Org To Jupyter Notebook

I've grown to really like org-mode, particularly with ob-ipython, but there are times when a real Jupyter notebook is better - if you want to render it on github or use the %matplotlib notebook feature, for instance. I found a blog post the Kitchin Research Group site announcing the creation of an exporter and this is some documentation about how to set it up.


When I originally set this up it was only available from a link on the blog-post, but it has since been added to a much larger github repository called scimax. I'm assuming this is where the latest version will be kept. Unfortunately there's no license so I don't think you can fork the repository, even more importantly, I can't get it to work, so skip it for now and grab the old one.

cd ~/.emacs.d
mkdir lisp


Make sure that the lisp folder is in the emacs path by putting this line in init.el.

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/lisp")

Also make sure that it's loaded by putting this in init.el.

(require 'ox-ipynb)


In your org-mode file use the export-ipython function to export it to an ipynb file.

M-x export-ipynb-buffer

Note that this will only work if you have ob-ipython installed and at least one ipython code block in the org-file.

#+BEGIN_SRC ipython :session

Decision Tree Entropy

Table of Contents

These are some basic notes on how entropy is used when making decision trees. The examples are taken from Process Mining: Data Science In Action.


The equation for entropy is \(E = - \sum\limits_{i=1}^n p_i \log_2 p_i\), where \(p_i\) is the probability of variable \(i\). In other words, for variable \(i\), \(p_i\) is the count of instances for that variable divided by the total number of instances for all variables. Well, I'm probably not saying this clearly enough. A concrete example might be better.

Dying Young

This example uses a data set that contains various attributes that might predict if someone died 'young' (less than 70) or 'not young' (70 or older). There are 860 entries with 546 dying young and 314 dying old. We can calculate the entropy for the root node using the proportions of \(young\) (died young) and \(\lnot young\) (didn't die young).

\begin{align} E &= -(E_{young} + E_{\lnot young})\\ &= -\left(\frac{546}{860} \log_2 \frac{546}{860} + \frac{314}{860} \log_2 \frac{314}{860}\right)\\ &\approx 0.9468 \end{align}

Ubuntu 16.04 and the Brother HL-2140 Printer


I (relatively) recently bought a ZaReason Limbo Desktop PC which comes with Ubuntu 16.04. I'm debating whether to update it to 16.10, given that updating broke the USB WiFi adapter I had on my older computer (the USB is recognized but not the WiFi adapter), but, in any case, I wanted to print something using my new computer today and ran into the same problem that I had when I updated my old computer to Ubuntu 14.10 - the default printer driver printed out a bunch of blank pages rather than the page I wanted to print. The last time I solved it by choosing a different model (the HL-2142) but this time out I found a stack overflow post that suggested using the Brother HL-2140 Foomatic/hl1250 [en] driver instead. I tried it and it worked for me, so here goes.

How To Choose the Correct Printer Driver

First, open Dash (the windows-key launches it on my keyboard), type in Printers and click on the icon.


This brings up the printers dialog.


Double-click on the HL-2140-series icon to bring up the Printer Properties dialog.


Click on the Make and Model "Change" button (the fourth row). Let the program find the drivers and it will bring up the Choose Driver dialog.


Use the Brother (recommended) option (it should already be selected) and click on the "Forward" button. This brings up the Change Driver dialog with the postscript driver chosen (which is the one that does not work for me).


Select the hl1250 driver (by clicking on it) and click on the "Forward" button.


This will bring up the Existing Settings dialog. I've tried different options and haven't noticed a difference so I just leave it at whatever the default option is and click "Apply".


At this point your driver should be updated so click on the "OK" button.


If your experience is the same as mine, you will be able to print your documents at this point.


The basic method to get the Brother HL-2140 to print in Ubuntu 16.04 is to select the hl1250 driver instead of the default. Since I only do this when I need to set up a new computer, I alway have to do some googling to remember what to do, so hopefully this will help me save some searching if I ever have to do this again.

Seek With Cocos2D

This is an implementation of Craig Reynold's flocking behavior based on the book Python Game Programming By Example. Reynolds mentions many variations for flocking. This will implement a basic boid that flocks to the mouse pointer.


