Making the Network More Efficient

Set Up



from collections import Counter
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
import pickle


from tabulate import tabulate
import numpy

This Project

from network_helpers import update_input_layer
from neurotic.tangles.data_paths import DataPath
from sentiment_renetwork import SentimentRenetwork

Loading the Network

I pickled our last network where we converted it from counting all the tokens in a review to just noting if the word was in the review.

sentimental = SentimentRenetwork(learning_rate=0.1, verbose=True)
with DataPath("x_train.pkl")"rb") as reader:
    x_train = pickle.load(reader)

with DataPath("y_train.pkl")"rb") as reader:
    y_train = pickle.load(reader)
with DataPath('x_test.pkl')"rb") as reader:
    x_test = pickle.load(reader)

with DataPath("y_test.pkl")"rb") as reader:
    y_test = pickle.load(reader)
with DataPath("sentimental_renetwork.pkl")"rb") as reader:
    sentimental = pickle.load(reader)

Analyzing Inefficiencies in our Network

One of the problems with the way we're doing this is that the input layer is fairly large.

(1, 72810)

It has almost 73,000 inputs, and most of the reviews are going to only match a small subset of the nodes, so when we do our calculations to pass values on to the hidden layers, most of the arithmetic isn't doing anything because the 0 input is being multiplied by the weight, which sets it to 0 before then being added to the other inputs. Numpy is fast, but maybe getting rid of the extra computations will make it better.

Let's look at a toy example, we'll start with an empty input layer.

input_layer = numpy.zeros(10)
[0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]

Now, we'll say that our review has two token in it that match our vocabulary.

input_layer[7] = 1
input_layer[1] = 1
[0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0.]

Okay, so that's the input layer, now we'll make a set of weights.

weights_input_to_hidden = numpy.random.randn(10, 5)

And now we'll take the dot-product to see what the input to the hidden layer will be.

hidden_output =
[-2.94776967 -1.0695755   1.30840025  1.1845772  -1.73688691]

But what happens if we only update the nodes that have a value?

indices = [1, 7]
hidden_layer = numpy.zeros(5)
for index in indices:
    hidden_layer += (1 * weights_input_to_hidden[index])
assert numpy.allclose(hidden_layer, hidden_output)
[-2.94776967 -1.0695755   1.30840025  1.1845772  -1.73688691]

We get the same outcome but this time we did fewer computations.

But now, you might be wondering - Why are we multiplying the weights by 1?. And that's a good question, the answer is that is a translation of what the neural network is doing - every node that matches a token in the review gets a one which is multiplied by the weights - but looking at it, it doesn't make sense, does it?

Take Two

hidden_layer = numpy.zeros(5)
for index in indices:
    hidden_layer += (weights_input_to_hidden[index])
assert numpy.allclose(hidden_output, hidden_layer)
[-2.94776967 -1.0695755   1.30840025  1.1845772  -1.73688691]

So now we've reduced our calculation to two additions. Of course, there's the question of the efficiency of a for loop in python versus vector multiplication in numpy. But maybe it helps.

Making our Network More Efficient

We're going to make the SentimentNetwork more efficient by eliminating unnecessary multiplications and additions that occur during forward and backward propagation. Unfortunately this is going to require more work than with the previous example.


We're going to eliminate the input layer entirely here so I'm going to use the pre-noise-reduction network.

# python standard library
from datetime import datetime

# from pypi
import numpy

# this project
from sentiment_network import (

The Sentimental Constructor

We're adding a hidden layer to the network.

class SentiMental(SentimentNetwork):
    """Implements a slightly optimized version"""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._hidden_layer = None
        self._target_for_label = None

    def hidden_layer(self) -> numpy.ndarray:
        """The hidden layer nodes"""
        if self._hidden_layer is None:
            self._hidden_layer = numpy.zeros((1, self.hidden_nodes))
        return self._hidden_layer

    def hidden_layer(self, nodes: numpy.ndarray) -> None:
        """Set the hidden nodes"""
        self._hidden_layer = nodes

Target for the Label

Although we have a method to get the target I'm going to add a dictionary version as well

def target_for_label(self):
    """target to label map"""
    if self._target_for_label is None:
        self._target_for_label = dict(POSITIVE=1, NEGATIVE=0)
    return self._target_for_label

