Further Noise Reduction

Set Up


%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2


Python Standard Library

from collections import Counter
from functools import partial
import pickle


from tabulate import tabulate
import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot
import seaborn

This Project

from neurotic.tangles.data_paths import DataPath


table = partial(tabulate, tablefmt="orgtbl", headers="keys")


%matplotlib inline
FIGURE_SIZE = (12, 10)


def print_most_common(counter: Counter, count: int=10, bottom=False) -> None:
    """Prints most common tokens as an org-tabel"""
    tokens, counts = [], []
    for token, count in sorted(counter.items(), reverse=bottom)[:count]:
    print(table(dict(Token=tokens, Count=counts)))

Further Noise Reduction

Speeding up our network by only using relevant nodes was a useful thing insofar as it lets us train bigger datasets without having to wait infeasible amounts of time, but it doesn't directly address the problem we saw earlier, which is that many of our nodes don't actually contribute to the classification.

Here's the words that are most commonly positive.

with DataPath("pos_neg_ratios.pkl").from_folder.open("rb") as writer:
    pos_neg_ratios = pickle.load(writer)
Token Count
. 0.952936
a 1.05504
aa 0.5
aaa 0.428571
aaaaaaah 0
aaaaah 0
aaaaatch 1
aaaahhhhhhh 0
aaaand 1

It's difficult to imagine that these are really telling us how to discern a positive review, since they are mostly names, not descriptive adjectives, nouns, or the like.

Here's the most common negative words.

print_most_common(pos_neg_ratios, bottom=True)
Token Count
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 0
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 0
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 0
zzzzzzzzzzzzz 0
zzzzzzzzzzzz 0
zzzzzzzz 0
zzzzz 0
zzzz 0
zz 0
zyuranger 0
frequency_frequency = Counter()

for word, cnt in total_counts.most_common():
    frequency_frequency[cnt] += 1
figure, axe = pyplot.subplots(figsize=FIGURE_SIZE)
plot = seaborn.distplot(list(map(lambda x: x[1], frequency_frequency.most_common())))


As we can see from the plot, there are a small number of terms that make up a significant amount of the tokens, and a significant amount of the terms that don't really contribute to the outcome.

Reducing Noise by Strategically Reducing the Vocabulary

We're going to try and improve the network by not including tokens that are too rare or don't contribute enough to the sentiments.

# python standard library
from typing import List
from collections import Counter

# from pypi
import numpy

# this project
from sentimental_network import SentiMental

The Sentiment Noise Reduction Network

This is going to be kind of another overhaul of our network. We're going to build off of our previous Sentiment Network that only did calculations on tokens per review, not on the entire vocabulary.

class SentimentNoiseReduction(SentiMental):
    """reduces noise

    ... uml::

       SentimentNoiseReduction --|> SentiMental

     lower_bound: threshold to add token to network
     polarity_cutoff: threshold for positive-negative ratio for words
    def __init__(self, polarity_cutoff, lower_bound: int=50, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.lower_bound = lower_bound
        self.polarity_cutoff = polarity_cutoff
        self._positive_counts = None
        self._negative_counts = None
        self._total_counts = None
        self._positive_negative_ratios = None

The Review Vocabulary

Our first change is that we'll only add words to the vocabulary that meet certain thresholds. Unfortunately the way the attributes are currently set up, this needs the counts to be set up so it has the side effect of calling the count_tokens method.

def review_vocabulary(self) -> List:
    """list of tokens in the reviews"""
    if self._review_vocabulary is None:
        # this needs to be called before total counts is used
        vocabulary = set()
        for review in self.reviews:
            tokens = set(review.split(self.tokenizer))
            tokens = (token for token in tokens
                      if self.total_counts[token] > self.lower_bound)
            tokens = (
                token for token in tokens
                if abs(self.positive_negative_ratios[token])
                       >= self.polarity_cutoff)
        self._review_vocabulary = list(vocabulary)
    return self._review_vocabulary