# third party
from cocos.cocosnode import CocosNode
from cocos.euclid import Vector2
import cocos
import cocos.particle_systems as particle_system



The Boid

Boid Settings

class BoidSettings(object):
    """a settings object"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.position = None
        self.velocity = None
        self.speed = None
        self.max_force = None
        self.slowing_radius = None
        self._attributes = None

    def attributes(self):
        """list of required attributes"""
        if self._attributes is None:
            self._attributes = ("position",
        return self._attributes

    def x_y(self, position):
        """sets the initial x, y coordinates

       position: tuple
         (x, y) coordinates
        self.position = position
        self.check_types(position, "position", (list, tuple))
        for item in position:
            self.check_numeric(item, "position")
        return self

    def velocity_vector(self, velocity):
        """initial velocity


       velocity: Vector2
         2-d vector representing boid's velocity
        self.velocity = velocity
        self.check_type(velocity, "velocity", Vector2)
        return self

    def speed_scalar(self, speed):
        """scalar for the velocity vector


       speed: number
         pixels per frame to scale velocity
        self.speed = speed
        self.check_numeric(speed, "speed")
        return self

    def slow_down_distance(self, slowing_radius):
        """denominator to create ratio to slow down

       Used to reduce steering-force (distance/radius)


       slowing_radius: numeric
         steering-force reduction factor
        self.slowing_radius = slowing_radius
        self.check_numeric(slowing_radius, "slowing radius")
        return self

    def maximum_force(self, max_force):
        """sets the max force magnitude

       max_force: numeric
         upper-bound for the steering force
        self.max_force = max_force
        self.check_numeric(max_force, "max force")
        return self

    def maximum_velocity(self, max_velocity):
        """sets the max-velocity


       max_velocity: numeric
         upper-bound for magnitude of velocity
        self.max_velocity = max_velocity
        self.check_numeric(max_velocity, "max velocity")
        return self

    def check_numeric(self, value, identifier):
        """checks value is numeric


       value: object
         item to check

       identifier: string
         name for error message


       TypeError if value is not int or float
        self.check_types(value, identifier, (int, float))

    def check_types(self, value, identifier, expected):
        """checks type of value

       value: object
         the thing to check
       identifier: string
         id for error message
       expected: collection
         types to check if value is one of them


       TypeError if type of value not in expected
        if type(value) not in expected:
            raise TypeError("{0} must be one of {1}, not {2}".format(

    def check_type(self, value, identifier, expected):
        """checks type of the value

       value: object
         thing to check
       identifier: string
         id for error messages
       expected: type
         what the value should be

       TypeError if type of value is not expected
        if not isinstance(value, expected):
            raise TypeError("{0} must be {1} not {2}".format(identifier,

    def __call__(self):
        """checks all the attributes are set


       TypeError if an attribute is None
        for attribute in self.attributes:
            if getattr(self, attribute) is None:
                raise TypeError("{0} must be set, not None".format(attribute))
        return self

Boid Node

the Constructor

class Boid(CocosNode):
    """represents a boid

    settings: BoidSettings
      settings for this node
    def __init__(self, settings):
        super(Boid, self).__init__()
        self.settings = settings
        self.position = settings.position
        self.velocity = Vector2(0, 0)
        self.speed = settings.speed
        self.slowing_radius = settings.slowing_radius
        self.max_force = settings.max_force
        self.max_velocity = settings.max_velocity = None

I'm not a fan of method calls in the constructor, but these next two lines help set up the node.


The add method sets the Sun instance as a child of the Boid node and the schedule method sets the Boid's update method to be called once per frame.

The Current Position

This is just a convenience attribute. It probably takes a performance hit, but the original code was a little obscure so I thought I'd pull it out to document it.

def current_position(self):
    """this node's position


    Vector2: the current of this node
    return Vector2(self.x, self.y)

I had to look it up, since there's no setting of self.x or self.y here - these two attributes are built into the CocosNode object and are always the current values.

The Update Method

def update(self, delta):
    """updates the current position


    delta: float
      seconds since the last clock tick
    if is None:

The target is going to be set when the mouse is move. Because of this it's initially not set, so we need to short circuit if that's the case.

distance = - self.current_position
ramp_down = min(distance.magnitude()/self.slowing_radius, 1)
steering_force = distance * self.speed * ramp_down - self.velocity
steering_force = self.limit(steering_force, self.max_force)
self.velocity = self.limit(self.velocity + steering_force,
self.position += self.velocity * delta

In the snippet above, distance is a vector with the tail on our current position and the head on the target. The steering-force is created by scaling the distance by our speed and then subtracting our current velocity, creating a vector that over-compensates to turn us toward the target. The new velocity is our old velocity plus the steering-force and our position is updated to be our new velocity times the elapsed time. That doesn't look like it's doing anything, but position is another special attribute on the CocosNode.

