Auto-Complete: Building the Auto-Complete System
Table of Contents
Build the Auto-Complete System
In the previous post we tested the perplexity of our N-Gram Language model. In this, the final post in the series that we began with this post, we'll implement the final system.
# python
from itertools import chain
import math
import os
# pypi
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from expects import be_true, equal, expect
# this project
from neurotic.nlp.autocomplete import NGrams, Tokenizer, TrainTestSplit
Set Up
The Environment
load_dotenv("posts/nlp/.env", override=True)
The Data
path = os.environ["TWITTER_AUTOCOMPLETE"]
with open(path) as reader:
data =
Probabilities Again
Once again the function we're defining here expects this probability function so I'm going to have to paste it in here.
def estimate_probability(word: str,
previous_n_gram: tuple,
n_gram_counts: dict,
n_plus1_gram_counts: dict,
vocabulary_size: int,
k: float=1.0) -> float:
Estimate the probabilities of a next word using the n-gram counts with k-smoothing
word: next word
previous_n_gram: A sequence of words of length n
n_gram_counts: Dictionary of counts of n-grams
n_plus1_gram_counts: Dictionary of counts of (n+1)-grams
vocabulary_size: number of words in the vocabulary
k: positive constant, smoothing parameter
A probability
previous_n_gram = tuple(previous_n_gram)
previous_n_gram_count = n_gram_counts.get(previous_n_gram, 0)
n_plus1_gram = previous_n_gram + (word,)
n_plus1_gram_count = n_plus1_gram_counts.get(n_plus1_gram, 0)
return (n_plus1_gram_count + k)/(previous_n_gram_count + k * vocabulary_size)
def estimate_probabilities(previous_n_gram, n_gram_counts, n_plus1_gram_counts, vocabulary, k=1.0):
Estimate the probabilities of next words using the n-gram counts with k-smoothing
previous_n_gram: A sequence of words of length n
n_gram_counts: Dictionary of counts of (n+1)-grams
n_plus1_gram_counts: Dictionary of counts of (n+1)-grams
vocabulary: List of words
k: positive constant, smoothing parameter
A dictionary mapping from next words to the probability.
# convert list to tuple to use it as a dictionary key
previous_n_gram = tuple(previous_n_gram)
# add <e> <unk> to the vocabulary
# <s> is not needed since it should not appear as the next word
vocabulary = vocabulary + ["<e>", "<unk>"]
vocabulary_size = len(vocabulary)
probabilities = {}
for word in vocabulary:
probability = estimate_probability(word, previous_n_gram,
n_gram_counts, n_plus1_gram_counts,
vocabulary_size, k=k)
probabilities[word] = probability
return probabilities
Compute probabilities for all possible next words and suggest the most likely one.
- This function also take an optional argument `start_with`, which specifies the first few letters of the next words.
returns a dictionary where the key is a word and the value is the word's probability.- Use
to determine if a string starts with the letters of another string. For example,'learning'.startswith('lea')
returns True, whereas'learning'.startswith('ear')
returns False. There are two additional parameters instr.startswith()
, but you can use the default values for those parameters in this case.
# GRADED FUNCTION: suggest_a_word
def suggest_a_word(previous_tokens, n_gram_counts, n_plus1_gram_counts, vocabulary, k=1.0, start_with=None):
Get suggestion for the next word
previous_tokens: The sentence you input where each token is a word. Must have length > n
n_gram_counts: Dictionary of counts of (n+1)-grams
n_plus1_gram_counts: Dictionary of counts of (n+1)-grams
vocabulary: List of words
k: positive constant, smoothing parameter
start_with: If not None, specifies the first few letters of the next word
A tuple of
- string of the most likely next word
- corresponding probability
# length of previous words
n = len(list(n_gram_counts.keys())[0])
# From the words that the user already typed
# get the most recent 'n' words as the previous n-gram
previous_n_gram = previous_tokens[-n:]
# Estimate the probabilities that each word in the vocabulary
# is the next word,
# given the previous n-gram, the dictionary of n-gram counts,
# the dictionary of n plus 1 gram counts, and the smoothing constant
probabilities = estimate_probabilities(previous_n_gram,
n_gram_counts, n_plus1_gram_counts,
vocabulary, k=k)
# Initialize suggested word to None
# This will be set to the word with highest probability
suggestion = None
# Initialize the highest word probability to 0
# this will be set to the highest probability
# of all words to be suggested
max_prob = 0
### START CODE HERE (Replace instances of 'None' with your code) ###
# For each word and its probability in the probabilities dictionary:
for word, prob in probabilities.items(): # complete this line
# If the optional start_with string is set
if start_with is not None: # complete this line
# Check if the beginning of word does not match with the letters in 'start_with'
if not word.startswith(start_with): # complete this line
# if they don't match, skip this word (move onto the next word)
continue # complete this line
# Check if this word's probability
# is greater than the current maximum probability
if prob > max_prob: # complete this line
# If so, save this word as the best suggestion (so far)
suggestion = word
# Save the new maximum probability
max_prob = prob
return suggestion, max_prob
Test It Out
sentences = [['i', 'like', 'a', 'cat'],
['this', 'dog', 'is', 'like', 'a', 'cat']]
unique_words = list(set(sentences[0] + sentences[1]))
unigram_counts = NGrams(sentences, 1).counts
bigram_counts = NGrams(sentences, 2).counts
previous_tokens = ["i", "like"]
word, probability = suggest_a_word(previous_tokens, unigram_counts, bigram_counts, unique_words, k=1.0)
print(f"The previous words are 'i like',\n\tand the suggested word is `{word}` with a probability of {probability:.4f}")
expected_word, expected_probability = "a", 0.2727
expect(math.isclose(probability, expected_probability, abs_tol=1e-4)).to(be_true)
# test your code when setting the starts_with
tmp_starts_with = 'c'
word, probability = suggest_a_word(previous_tokens, unigram_counts, bigram_counts, unique_words, k=1.0, start_with=tmp_starts_with)
print(f"The previous words are 'i like', the suggestion must start with `{tmp_starts_with}`\n\tand the suggested word is `{word}` with a probability of {probability:.4f}")
expected_word, expected_probability = "cat", 0.0909
expect(math.isclose(probability, expected_probability, abs_tol=1e-4)).to(be_true)
The previous words are 'i like', and the suggested word is `a` with a probability of 0.2727 The previous words are 'i like', the suggestion must start with `c` and the suggested word is `cat` with a probability of 0.0909
Multiple Suggestions
The function defined below loops over various n-gram models to get multiple suggestions.