Positive Counts

This is actually a building-block for our positive-to-negative ratios. It just holds the counts of the tokens in the positive reviews.

def positive_counts(self) -> Counter:
    """Token counts for positive reviews"""
    if self._positive_counts is None:
        self._positive_counts = Counter()
    return self._positive_counts

Negative Counts

Like the negative counts, this is the count of tokens in the negative reviews.

def negative_counts(self) -> Counter:
    """Token counts for negative reviews"""
    if self._negative_counts is None:
        self._negative_counts = Counter()
    return self._negative_counts

Total Counts

Once again related to the outher counts, this holds the counts for all tokens, regardless of their sentiment.

def total_counts(self) -> Counter:
    """Token counts for total reviews"""
    if self._total_counts is None:
        self._total_counts = Counter()
    return self._total_counts

Positive to Negative Ratios

This holds the logarithms of the ratios of positive to negative sentiments for a given token.

def positive_negative_ratios(self) -> Counter:
    """log-ratio of positive to negative reviews"""
    if self._positive_negative_ratios is None:
        positive_negative_ratios = Counter()
             /(self.negative_counts[token] + 1)
             for token in self.total_counts})
        for token, ratio in positive_negative_ratios.items():
            if ratio > 1:
                positive_negative_ratios[token] = numpy.log(ratio)
                positive_negative_ratios[token] = -numpy.log(1/(ratio + 0.01))
        self._positive_negative_ratios = Counter()
    return self._positive_negative_ratios

Count Tokens

This is a method to populate the token counters.

def count_tokens(self):
    """Populate the count-tokens"""
    for label, review in zip(self.labels, self.reviews):
        tokens = review.split(self.tokenizer)
        if label == "POSITIVE":

Reset Counters

This sets all the counters back to none. It is called by the count_tokens method, but in practice shouldn't really be needed.

def reset_counters(self):
    """Set the counters back to none"""
    self._positive_counts = None
    self._negative_counts = None
    self._total_counts = None
    self._positive_negative_ratios = None

Train and Test The Network

with DataPath("x_train.pkl").from_folder.open("rb") as reader:
    x_train = pickle.load(reader)

