync:
# "rsync -rav --delete output/ joe@my.site:/srv/www/site"
# And then do a backup, or run `nikola ping` from the `ping`
# plugin (`nikola plugin -i ping`).  Or run `nikola check -l`.
# You may also want to use github_deploy (see below).
# You can define multiple presets and specify them as arguments
# to `nikola deploy`.  If no arguments are specified, a preset
# named `default` will be executed.  You can use as many presets
# in a `nikola deploy` command as you like.
#     'default': [
#         "rsync -rav --delete output/ joe@my.site:/srv/www/site",
#     ]
# }

# github_deploy configuration
# For more details, read the manual:
# https://getnikola.com/handbook.html#deploying-to-github
# You will need to configure the deployment branch on GitHub.

# Where the output site should be located
# If you don't use an absolute path, it will be considered as relative
# to the location of conf.py
# OUTPUT_FOLDER = 'output'

# where the "cache" of partial generated content should be located
# default: 'cache'
# CACHE_FOLDER = 'cache'

# Filters to apply to the output.
# A directory where the keys are either: a file extensions, or
# a tuple of file extensions.
# And the value is a list of commands to be applied in order.
# Each command must be either:
# A string containing a '%s' which will
# be replaced with a filename. The command *must* produce output
# in place.
# Or:
# A python callable, which will be called with the filename as
# argument.
# By default, only .php files uses filters to inject PHP into
# Nikola’s templates. All other filters must be enabled through FILTERS.
# Many filters are shipped with Nikola. A list is available in the manual:
# <https://getnikola.com/handbook.html#post-processing-filters>
# from nikola import filters
#    ".html": [filters.typogrify],
#    ".js": [filters.closure_compiler],
#    ".jpg": ["jpegoptim --strip-all -m75 -v %s"],
# }

# Executable for the "yui_compressor" filter (defaults to 'yui-compressor').
# YUI_COMPRESSOR_EXECUTABLE = 'yui-compressor'

# Executable for the "closure_compiler" filter (defaults to 'closure-compiler').
# CLOSURE_COMPILER_EXECUTABLE = 'closure-compiler'

# Executable for the "optipng" filter (defaults to 'optipng').

# Executable for the "jpegoptim" filter (defaults to 'jpegoptim').

# Executable for the "html_tidy_withconfig", "html_tidy_nowrap",
# "html_tidy_wrap", "html_tidy_wrap_attr" and "html_tidy_mini" filters
# (defaults to 'tidy5').

# List of XPath expressions which should be used for finding headers
# ({hx} is replaced by headers h1 through h6).
# You must change this if you use a custom theme that does not use
# "e-content entry-content" as a class for post and page contents.
# HEADER_PERMALINKS_XPATH_LIST = ['*//div[@class="e-content entry-content"]//{hx}']
# Include *every* header (not recommended):

# File blacklist for header permalinks. Contains output path
# (eg. 'output/index.html')

# Expert setting! Create a gzipped copy of each generated file. Cheap server-
# side optimization for very high traffic sites or low memory servers.
# GZIP_FILES = False
# File extensions that will be compressed
# GZIP_EXTENSIONS = ('.txt', '.htm', '.html', '.css', '.js', '.json', '.atom', '.xml')
# Use an external gzip command? None means no.
# Example: GZIP_COMMAND = "pigz -k {filename}"
# Make sure the server does not return a "Accept-Ranges: bytes" header for
# files compressed by this option! OR make sure that a ranged request does not
# return partial content of another representation for these resources. Do not
# use this feature if you do not understand what this means.