This next method reduces a vector if its magnitude is above a given threshold.

def limit(self, vector, upper_bound):
    """limits magnitude of vector

    Re-scales all values in the vector if the magnitude exceeds limit


      vector to check

    upper_bound: number
      upper limit for magnitude of vector


    vector whose magnitude is no greater than upper_bound
        magnitude = vector.magnitude()
    except OverflowError:
    return (vector if magnitude <= upper_bound
            else vector*(upper_bound/magnitude))

Main Layer

This is the class to act as the event handler.

class MainLayer(cocos.layer.Layer):
    """sets up the interaction


    boids: collection
      boids to maintain
    is_event_handler = True

That value (is_event_handler) has to be true or the Layer class doesn't handle events.

def __init__(self, boids):
    super(MainLayer, self).__init__()
    self.boids = boids
    for boid in boids:

def on_mouse_motion(self, x, y, dx, dy):
    """sets the boids' targets


    x, y:
      current mouse cursor position

    dx, dy:
      change in position since the last report
    for boid in self.boids: = Vector2(x, y)

def on_mouse_press(self, x, y, button, modifiers):
    """handles mouse-clicks"""
    for boid in self.boids:
        boid.speed *= CHANGE_BEHAVIOR

The on_mouse_motion method is a pass through to pyglet so the method is documented there more than on the cocos2d site.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    boid_settings = (BoidSettings()
                     .x_y((300, 200))
    boid = Boid(boid_settings)
    scene = cocos.scene.Scene(MainLayer([boid]))

The first thing to note is that the cocos.director.init function has to be called before any of the other cocos2D objects are created. If you move the instantiation of the Boid above that line, for instance, it will crash with a AttributeError: 'Director' object has no attribute '_window_virtual_width' error.

Flocking With Cocos2D

This is an implementation of Craig Reynold's flocking behavior based on the book Python Game Programming By Example.


# third party
from cocos.cocosnode import CocosNode
import cocos
import cocos.euclid as euclid
import cocos.particle_system as particle_system


The Boid

Boid Settings

class BoidSettings(object):
    """a settings object"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.position = None
        self.velocity = None
        self.speed = None
        self.max_force = None
        self._attributes = None

    def attributes(self):
        """list of required attributes"""
        if self._attributes is None:
            self._attributes = ("position",
        return self._attributes

    def x_y(self, position):
        """sets the initial x, y coordinates

       position: tuple
         (x, y) coordinates
        self.position = position
        self.check_types(position, "position", (list, tuple))
        for item in position:
            self.check_numeric(item, "position")

    def velocity_vector(self, velocity):
        """initial velocity


       velocity: Vector2
         2-d vector representing boid's velocity
        self.velocity = velocity
        self.check_type(velocity, "velocity", Vector2)

    def pixels_per_frame(self, speed):
        """initial speed of the boid


       speed: number
         number of pixels to move per frame
        self.speed = speed
        self.check_numeric(speed, "speed")

    def maximum_force(self, max_force):
        """sets the max force magnitude

       max_force: numeric
         upper-bound for the steering force
        self.max_force = max_force

    def maximum_velocity(self, max_velocity):
        """sets the max-velocity


       max_velocity: numeric
         upper-bound for magnitude of velocity
        self.max_velocity = max_velocity

    def check_numeric(self, value, identifier):
        """checks value is numeric


       value: object
         item to check

       identifier: string
         name for error message


       TypeError if value is not int or float
        self.check_types(value, identifier, (int, float))

    def check_types(self, value, identifier, expected):
        """checks type of value

       value: object
         the thing to check
       identifier: string
         id for error message
       expected: collection 
         types to check if value is one of them


       TypeError if type of value not in expected
        if type(value) not in expected:
            raise TypeError("{0} must be one of {1}, not {2}".format(

    def check_type(self, value, identifier, expected):
        """checks type of the value

       value: object
         thing to check
       identifier: string
         id for error messages
       expected: type
         what the value should be

       TypeError if type of value is not expected
        if not isinstance(value, expected):
            raise TypeError("{0} must be {1} not {2}".format(identifier,

Boid Node

class Boid(CocosNode):
    """represents a boid

    settings: BoidSettings
      settings for this node
    def __init__(self):
        super(Boid, self).__init__()
        self.settings = settings
        self.position = settings.position
        self.velocity = euclid.Vector2(0, 0)
        self.speed = settings.speed
        self.max_force = settings.max_force
        self.max_velocity = settings.max_velocity = None

I'm not a fan of method calls in the constructor, but these next two lines help set up the node.