with DataPath("y_train.pkl").from_folder.open("rb") as reader:
    y_train = pickle.load(reader)
from sentiment_noise_reduction import SentimentNoiseReduction
sentimental = SentimentNoiseReduction(lower_bound=20,
sentimental.train(x_train, y_train)
Progress: 0.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 Error: [-0.5] #Correct: 1 #Trained: 1 Training Accuracy: 100.00 %
Progress: 4.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 111.11 Error: [-0.36634265] #Correct: 748 #Trained: 1001 Training Accuracy: 74.73 %
Progress: 8.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 200.00 Error: [-0.2621193] #Correct: 1549 #Trained: 2001 Training Accuracy: 77.41 %
Progress: 12.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 272.73 Error: [-0.39176697] #Correct: 2396 #Trained: 3001 Training Accuracy: 79.84 %
Progress: 16.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 333.33 Error: [-0.24778501] #Correct: 3211 #Trained: 4001 Training Accuracy: 80.25 %
Progress: 20.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 384.62 Error: [-0.16868621] #Correct: 4031 #Trained: 5001 Training Accuracy: 80.60 %
Progress: 25.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 428.57 Error: [-0.05009294] #Correct: 4857 #Trained: 6001 Training Accuracy: 80.94 %
Progress: 29.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 466.67 Error: [-0.04235332] #Correct: 5726 #Trained: 7001 Training Accuracy: 81.79 %
Progress: 33.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 500.00 Error: [-0.05128397] #Correct: 6583 #Trained: 8001 Training Accuracy: 82.28 %
Progress: 37.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 529.41 Error: [-0.09180182] #Correct: 7434 #Trained: 9001 Training Accuracy: 82.59 %
Progress: 41.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 555.56 Error: [-0.3652018] #Correct: 8307 #Trained: 10001 Training Accuracy: 83.06 %
Progress: 45.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 578.95 Error: [-0.21013078] #Correct: 9162 #Trained: 11001 Training Accuracy: 83.28 %
Progress: 50.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 600.00 Error: [-0.01534277] #Correct: 10021 #Trained: 12001 Training Accuracy: 83.50 %
Progress: 54.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 619.05 Error: [-0.25971145] #Correct: 10893 #Trained: 13001 Training Accuracy: 83.79 %
Progress: 58.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 636.36 Error: [-0.0084308] #Correct: 11754 #Trained: 14001 Training Accuracy: 83.95 %
Progress: 62.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 652.17 Error: [-0.46920695] #Correct: 12591 #Trained: 15001 Training Accuracy: 83.93 %
Progress: 66.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 666.67 Error: [-0.19061036] #Correct: 13441 #Trained: 16001 Training Accuracy: 84.00 %
Progress: 70.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 680.00 Error: [-0.22740865] #Correct: 14295 #Trained: 17001 Training Accuracy: 84.08 %
Progress: 75.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 692.31 Error: [-0.0372273] #Correct: 15171 #Trained: 18001 Training Accuracy: 84.28 %
Progress: 79.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 703.70 Error: [-0.99387849] #Correct: 16045 #Trained: 19001 Training Accuracy: 84.44 %
Progress: 83.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 714.29 Error: [-0.05559484] #Correct: 16930 #Trained: 20001 Training Accuracy: 84.65 %
Progress: 87.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 724.14 Error: [-0.35082069] #Correct: 17805 #Trained: 21001 Training Accuracy: 84.78 %
Progress: 91.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 733.33 Error: [-0.43847381] #Correct: 18693 #Trained: 22001 Training Accuracy: 84.96 %
Progress: 95.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 741.94 Error: [-0.1589986] #Correct: 19546 #Trained: 23001 Training Accuracy: 84.98 %
Training Time: 0:00:32.760293
with DataPath("x_test.pkl").from_folder.open("rb") as reader:
    x_test = pickle.load(reader)

with DataPath("y_test.pkl").from_folder.open("rb") as reader:
    y_test = pickle.load(reader)
sentimental.test(x_test, y_test)
Progress: 0.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 1 #Tested: 1 Testing Accuracy: 100.00 %
Progress: 10.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 92 #Tested: 101 Testing Accuracy: 91.09 %
Progress: 20.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 176 #Tested: 201 Testing Accuracy: 87.56 %
Progress: 30.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 266 #Tested: 301 Testing Accuracy: 88.37 %
Progress: 40.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 353 #Tested: 401 Testing Accuracy: 88.03 %
Progress: 50.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 443 #Tested: 501 Testing Accuracy: 88.42 %
Progress: 60.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 531 #Tested: 601 Testing Accuracy: 88.35 %
Progress: 70.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 605 #Tested: 701 Testing Accuracy: 86.31 %
Progress: 80.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 683 #Tested: 801 Testing Accuracy: 85.27 %
Progress: 90.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 770 #Tested: 901 Testing Accuracy: 85.46 %

Strangely it deson't seem to have sped up the time or improved the testing accuracy. Now a network with a higher polarity cutoff.