# #############################################################################
# Image Gallery Options
# #############################################################################

# One or more folders containing galleries. The format is a dictionary of
# {"source": "relative_destination"}, where galleries are looked for in
# "source/" and the results will be located in
# "OUTPUT_PATH/relative_destination/gallery_name"
# Default is:
# GALLERY_FOLDERS = {"galleries": "galleries"}
# More gallery options:

# Use a thumbnail (defined by ".. previewimage:" in the gallery's index) in
# list of galleries for each gallery

# Image to use as thumbnail for those galleries that don't have one
# None: show a grey square
# '/url/to/file': show the image in that url

# If set to False, it will sort by filename instead. Defaults to True

# If set to True, EXIF data will be copied when an image is thumbnailed or
# resized. (See also EXIF_WHITELIST)

# If you have enabled PRESERVE_EXIF_DATA, this option lets you choose EXIF
# fields you want to keep in images. (See also PRESERVE_EXIF_DATA)
# For a full list of field names, please see here:
# http://www.cipa.jp/std/documents/e/DC-008-2012_E.pdf
# This is a dictionary of lists. Each key in the dictionary is the
# name of a IDF, and each list item is a field you want to preserve.
# If you have a IDF with only a '*' item, *EVERY* item in it will be
# preserved. If you don't want to preserve anything in a IDF, remove it
# from the setting. By default, no EXIF information is kept.
# Setting the whitelist to anything other than {} implies
# PRESERVE_EXIF_DATA is set to True
# To preserve ALL EXIF data, set EXIF_WHITELIST to {"*": "*"}


# Some examples of EXIF_WHITELIST settings:

# Basic image information:
# EXIF_WHITELIST['0th'] = [
#    "Orientation",
#    "XResolution",
#    "YResolution",
# ]

# If you want to keep GPS data in the images:

# Embedded thumbnail information:
# EXIF_WHITELIST['1st'] = ["*"]

# If set to True, any ICC profile will be copied when an image is thumbnailed or
# resized.

# Folders containing images to be used in normal posts or pages.
# IMAGE_FOLDERS is a dictionary of the form {"source": "destination"},
# where "source" is the folder containing the images to be published, and
# "destination" is the folder under OUTPUT_PATH containing the images copied
# to the site. Thumbnail images will be created there as well.

# To reference the images in your posts, include a leading slash in the path.
# For example, if IMAGE_FOLDERS = {'images': 'images'}, write
#   .. image:: /images/tesla.jpg
# See the Nikola Handbook for details (in the “Embedding Images” and
# “Thumbnails” sections)

# Images will be scaled down according to IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_SIZE and MAX_IMAGE_SIZE
# options, but will have to be referenced manually to be visible on the site
# (the thumbnail has ``.thumbnail`` added before the file extension by default,
# but a different naming template can be configured with IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_FORMAT).

IMAGE_FOLDERS = {'images': 'images'}
# IMAGE_THUMBNAIL_FORMAT = '{name}.thumbnail{ext}'

# #############################################################################
# HTML fragments and diverse things that are used by the templates
# #############################################################################

# Data about post-per-page indexes.
# INDEXES_PAGES defaults to ' old posts, page %d' or ' page %d' (translated),
# depending on the value of INDEXES_PAGES_MAIN.
# (translatable) If the following is empty, defaults to BLOG_TITLE:
# (translatable) If the following is empty, defaults to ' [old posts,] page %d' (see above):
# If the following is True, INDEXES_PAGES is also displayed on the main (the
# newest) index page (index.html):
# If the following is True, index-1.html has the oldest posts, index-2.html the
# second-oldest posts, etc., and index.html has the newest posts. This ensures
# that all posts on index-x.html will forever stay on that page, now matter how
# many new posts are added.
# If False, index-1.html has the second-newest posts, index-2.html the third-newest,
# and index-n.html the oldest posts. When this is active, old posts can be moved
# to other index pages when new posts are added.
# (translatable) If PRETTY_URLS is set to True, this setting will be used to create
# prettier URLs for index pages, such as page/2/index.html instead of index-2.html.
# Valid values for this settings are:
#   * False,
#   * a list or tuple, specifying the path to be generated,
#   * a dictionary mapping languages to lists or tuples.
# Every list or tuple must consist of strings which are used to combine the path;
# for example:
#     ['page', '{number}', '{index_file}']
# The replacements
#     {number}     --> (logical) page number;
#     {old_number} --> the page number inserted into index-n.html before (zero for
#                      the main page);
#     {index_file} --> value of option INDEX_FILE
# are made.
# Note that in case INDEXES_PAGES_MAIN is set to True, a redirection will be created
# for the full URL with the page number of the main page to the normal (shorter) main
# page URL.
# If the following is true, a page range navigation will be inserted to indices.
# Please note that this will undo the effect of INDEXES_STATIC, as all index pages
# must be recreated whenever the number of pages changes.

