

We're going to extend the backpropagation from a single layer to multiple hidden layers. The amount of change at each layer (the delta) that you make uses the same equation no matter how many layers you have.

\[ \Delta w_{pq} = \eta \delta_{output} X_{in} \]


We'll be sticking with our numpy-based implementation of a neural network.

import numpy

The Sigmoid

This is our familiar activation function.

def sigmoid(x: numpy.ndarray) -> numpy.ndarray:
    Calculate sigmoid
    return 1 / (1 + numpy.exp(-x))

Initial Values

We're going to do a single forward pass followed by backpropagation, so I'll make the values random since we're not really going to validate them..

x = numpy.random.randn(3)
target = numpy.random.random()
learning_rate = numpy.random.random()

weights_input_to_hidden = numpy.random.random((3, 2))
weights_hidden_to_output = numpy.random.random((2, 1))
Variable Value
x [ 0.08 2.19 -0.13]
y 0.85
eta 0.75
Input Weights [0.67 0.99]
  [0.26 0.03]
  [0.64 0.85]
Hidden To Output Weights [0.74]

The input has 3 nodes and the hidden layer has 2, so our weights from the input layer to the hidden layer has shape 3 rows and 2 columns. The output has one node so the weights from the hidden to output layer has 2 rows (to match the hidden layer) and 1 column to match the output layer. In the lecture they use a vector with 2 entries instead. As far as I can tell it works the same either way.

Forward pass

hidden_layer_input =
hidden_layer_output = sigmoid(hidden_layer_input)

output_layer_in =
output = sigmoid(output_layer_in)

Backwards pass

The Output Error

Our error is \(y - \hat{y}\).

error = target - output

Output Error Term

Our output error term:

\begin{align} \textit{output error term} &= (y - \hat{y}) \times (\hat{y} \times \sigma'(x))\\ &= error \times \hat{y} \times (1 - \hat{y}) \end{align}
output_error_term = error * output * (1 - output)

The Hidden Layer Error Term

The hidden layer error term is the output error term scaled by the weight between them times the derivative of the activation function.

\[ \delta^h = W\delta^o f'(h)\\ \]

hidden_error_term = (weights_hidden_to_output.T
                     * output_error_term
                     * hidden_layer_output * (1 - hidden_layer_output))

The Hidden To Output Weight Update

\[ \Delta W = \eta \delta^o a \]

Where a is the output of the hidden layer.

delta_w_h_o = learning_rate * output_error_term * hidden_layer_output

The Input To Hidden Weight Update

\[ \Delta w_i = \eta \delta^h x_i \]

The update is the learning rate times the hidden unit error times the input values.

delta_w_i_h = learning_rate * hidden_error_term * x[:, None]
print('Change in weights for hidden layer to output layer:')
print('Change in weights for input layer to hidden layer:')
Change in weights for hidden layer to output layer:
[0.02634231 0.02119776]
Change in weights for input layer to hidden layer:
[[ 5.70726224e-04  1.72873580e-05]
 [ 1.57375099e-02  4.76690849e-04]
 [-9.69255871e-04 -2.93588634e-05]]