def get_suggestions(previous_tokens, n_gram_counts_list, vocabulary, k=1.0, start_with=None):
model_counts = len(n_gram_counts_list)
suggestions = []
for i in range(model_counts-1):
n_gram_counts = n_gram_counts_list[i]
n_plus1_gram_counts = n_gram_counts_list[i+1]
suggestion = suggest_a_word(previous_tokens, n_gram_counts,
n_plus1_gram_counts, vocabulary,
k=k, start_with=start_with)
return suggestions
Test It
sentences = [['i', 'like', 'a', 'cat'],
['this', 'dog', 'is', 'like', 'a', 'cat']]
unique_words = list(set(sentences[0] + sentences[1]))
unigram_counts = NGrams(sentences, 1).counts
bigram_counts = NGrams(sentences, 2).counts
trigram_counts = NGrams(sentences, 3).counts
quadgram_counts = NGrams(sentences, 4).counts
qintgram_counts = NGrams(sentences, 5).counts
n_gram_counts_list = [unigram_counts, bigram_counts, trigram_counts, quadgram_counts, qintgram_counts]
previous_tokens = ["i", "like"]
tmp_suggest3 = get_suggestions(previous_tokens, n_gram_counts_list, unique_words, k=1.0)
print(f"The previous words are 'i like', the suggestions are:")
The previous words are 'i like', the suggestions are:
a | 0.2727272727272727 |
a | 0.2 |
like | 0.1111111111111111 |
like | 0.1111111111111111 |
Multiple Word Suggestions
tokenizer = Tokenizer(data)
splitter = TrainTestSplit(tokenizer.tokenized)
train_data_processed =
n_gram_counts_list = [NGrams(train_data_processed, n).counts for n in range(1, 6)]
vocabulary = list(set(chain.from_iterable(train_data_processed)))
previous_tokens = ["i", "am", "to"]
tmp_suggest4 = get_suggestions(previous_tokens, n_gram_counts_list, vocabulary, k=1.0)
print(f"The previous words are {previous_tokens}, the suggestions are:")
The previous words are ['i', 'am', 'to'], the suggestions are:
be | 0.015552924847940564 |
please | 5.4935999560512006e-05 |
please | 5.494354550699157e-05 |
sucks | 2.747403703500192e-05 |
previous_tokens = ["i", "want", "to", "go"]
tmp_suggest5 = get_suggestions(previous_tokens, n_gram_counts_list, vocabulary, k=1.0)
print(f"The previous words are {previous_tokens}, the suggestions are:")
The previous words are ['i', 'want', 'to', 'go'], the suggestions are:
to | 0.006007762241480142 |
to | 0.0019077728115120462 |
to | 0.00030196552102778083 |
home | 0.00016478989288656962 |
previous_tokens = ["hey", "how", "are"]
tmp_suggest6 = get_suggestions(previous_tokens, n_gram_counts_list, vocabulary, k=1.0)
print(f"The previous words are {previous_tokens}, the suggestions are:")
The previous words are ['hey', 'how', 'are'], the suggestions are:
you | 0.010055522861602231 |
you | 0.0014810345300458024 |
you | 5.494656446605676e-05 |
sucks | 2.747403703500192e-05 |
previous_tokens = ["hey", "how", "are", "you"]
tmp_suggest7 = get_suggestions(previous_tokens, n_gram_counts_list, vocabulary, k=1.0)
print(f"The previous words are {previous_tokens}, the suggestions are:")
The previous words are ['hey', 'how', 'are', 'you'], the suggestions are:
're | 0.012929170630459223 |
? | 0.0011416145691764065 |
? | 0.0007132863295931524 |
<e> | 5.494656446605676e-05 |
previous_tokens = ["hey", "how", "are", "you"]
tmp_suggest8 = get_suggestions(previous_tokens, n_gram_counts_list, vocabulary, k=1.0, start_with="d")
print(f"The previous words are {previous_tokens}, the suggestions are:")
The previous words are ['hey', 'how', 'are', 'you'], the suggestions are:
do | 0.004734930381388913 |
doing | 0.000679532481652623 |
doing | 0.0001646045375984198 |
deserving | 2.747328223302838e-05 |
So, now we have our system. Here are all the prior posts in this series.