# If the following is True, a meta name="generator" tag is added to pages. The
# generator tag is used to specify the software used to generate the page
# (it promotes Nikola).

# Color scheme to be used for code blocks. If your theme provides
# "assets/css/code.css" this is ignored. Set to None to disable.
# Can be any of:
# algol, algol_nu, autumn, borland, bw, colorful, default, emacs, friendly,
# fruity, igor, lovelace, manni, monokai, murphy, native, paraiso-dark,
# paraiso-light, pastie, perldoc, rrt, tango, trac, vim, vs, xcode
# This list MAY be incomplete since pygments adds styles every now and then.
# Check with list(pygments.styles.get_all_styles()) in an interpreter.
# CODE_COLOR_SCHEME = 'default'

# FAVICONS contains (name, file, size) tuples.
# Used to create favicon link like this:
# <link rel="name" href="file" sizes="size"/>
#     ("icon", "/favicon.ico", "16x16"),
#     ("icon", "/icon_128x128.png", "128x128"),
# )

# Show teasers (instead of full posts) in indexes? Defaults to False.

# HTML fragments with the Read more... links.
# The following tags exist and are replaced for you:
# {link}                        A link to the full post page.
# {read_more}                   The string “Read more” in the current language.
# {reading_time}                An estimate of how long it will take to read the post.
# {remaining_reading_time}      An estimate of how long it will take to read the post, sans the teaser.
# {min_remaining_read}          The string “{remaining_reading_time} min remaining to read” in the current language.
# {paragraph_count}             The amount of paragraphs in the post.
# {remaining_paragraph_count}   The amount of paragraphs in the post, sans the teaser.
# {post_title}                  The title of the post.
# {{                            A literal { (U+007B LEFT CURLY BRACKET)
# }}                            A literal } (U+007D RIGHT CURLY BRACKET)

# 'Read more...' for the index page, if INDEX_TEASERS is True (translatable)
INDEX_READ_MORE_LINK = '<p class="more"><a href="{link}">{read_more}…</a></p>'
# 'Read more...' for the feeds, if FEED_TEASERS is True (translatable)
FEED_READ_MORE_LINK = '<p><a href="{link}">{read_more}…</a> ({min_remaining_read})</p>'

# Append a URL query to the FEED_READ_MORE_LINK in Atom and RSS feeds. Advanced
# option used for traffic source tracking.
# Minimum example for use with Piwik: "pk_campaign=feed"
# The following tags exist and are replaced for you:
# {feedRelUri}                  A relative link to the feed.
# {feedFormat}                  The name of the syndication format.
# Example using replacement for use with Google Analytics:
# "utm_source={feedRelUri}&utm_medium=nikola_feed&utm_campaign={feedFormat}_feed"

# A HTML fragment describing the license, for the sidebar.
# (translatable)

# A small copyright notice for the page footer (in HTML).
# (translatable)

# Things that will be passed to CONTENT_FOOTER.format().  This is done
# for translatability, as dicts are not formattable.  Nikola will
# intelligently format the setting properly.
# The setting takes a dict. The keys are languages. The values are
# tuples of tuples of positional arguments and dicts of keyword arguments
# to format().  For example, {'en': (('Hello'), {'target': 'World'})}
# results in CONTENT_FOOTER['en'].format('Hello', target='World').
# If you need to use the literal braces '{' and '}' in your footer text, use
# '{{' and '}}' to escape them (str.format is used)
# WARNING: If you do not use multiple languages with CONTENT_FOOTER, this
#          still needs to be a dict of this format.  (it can be empty if you
#          do not need formatting)
# (translatable)
	    "email": BLOG_EMAIL,
	    "author": BLOG_AUTHOR,
	    "date": time.gmtime().tm_year,
	    "license": LICENSE

# A simple copyright tag for inclusion in RSS feeds that works just
RSS_COPYRIGHT = 'Contents © {date} <a href="mailto:{email}">{author}</a> {license}'
RSS_COPYRIGHT_PLAIN = 'Contents © {date} {author} {license}'

# To use comments, you can choose between different third party comment
# systems.  The following comment systems are supported by Nikola:
#   disqus, facebook, intensedebate, isso, muut, commento, utterances
# You can leave this option blank to disable comments.
# And you also need to add your COMMENT_SYSTEM_ID which
# depends on what comment system you use. The default is
# "nikolademo" which is a test account for Disqus. More information
# is in the manual.