The Train Method

Because we're eliminating the input layer and adding a hidden layer we have to re-do the training method from scratch.

def train(self, reviews:list, labels:list) -> None:
    """Trains the model

     reviews: list of reviews
     labels: list of labels for each review
    # there are side-effects that require and self.labels
    # maybe I should re-factor., self.labels = reviews, labels

    # make sure out we have a matching number of reviews and labels
    assert(len(reviews) == len(labels))
    if self.verbose:
        start =
        correct_so_far = 0

    # loop through all the given reviews and run a forward and backward pass,
    # updating weights for every item
    reviews_labels = zip(reviews, labels)
    n_records = len(reviews)

    for index, (review, label) in enumerate(reviews_labels):
        # feed-forward
        # Note: I keep thining I can just call run, but our error correction needs
        # the input layer so we have to do all the calculations
        # input layer is a list of indices for unique words in the review
        # that are in our vocabulary

        input_layer = [self.word_to_index[token]
                       for token in set(review.split(self.tokenizer))
                       if token in self.word_to_index]
        self.hidden_layer *= 0

        # here there's no multiplcation, just an implicit multiplication of 1
        for node in input_layer:
            self.hidden_layer += self.weights_input_to_hidden[node]

        hidden_outputs =
        output = self.sigmoid(hidden_outputs)

        # Backpropagation
        # we need to calculate the output_error separately to update our correct count
        output_error = output - self.target_for_label[label]

        # we applied a sigmoid to the output so we need to apply the derivative
        hidden_to_output_delta = output_error * self.sigmoid_output_to_derivative(output)

        input_to_hidden_error =
        # we didn't apply a function to the inputs to the hidden layer
        # so we don't need a derivative
        input_to_hidden_delta = input_to_hidden_error

        self.weights_hidden_to_output -= self.learning_rate *
        for node in input_layer:
            self.weights_input_to_hidden[node] -= (
                * input_to_hidden_delta[0])
        if self.verbose:
            if (output < 0.5 and label=="NEGATIVE") or (output >= 0.5 and label=="POSITIVE"):
                correct_so_far += 1
            if not index % 1000:
                elapsed_time = - start
                reviews_per_second = (index/elapsed_time.seconds
                                      if elapsed_time.seconds > 0 else 0)
                    "Progress: {:.2f} %".format(100 * index/len(reviews))
                    + " Speed(reviews/sec): {:.2f}".format(reviews_per_second)
                    + " Error: {}".format(output_error[0])
                    + " #Correct: {}".format(correct_so_far)
                    + " #Trained: {}".format(index+1)
                    + " Training Accuracy: {:.2f} %".format(
                        correct_so_far * 100/float(index+1))
    if self.verbose:
        print("Training Time: {}".format( - start))

The Run Method

As with training, the method is different enought that we have to re-do it.

def run(self, review: str, translate: bool=True) -> Classification:
    Returns a POSITIVE or NEGATIVE prediction for the given review.

     review: the review to classify
     translate: convert output to a string

     classification for the review
    nodes = [self.word_to_index[token]
             for token in set(review.split(self.tokenizer))
             if token in self.word_to_index]
    self.hidden_layer *= 0
    for node in nodes:
        self.hidden_layer += self.weights_input_to_hidden[node]