The add method sets the Sun instance as a child of the Boid node and the schedule method sets the Boid's update method to be called once per frame.

def update(self, delta):
    """updates the current position


    delta: float
      seconds since the last clock tick
    if is None:

The target

distance = - euclid.Vector2(self.x, self.y)
steering_force = distance * self.speed - self.velocity
steering_force = truncate(self.velocity + steering, self.max_velocity)
self.position += self.velocity * delta


Breakout With Tkinter

A tkinter breakout implementation from the book Python Game Programming by Example. Although Tkinter is referred to primarily as a GUI builder, this example shows you how to use it to re-create the arcade game Breakout using only the python standard library.


Although the tkinter python library is part of the standard python installation, it relies on Tcl/Tk and a c-python binary that you have to build or install. To get it in ubuntu you can use apt-get.

  sudo apt-get python3-tk


# python standard library
from abc import ABCMeta
from abc import abstractproperty
from collections import namedtuple
from copy import copy
import re
import string
import tkinter


BLUE = "#0000ff"
LAVENDER = "#aaaaff"
WHITE = "#ffffff"
NUMERIC = (int, float)

LEFT = -1
UP = -1

Base Classes


This is a named tuple to see if I can keep the coordinates returned by tkinter straight.

Coordinates = namedtuple("Coordinates", ["top_left_x",

Base Widget

A base-class to implement the methods common to all the game objects. The python 3 syntax seems to have changed slightly so you have to use metaclass=ABCMeta in place of object instead of putting __metaclass__==ABCMeta the way I used to in python 2.7.

The item property

class BaseWidget(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """base class for game object's


    canvas: tkinter.Canvas
      canvas to draw on
    def item(self):
        """the canvas item"""

The item will be an identifier pointing to a tkinter widget. It gets returned by the function call to create the widget (e.g. canvas.create_oval).


def position(self):
    """the coordinates of the object on the canvas


    tuple: x0, y0, x1, y1
    x0, y0, x1, y1 = self.canvas.coords(self.item)
    return Coordinates(top_left_x=x0,

The call to canvas.coords returns the coordinates of the bounding-box for the widget. The first two values are the x and y coordinates for the upper-left corner of the box and the last two values are the x and y coordinates of the bottom-right corner.


def move(self, horizontal_offset, vertical_offset):
    """move this object to the coordinates


    horizontal_offset: int
      x-axis pixels to move
    vertical_offset: int
      y-axis pixels to move
    self.canvas.move(self.item, horizontal_offset, vertical_offset)

This moves the object. Rather than giving it coordinates, the move method moves the object vertically and horizontally the number of pixels you pass in for each axis. You could think of the values as being added to each of the coordinates (so negative numbers will move the object in the opposite direction from positive numbers).


def delete(self):
    """destroy this canvas item"""

This deletes the object from the canvas. If you attempt to use it after this tkinter will raise an exception.

Base Settings

A base class to hold settings. It (partly) implements the fluent interface design pattern. I'm not one-hundred percent convinced that it's a good idea in python, but I wanted to add value checking and document the values I expect a little better.

class BaseSettings(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    """fluent interface"""
    _hex_pattern = None

    def attributes(self):
        """list of attribute names
       This is used by the call to check the attributes

The attributes will be a list (or tuple) of strings that match the variable-names in the settings objects that are required (e.g. to require that self.table has a value other than None, put "table" in the list). This gets used by the __call__ method (defined below).

def hex_pattern(self):
    """compiled regex to match hex-colors"""
    if BaseSettings._hex_pattern is None:
        hex_character = "\da-fA-f"
        base = "(?P<{{0}}[{0}])(?P={{0}})".format(hex_character)
        BaseSettings._hex_pattern = re.compile("#" +
                                               base.format("r") +
                                               base.format("g") +
    return BaseSettings._hex_pattern