# Create index.html for page folders?
# WARNING: if a page would conflict with the index file (usually
#          caused by setting slug to `index`), the PAGE_INDEX
#          will not be generated for that directory.
# PAGE_INDEX = False
# Enable comments on pages (i.e. not posts)?
# Enable comments on picture gallery pages?

# What file should be used for directory indexes?
# Defaults to index.html
# Common other alternatives: default.html for IIS, index.php
# INDEX_FILE = "index.html"


# List of files relative to the server root (!) that will be asked to be excluded
# from indexing and other robotic spidering. * is supported. Will only be effective
# if SITE_URL points to server root. The list is used to exclude resources from
# /robots.txt and /sitemap.xml, and to inform search engines about /sitemapindex.xml.
# ROBOTS_EXCLUSIONS = ["/archive.html", "/category/*.html"]

# Instead of putting files in <slug>.html, put them in <slug>/index.html.
# No web server configuration is required. Also enables STRIP_INDEXES.
# This can be disabled on a per-page/post basis by adding
#    .. pretty_url: False
# to the metadata.

# If True, publish future dated posts right away instead of scheduling them.
# Defaults to False.

# If True, future dated posts are allowed in deployed output
# Only the individual posts are published/deployed; not in indexes/sitemap
# Generally, you want FUTURE_IS_NOW and DEPLOY_FUTURE to be the same value.
# If False, draft posts will not be deployed

# Allows scheduling of posts using the rule specified here (new_post -s)
# Specify an iCal Recurrence Rule: https://www.kanzaki.com/docs/ical/rrule.html
# If True, use the scheduling rule to all posts (not pages!) by default

# Do you want to add a Mathjax config file?

# If you want support for the $.$ syntax (which may conflict with running
# text!), just use this config:
# <script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
# MathJax.Hub.Config({
#     tex2jax: {
#         inlineMath: [ ['$','$'], ["\\\(","\\\)"] ],
#         displayMath: [ ['$$','$$'], ["\\\[","\\\]"] ],
#         processEscapes: true
#     },
#     displayAlign: 'center', // Change this to 'left' if you want left-aligned equations.
#     "HTML-CSS": {
#         styles: {'.MathJax_Display': {"margin": 0}}
#     }
# });
# </script>
# """

# Want to use KaTeX instead of MathJax? While KaTeX may not support every
# feature yet, it's faster and the output looks better.
# USE_KATEX = False

# KaTeX auto-render settings. If you want support for the $.$ syntax (which may
# conflict with running text!), just use this config:
# delimiters: [
#     {left: "$$", right: "$$", display: true},
#     {left: "\\\\[", right: "\\\\]", display: true},
#     {left: "\\\\begin{equation*}", right: "\\\\end{equation*}", display: true},
#     {left: "$", right: "$", display: false},
#     {left: "\\\\(", right: "\\\\)", display: false}
# ]
# """

# Do you want to customize the nbconversion of your IPython notebook?
# With the following example configuration you can use a custom jinja template
# called `toggle.tpl` which has to be located in your site/blog main folder:
# IPYNB_CONFIG = {'Exporter': {'template_file': 'toggle'}}

# What Markdown extensions to enable?
# You will also get gist, nikola and podcast because those are
# done in the code, hope you don't mind ;-)
# Note: most Nikola-specific extensions are done via the Nikola plugin system,
#       with the MarkdownExtension class and should not be added here.
# Defaults are markdown.extensions.(fenced_code|codehilite|extra)
# markdown.extensions.meta is required for Markdown metadata.
# MARKDOWN_EXTENSIONS = ['markdown.extensions.fenced_code', 'markdown.extensions.codehilite', 'markdown.extensions.extra']

