Auto-Complete: Perplexity
Table of Contents
In the previous post we implemented the N-Gram Language Model for the auto-complete system that we began here.
In this section, you will generate the perplexity score to evaluate your model on the test set.
- You will also use back-off when needed.
- Perplexity is used as an evaluation metric of your language model.
- To calculate the the perplexity score of the test set on an n-gram model, use:
\[ PP(W) =\sqrt[N]{ \prod_{t=n+1}^N \frac{1}{P(w_t | w_{t-n} \cdots w_{t-1})} } \tag{4} \]
- where N is the length of the sentence.
- n is the number of words in the n-gram (e.g. 2 for a bigram).
- In math, the numbering starts at one and not zero.
In code, array indexing starts at zero, so the code will use ranges for t according to this formula:
\[ PP(W) =\sqrt[N]{ \prod_{t=n}^{N-1} \frac{1}{P(w_t | w_{t-n} \cdots w_{t-1})} } \tag{4.1} \]
The higher the probabilities are, the lower the perplexity will be.
- The more the n-grams tell us about the sentence, the lower the perplexity score will be.
# python
import math
# pypi
from expects import expect, be_true
import attr
# this project
from neurotic.nlp.autocomplete import NGrams,NGramProbability
The Probability Function
This was already defined in the previous post, but the function following it assumes its existence so I'm temporarily re-defining it here.
def estimate_probability(word: str,
previous_n_gram: tuple,
n_gram_counts: dict,
n_plus1_gram_counts: dict,
vocabulary_size: int,
k: float=1.0) -> float:
Estimate the probabilities of a next word using the n-gram counts with k-smoothing
word: next word
previous_n_gram: A sequence of words of length n
n_gram_counts: Dictionary of counts of n-grams
n_plus1_gram_counts: Dictionary of counts of (n+1)-grams
vocabulary_size: number of words in the vocabulary
k: positive constant, smoothing parameter
A probability
previous_n_gram = tuple(previous_n_gram)
previous_n_gram_count = n_gram_counts.get(previous_n_gram, 0)
n_plus1_gram = previous_n_gram + (word,)
n_plus1_gram_count = n_plus1_gram_counts.get(n_plus1_gram, 0)
return (n_plus1_gram_count + k)/(previous_n_gram_count + k * vocabulary_size)
Calculating the Perplexity
# GRADED FUNCTION: calculate_perplexity
def calculate_perplexity(sentence: list,
n_gram_counts: dict,
n_plus1_gram_counts: dict,
vocabulary_size: int,
k: float=1.0):
Calculate perplexity for a list of sentences
sentence: List of strings
n_gram_counts: Dictionary of counts of (n+1)-grams
n_plus1_gram_counts: Dictionary of counts of (n+1)-grams
vocabulary_size: number of unique words in the vocabulary
k: Positive smoothing constant
Perplexity score
# length of previous words
n = len(list(n_gram_counts.keys())[0])
# prepend <s> and append <e>
sentence = ["<s>"] * n + sentence + ["<e>"]
# Cast the sentence from a list to a tuple
sentence = tuple(sentence)
# length of sentence (after adding <s> and <e> tokens)
N = len(sentence)
# The variable p will hold the product
# that is calculated inside the n-root
# Update this in the code below
product_pi = 1.0
### START CODE HERE (Replace instances of 'None' with your code) ###
# Index t ranges from n to N - 1, inclusive on both ends
for t in range(n, N): # complete this line
# get the n-gram preceding the word at position t
n_gram = sentence[t - n: t]
# get the word at position t
word = sentence[t]
# Estimate the probability of the word given the n-gram
# using the n-gram counts, n-plus1-gram counts,
# vocabulary size, and smoothing constant
probability = estimate_probability(
word=word, previous_n_gram=n_gram,
n_plus1_gram_counts=n_plus1_gram_counts, k=k)
# Update the product of the probabilities
# This 'product_pi' is a cumulative product
# of the (1/P) factors that are calculated in the loop
product_pi *= 1/probability
# Take the Nth root of the product
perplexity = product_pi**(1/N)
return perplexity
Test It
sentences = [['i', 'like', 'a', 'cat'],
['this', 'dog', 'is', 'like', 'a', 'cat']]
unique_words = list(set(sentences[0] + sentences[1]))
unigram_counts = NGrams(sentences, 1).counts
bigram_counts = NGrams(sentences, 2).counts
perplexity_train1 = calculate_perplexity(sentences[0],
unigram_counts, bigram_counts,
len(unique_words), k=1.0)
expected = 2.8040
print(f"Perplexity for first train sample: {perplexity_train1:.4f}")
expect(math.isclose(perplexity_train1, expected, abs_tol=1e-4)).to(be_true)
test_sentence = ['i', 'like', 'a', 'dog']
perplexity_test = calculate_perplexity(test_sentence,
unigram_counts, bigram_counts,
len(unique_words), k=1.0)
print(f"Perplexity for test sample: {perplexity_test:.4f}")
expected = 3.9654
expect(math.isclose(perplexity_test, expected, abs_tol=1e-4)).to(be_true)
Perplexity for first train sample: 2.8040 Perplexity for test sample: 3.9654
Note: If your sentence is really long, there will be underflow when multiplying many fractions.
- To handle longer sentences, modify your implementation to take the sum of the log of the probabilities.
Using the Class-Based Version
class Perplexity:
"""Calculate perplexity
data: the tokenized training input
n: the size of the n-grams
augment_vocabulary: whether to augment the vocabulary for toy examples
data: list
n: int
augment_vocabulary: bool=False
_probabilifier: NGramProbability=None
def probabilifier(self) -> NGramProbability:
"""Probability Calculator"""
if self._probabilifier is None:
self._probabilifier = NGramProbability(, self.n,
return self._probabilifier
def perplexity(self, sentence: list) -> float:
"""Calculates the perplexity for the sentence"""
sentence = tuple(["<s>"] * self.n + sentence + ["<e>"])
N = len(sentence)
n_grams = (sentence[position - self.n: position]
for position in range(self.n, N))
words = (sentence[position]
for position in range(self.n, N))
words_n_grams = zip(words, n_grams)
probabilities = (self.probabilifier.probability(word, n_gram)
for word, n_gram in words_n_grams)
product = for probability in probabilities))
return product**(1/N)
sentences = [['i', 'like', 'a', 'cat'],
['this', 'dog', 'is', 'like', 'a', 'cat']]
model = Perplexity(sentences, 1, augment_vocabulary=False)
actual = model.perplexity(sentences[0])
expected = 2.8040
print(f"Perplexity for first train sample: {actual:.4f}")
expect(math.isclose(actual, expected, abs_tol=1e-4)).to(be_true)
test_sentence = ['i', 'like', 'a', 'dog']
perplexity_test = model.perplexity(test_sentence)
print(f"Perplexity for test sample: {perplexity_test:.4f}")
expected = 3.9654
expect(math.isclose(perplexity_test, expected, abs_tol=1e-4)).to(be_true)
In the next part we'll build our completed auto-complete system.