sentimental = SentimentNoiseReduction(lower_bound=20,
sentimental.train(x_train, y_train)
Progress: 0.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 Error: [-0.5] #Correct: 1 #Trained: 1 Training Accuracy: 100.00 %
Progress: 4.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 125.00 Error: [-0.39461068] #Correct: 840 #Trained: 1001 Training Accuracy: 83.92 %
Progress: 8.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 250.00 Error: [-0.51977448] #Correct: 1659 #Trained: 2001 Training Accuracy: 82.91 %
Progress: 12.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 333.33 Error: [-0.58021736] #Correct: 2490 #Trained: 3001 Training Accuracy: 82.97 %
Progress: 16.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 444.44 Error: [-0.48964892] #Correct: 3300 #Trained: 4001 Training Accuracy: 82.48 %
Progress: 20.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 555.56 Error: [-0.41779146] #Correct: 4112 #Trained: 5001 Training Accuracy: 82.22 %
Progress: 25.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 666.67 Error: [-0.118178] #Correct: 4925 #Trained: 6001 Training Accuracy: 82.07 %
Progress: 29.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 777.78 Error: [-0.260138] #Correct: 5758 #Trained: 7001 Training Accuracy: 82.25 %
Progress: 33.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 888.89 Error: [-0.20240952] #Correct: 6590 #Trained: 8001 Training Accuracy: 82.36 %
Progress: 37.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 900.00 Error: [-0.33177588] #Correct: 7428 #Trained: 9001 Training Accuracy: 82.52 %
Progress: 41.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1000.00 Error: [-0.38912057] #Correct: 8276 #Trained: 10001 Training Accuracy: 82.75 %
Progress: 45.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1100.00 Error: [-0.26656737] #Correct: 9113 #Trained: 11001 Training Accuracy: 82.84 %
Progress: 50.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1200.00 Error: [-0.24639801] #Correct: 9953 #Trained: 12001 Training Accuracy: 82.93 %
Progress: 54.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1300.00 Error: [-0.25407967] #Correct: 10813 #Trained: 13001 Training Accuracy: 83.17 %
Progress: 58.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1272.73 Error: [-0.09205417] #Correct: 11658 #Trained: 14001 Training Accuracy: 83.27 %
Progress: 62.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1363.64 Error: [-0.33561732] #Correct: 12484 #Trained: 15001 Training Accuracy: 83.22 %
Progress: 66.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1454.55 Error: [-0.25248647] #Correct: 13309 #Trained: 16001 Training Accuracy: 83.18 %
Progress: 70.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1545.45 Error: [-0.17532308] #Correct: 14150 #Trained: 17001 Training Accuracy: 83.23 %
Progress: 75.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1636.36 Error: [-0.06026015] #Correct: 15002 #Trained: 18001 Training Accuracy: 83.34 %
Progress: 79.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1583.33 Error: [-0.96510939] #Correct: 15874 #Trained: 19001 Training Accuracy: 83.54 %
Progress: 83.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1666.67 Error: [-0.12708723] #Correct: 16732 #Trained: 20001 Training Accuracy: 83.66 %
Progress: 87.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1750.00 Error: [-0.11112597] #Correct: 17603 #Trained: 21001 Training Accuracy: 83.82 %
Progress: 91.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1833.33 Error: [-0.26326772] #Correct: 18456 #Trained: 22001 Training Accuracy: 83.89 %
Progress: 95.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 1916.67 Error: [-0.33464499] #Correct: 19311 #Trained: 23001 Training Accuracy: 83.96 %
Training Time: 0:00:13.196065
sentimental.test(x_test, y_test)
Progress: 0.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 0 #Tested: 1 Testing Accuracy: 0.00 %
Progress: 10.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 85 #Tested: 101 Testing Accuracy: 84.16 %
Progress: 20.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 172 #Tested: 201 Testing Accuracy: 85.57 %
Progress: 30.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 263 #Tested: 301 Testing Accuracy: 87.38 %
Progress: 40.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 341 #Tested: 401 Testing Accuracy: 85.04 %
Progress: 50.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 431 #Tested: 501 Testing Accuracy: 86.03 %
Progress: 60.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 515 #Tested: 601 Testing Accuracy: 85.69 %
Progress: 70.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 589 #Tested: 701 Testing Accuracy: 84.02 %
Progress: 80.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 660 #Tested: 801 Testing Accuracy: 82.40 %
Progress: 90.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 745 #Tested: 901 Testing Accuracy: 82.69 %

This speeds it up quite a bit (at least the training), although the trade-off in accuracy might be something to watch out for. But in some cases the speed-up will help either to run the model or to use bigger data-sets. In fact, if we had a larger data set it's entirely possible that the trade-off would be worth it.