# Options to be passed to markdown extensions (See https://python-markdown.github.io/reference/)
# Default is {} (no config at all)

# Extra options to pass to the pandoc command, empty by default.
# It can be a list of strings or a dict (keys are file extensions).
# Example for a list of strings (used for all extensions):
# PANDOC_OPTIONS = ['-F', 'pandoc-citeproc', '--bibliography=/Users/foo/references.bib']
# Example for a dict, where the keys are the extensions in COMPILERS['pandoc']:
# COMPILERS['pandoc'] = ['.rst', '.md', '.txt']
#     '.rst': ['-t', 'rst'],
#     '.md': ['-t', 'markdown'],
#     '.txt': ['-t', 'markdown-raw_html'],
# }
# Pandoc does not demote headers by default.  To enable this, you can use, for example
# ['--base-header-level=2']

# Social buttons. This is sample code for AddThis (which was the default for a
# long time). Insert anything you want here, or even make it empty (which is
# the default right now)
# (translatable)
# <!-- Social buttons -->
# <div id="addthisbox" class="addthis_toolbox addthis_peekaboo_style addthis_default_style addthis_label_style addthis_32x32_style">
# <a class="addthis_button_more">Share</a>
# <ul><li><a class="addthis_button_facebook"></a>
# <li><a class="addthis_button_google_plusone_share"></a>
# <li><a class="addthis_button_linkedin"></a>
# <li><a class="addthis_button_twitter"></a>
# </ul>
# </div>
# <script src="https://s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-4f7088a56bb93798"></script>
# <!-- End of social buttons -->
# """

# Show link to source for the posts?
# Copy the source files for your pages?
# Setting it to False implies SHOW_SOURCELINK = False

# Modify the number of Post per Index Page
# Defaults to 10

# By default, Nikola generates RSS files for the website and for tags, and
# links to it.  Set this to False to disable everything RSS-related.

# By default, Nikola does not generates Atom files for indexes and links to
# them. Generate Atom for tags by setting TAG_PAGES_ARE_INDEXES to True.
# Atom feeds are built based on INDEX_DISPLAY_POST_COUNT and not FEED_LENGTH
# Switch between plain-text summaries and full HTML content using the
# FEED_TEASER option. FEED_LINKS_APPEND_QUERY is also respected. Atom feeds
# are generated even for old indexes and have pagination link relations
# between each other. Old Atom feeds with no changes are marked as archived.

# Only include teasers in Atom and RSS feeds. Disabling include the full
# content. Defaults to True.

# Strip HTML from Atom and RSS feed summaries and content. Defaults to False.
# FEED_PLAIN = False

# Number of posts in Atom and RSS feeds.

# RSS_LINK is a HTML fragment to link the RSS or Atom feeds. If set to None,
# the base.tmpl will use the feed Nikola generates. However, you may want to
# change it for a FeedBurner feed or something else.
# RSS_LINK = None


# Use content distribution networks for jQuery, twitter-bootstrap css and js,
# and html5shiv (for older versions of Internet Explorer)
# If this is True, jQuery and html5shiv are served from the Google CDN and
# Bootstrap is served from BootstrapCDN (provided by MaxCDN)
# Set this to False if you want to host your site without requiring access to
# external resources.
# USE_CDN = False

# Check for USE_CDN compatibility.
# If you are using custom themes, have configured the CSS properly and are
# receiving warnings about incompatibility but believe they are incorrect, you
# can set this to False.