    hidden_outputs =
    output = self.sigmoid(hidden_outputs)
    if translate:
        output = "POSITIVE" if output[0] >= 0.5 else "NEGATIVE"
    return output
from sentimental_network import SentiMental
sentimental = SentiMental(learning_rate=0.1, verbose=True)
sentimental.train(x_train, y_train)
Progress: 0.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 Error: [-0.5] #Correct: 1 #Trained: 1 Training Accuracy: 100.00 %
Progress: 4.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 500.00 Error: [-0.12803969] #Correct: 745 #Trained: 1001 Training Accuracy: 74.43 %
Progress: 8.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 666.67 Error: [-0.05466563] #Correct: 1542 #Trained: 2001 Training Accuracy: 77.06 %
Progress: 12.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 750.00 Error: [-0.76659525] #Correct: 2378 #Trained: 3001 Training Accuracy: 79.24 %
Progress: 16.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 666.67 Error: [-0.13244093] #Correct: 3185 #Trained: 4001 Training Accuracy: 79.61 %
Progress: 20.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 714.29 Error: [-0.03716464] #Correct: 3997 #Trained: 5001 Training Accuracy: 79.92 %
Progress: 25.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 750.00 Error: [-0.00921009] #Correct: 4835 #Trained: 6001 Training Accuracy: 80.57 %
Progress: 29.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 777.78 Error: [-0.00274399] #Correct: 5703 #Trained: 7001 Training Accuracy: 81.46 %
Progress: 33.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 727.27 Error: [-0.0040905] #Correct: 6555 #Trained: 8001 Training Accuracy: 81.93 %
Progress: 37.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 750.00 Error: [-0.02414385] #Correct: 7412 #Trained: 9001 Training Accuracy: 82.35 %
Progress: 41.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 769.23 Error: [-0.11133286] #Correct: 8282 #Trained: 10001 Training Accuracy: 82.81 %
Progress: 45.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 785.71 Error: [-0.05147756] #Correct: 9143 #Trained: 11001 Training Accuracy: 83.11 %
Progress: 50.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 750.00 Error: [-0.00178148] #Correct: 10006 #Trained: 12001 Training Accuracy: 83.38 %
Progress: 54.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 764.71 Error: [-0.3016099] #Correct: 10874 #Trained: 13001 Training Accuracy: 83.64 %
Progress: 58.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 777.78 Error: [-0.00105685] #Correct: 11741 #Trained: 14001 Training Accuracy: 83.86 %
Progress: 62.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 750.00 Error: [-0.49072786] #Correct: 12584 #Trained: 15001 Training Accuracy: 83.89 %
Progress: 66.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 761.90 Error: [-0.18036635] #Correct: 13414 #Trained: 16001 Training Accuracy: 83.83 %
Progress: 70.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 772.73 Error: [-0.17892538] #Correct: 14265 #Trained: 17001 Training Accuracy: 83.91 %
Progress: 75.00 % Speed(reviews/sec): 782.61 Error: [-0.00702446] #Correct: 15127 #Trained: 18001 Training Accuracy: 84.03 %
Progress: 79.17 % Speed(reviews/sec): 760.00 Error: [-0.99885025] #Correct: 16000 #Trained: 19001 Training Accuracy: 84.21 %
Progress: 83.33 % Speed(reviews/sec): 769.23 Error: [-0.02833534] #Correct: 16873 #Trained: 20001 Training Accuracy: 84.36 %
Progress: 87.50 % Speed(reviews/sec): 777.78 Error: [-0.22776195] #Correct: 17746 #Trained: 21001 Training Accuracy: 84.50 %
Progress: 91.67 % Speed(reviews/sec): 785.71 Error: [-0.22165232] #Correct: 18630 #Trained: 22001 Training Accuracy: 84.68 %
Progress: 95.83 % Speed(reviews/sec): 766.67 Error: [-0.13901935] #Correct: 19489 #Trained: 23001 Training Accuracy: 84.73 %
Training Time: 0:00:31.545636

That trained much faster than the earlier models.

sentimental.test(x_test, y_test)
Progress: 0.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 1 #Tested: 1 Testing Accuracy: 100.00 %
Progress: 10.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 92 #Tested: 101 Testing Accuracy: 91.09 %
Progress: 20.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 178 #Tested: 201 Testing Accuracy: 88.56 %
Progress: 30.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 268 #Tested: 301 Testing Accuracy: 89.04 %
Progress: 40.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 351 #Tested: 401 Testing Accuracy: 87.53 %
Progress: 50.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 442 #Tested: 501 Testing Accuracy: 88.22 %
Progress: 60.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 533 #Tested: 601 Testing Accuracy: 88.69 %
Progress: 70.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 610 #Tested: 701 Testing Accuracy: 87.02 %
Progress: 80.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 689 #Tested: 801 Testing Accuracy: 86.02 %
Progress: 90.00% Speed(reviews/sec): 0.00 #Correct: 777 #Tested: 901 Testing Accuracy: 86.24 %

I still can't figure out why the test-set does better than the training set.