# Extra things you want in the pages HEAD tag. This will be added right
# before </head>
# (translatable)
EXTRA_HEAD_DATA = """<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon-32x32.png">
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon-16x16.png">
<link rel="manifest" href="/site.webmanifest">"""
# Google Analytics or whatever else you use. Added to the bottom of <body>
# in the default template (base.tmpl).
# (translatable)
# BODY_END = ""

# The possibility to extract metadata from the filename by using a
# regular expression.
# To make it work you need to name parts of your regular expression.
# The following names will be used to extract metadata:
# - title
# - slug
# - date
# - tags
# - link
# - description
# An example re is the following:
# '.*\/(?P<date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})-(?P<slug>.*)-(?P<title>.*)\.rst'
# (Note the '.*\/' in the beginning -- matches source paths relative to conf.py)

# Should titles fetched from file metadata be unslugified (made prettier?)

# If enabled, extract metadata from docinfo fields in reST documents.
# If your text files start with a level 1 heading, it will be treated as the
# document title and will be removed from the text.

# If enabled, hide docinfo fields in reST document output

# Map metadata from other formats to Nikola names.
# Supported formats: yaml, toml, rest_docinfo, markdown_metadata
# Example for Pelican compatibility:
#     "rest_docinfo": {"summary": "description", "modified": "updated"},
#     "markdown_metadata": {"summary": "description", "modified": "updated"}
# }
# Other examples: https://getnikola.com/handbook.html#mapping-metadata-from-other-formats

# Map metadata between types/values. (Runs after METADATA_MAPPING.)
# Supported formats: nikola, yaml, toml, rest_docinfo, markdown_metadata
# The value on the right should be a dict of callables.
# Examples:
#     "yaml": {"keywords": lambda value: ', '.join(value)},  # yaml: 'keywords' list -> str
#     "nikola": {
#         "widgets": lambda value: value.split(', '),  # nikola: 'widgets' comma-separated string -> list
#         "tags": str.lower  # nikola: force lowercase 'tags' (input would be string)
#      }
# }

# Add any post types here that you want to be displayed without a title.
# If your theme supports it, the titles will not be shown.

# Additional metadata that is added to a post when creating a new_post

# Nikola supports Twitter Card summaries, but they are disabled by default.
# They make it possible for you to attach media to Tweets that link
# to your content.
# Uncomment and modify to following lines to match your accounts.
# Images displayed come from the `previewimage` meta tag.
# You can specify the card type by using the `card` parameter in TWITTER_CARD.
#     # 'use_twitter_cards': True,  # enable Twitter Cards
#     # 'card': 'summary',          # Card type, you can also use 'summary_large_image',
#                                   # see https://dev.twitter.com/cards/types
#     # 'site': '@website',         # twitter nick for the website
#     # 'creator': '@username',     # Username for the content creator / author.
# }

# Bundle JS and CSS into single files to make site loading faster in a HTTP/1.1
# environment but is not recommended for HTTP/2.0 when caching is used.
# Defaults to True.

# Plugins you don't want to use. Be careful :-)

# Special settings to disable only parts of the indexes plugin.
# Use with care.

# Add the absolute paths to directories containing plugins to use them.
# For example, the `plugins` directory of your clone of the Nikola plugins
# repository.

# Add the absolute paths to directories containing themes to use them.
# For example, the `v7` directory of your clone of the Nikola themes
# repository.

# List of regular expressions, links matching them will always be considered
# valid by "nikola check -l"

# If set to True, enable optional hyphenation in your posts (requires pyphen)
# Enabling hyphenation has been shown to break math support in some cases,
# use with caution.

# The <hN> tags in HTML generated by certain compilers (reST/Markdown)
# will be demoted by that much (1 → h1 will become h2 and so on)
# This was a hidden feature of the Markdown and reST compilers in the
# past.  Useful especially if your post titles are in <h1> tags too, for
# example.
# (defaults to 1.)

# If you don’t like slugified file names ([a-z0-9] and a literal dash),
# and would prefer to use all the characters your file system allows.
# USE WITH CARE!  This is also not guaranteed to be perfect, and may
# sometimes crash Nikola, your web server, or eat your cat.

# If set to True, the tags 'draft', 'mathjax' and 'private' have special
# meaning. If set to False, these tags are handled like regular tags.

# If set to True, a warning is issued if one of the 'draft', 'mathjax'
# and 'private' tags are found in a post. Useful for checking that
# migration was successful.

# Templates will use those filters, along with the defaults.
# Consult your engine's documentation on filters if you need help defining
# those.

# Put in global_context things you want available on all your templates.
# It can be anything, data, functions, modules, etc.
#GLOBAL_CONTEXT = {"p5_library_source": (
#    '<script'
#    ' src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.6.0/p5.min.js"'
#    ' integrity="sha512-3RlxD1bW34eFKPwj9gUXEWtdSMC59QqIqHnD8O/NoTwSJhgxRizdcFVQhUMFyTp5RwLTDL0Lbcqtl8b7bFAzog=="'
#    ' crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>')}
# Add functions here and they will be called with template
# GLOBAL_CONTEXT as parameter when the template is about to be
# rendered


To change the script tag with the URL for the p5 CDN, put a new one in the GLOBAL_CONTEXT dictionary defined in the conf.py file using the p5_library_source as the key and the new cag as the value. For example:

GLOBAL_CONTEXT = {"p5_library_source": (
    ' src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/1.6.0/p5.min.js"'
    ' integrity="sha512-3RlxD1bW34eFKPwj9gUXEWtdSMC59QqIqHnD8O/NoTwSJhgxRizdcFVQhUMFyTp5RwLTDL0Lbcqtl8b7bFAzog=="'
    ' crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>')}

P5 Div Shortcode

Table of Contents

This is a test of the p5div shortcode. For it to work (assuming you're using mako) you need to:

  • set up the p5.tmpl template (in themes/custom-mako/templates/)
  • have ..template: p5.tmpl in the metadata for this post
  • have p5divmako.tmpl in a folder named shortcodes at the root of the nikola folder


I'll be using the names based on the idea that we're using the mako template engine. If we were using jinja the path for the templates would be themes/custom-jinja/templates/ or whatever else name we used.

The Shortcodes

There actually needs to be two different shortcodes, one for jinja and one for mako. This repository is using mako (as does https://necromuralist.github.io) but ape-iron is using jinja. It's a little too convoluted to keep switching back and forth so I'm mostly going to be relying on ape-iron to test the jinja version (although I really should figure out an easy way to test both).

The shortcode creates two HTML tags:

  • a script tag that needs the path to the source p5js file
  • a div tag that needs the ID to use so that the p5 sketch can be put inside it

I was originally setting the type and language attributes of the script tag, but apparently, according to the Mozilla Developers Network (MDN) the language attribute was deprecated a long time ago:

Like the type attribute, this attribute identifies the scripting language in use. Unlike the type attribute, however, this attribute's possible values were never standardized. The type attribute should be used instead.

And the default type is javascript so you don't need to use it if it's a regular script. Quoting the MDN again on what it means when type isn't set or is set to an empty string:

[It] indicates that the script is a "classic script", containing JavaScript code. Authors are encouraged to omit the attribute if the script refers to JavaScript code rather than specify a MIME type.


I was setting the class for the div to "p5js" but it turns out that p5 already adds a class, "p5Canvas", so w can add the styling to that class instead and don't need another class.


I don't see an easy way to set which shortcodes folder to use so I'm going to go with adding "mako" to the end of the shortcodes meant for the mako engine and not putting a suffix on the ones meant for jinja. This shortcode will go into shortcodes/p5divmako.tmpl:

<script src="${source}"></script>

<div class="p5js" id="${divid}"></div>

To use this shortcode you add something that looks like this to a page or post.

{{% p5divmako divid="e70fd042-noise-graph" source="noise_graph.js" %}}

This assumes that the sketch is in files/posts/<slug>/noise_graph.js and that the p5 code is adding the sketch to "e70fd042-noise-graph". Meaning that there's something like this in the in the noise_graph.js file:

p5(noise_graph, "e70fd042-noise-graph")

Where noise_graph is the name of the function in noise_graph.js that runs the sketch.


Here's the jinja version of the shortcode. It's going to go into shortcodes/p5div.tmpl.

<script src="{{ source }}"></script>

<div class="p5js" id="{{ divid }}"></div>

To use it you use the same syntax as the mako-based shortcode, just change the name of the shortcode to p5div.tmpl.

{{% p5div divid="e70fd042-noise-graph" source="noise_graph.js" %}}