The hex_pattern will match any string that starts with a pound sign (#) followed by three sets of hex-digit pairs. A hex-digit is an integer from 0 to 9 or one of the letters from a to f (case insensitive). Since it requires pairs, each hex-digit has to be repeated twice. So it will match #aabbff but not #abf or #0123ab. It's used by the next method.

def check_hex_color(self, value, identifier):
    """checks the color is a valid hex-code
    value: string
      color-code to check
    identifier: string
      error-message identifier

    TypeError: if string is malformed
    if not re.match("#" + "[{0}]".format(string.hexdigits) * 6, value):
        raise TypeError("{0} must be a 6-digit hex string, not {1}".format(
            identifier, value))


The colors set in this code are based on RGB hex-strings. The check_hex_color method validates that they are look something like "#aabbcc".

def assert_positive_number(self, value, identifier):
    """checks the value


    value: int or float
      value to check
    identifier: string
      something for the error message

    TypeError if value is not a positive number
    self.check_numeric(value, identifier)
    self.check_positive(value, identifier)

assert_positive_number checks that the value passed in is a number greater than 0.

def check_positive(self, value, identifier):
    """check that value is greater than zero


    value: numeric
      value to check

    identifier: str
      description for error messages


    TypeError: if value is <= 0
    if not value > 0:
        raise TypeError("{0} must be greater than 0 not {1}".format(

The check_positive method raises a TypeError if the value passed in isn't greater than zero. It doesn't check that the value is numeric so if it isn't it will still raise a TypeError but the error message won't be as helpful. I did it this way because I (at least originally) assumed some values had to be integers so I wanted to leave the check for type as a separate operation.

def check_type(self, thing, identifier, expected):
    """checks that the value is the correct type

      object to check
    identifier: string
      message to identify the thing
    expected: object
      what the thing is expected to be


    TypeError: if thing isn't as expected
    if not isinstance(thing, expected):
        raise TypeError("Expected {0} to be {1} not {2}".format(identifier,

The check_type was the original method I created. I'm not sure it's as useful as checking ranges of values (which I'm not doing enough of yet), but it's at least useful to check if my expectations of what's being passed in to the methods is correct.

def check_types(self, thing, identifier, expected):
    """check that thing is one of multiple types


    thing: object
      thing to check
    identifier: string
      identifier for error message
    expected: collection
      types that thing might be


    TypeError if type of thing not in expected
    if not type(thing) in expected:
        raise TypeError("{0} should be one of {1}, not {2}".format(

check_types allows you you specify a collection of possible types for the value.

def check_numeric(self, thing, identifier):
    """check if thing is int or float


    thing: object
      thing to check if is numeric
    identifier: string
      identifier for error message

    TypeError if thing is not numeric
    self.check_types(thing, identifier, NUMERIC)

check_numeric will raise a TypeError if the value isn't an integer or float.

def __call__(self):
    """checks that everything was set

      if any attributes weren't set


    GameSettings: this object
    for attribute in self.attributes:
        if getattr(self, attribute) is None:
            raise TypeError("{0} attribute not set".format(attribute))
    return self

The __call__ is meant to be the final method called when the parameters are set. It checks that all the properties in the attributes list have been set to something other than None and raises a TypeError if any of them hasn't been set.

The Ball Class

Ball Directions

This is an object to use instead of the list like they use in the book. The first value (x-direction) is set positive to make it move from left to right, and negative to move right to left. The second value is set positive to move the ball downwards and negative to move it upwards.

class BallDirections(object):
    """holds the current direction of the ball

    horizontal: int
      positive to move left to right, negative otherwise
    vertical: int
      positive to move down, negative to move up
    def __init__(self, horizontal, vertical):
        self.horizontal = horizontal
        self.vertical = vertical

Ball Settings

class BallSettings(BaseSettings):
    """settings for the ball"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = None
        self.y = None
        self.radius = None
        self.direction = None
        self.speed = None
        self.fill = None
        self._attributes = None

    def attributes(self):
        """required attributes"""
        if self._attributes is None:
            self._attributes = ("x",
        return self._attributes
def x_position(self, x):
    """initial horizontal position

    x: int or float
      pixels from the left of the canvas to start the ball
    self.x = x
    self.assert_positive_number(x, "x")
    return self

def y_position(self, y):
    """initial vertical position


    y: int
      pixels from the top of the canvas
    self.y = y
    self.assert_positive_number(y, "y")
    return self

The x and y values for the ball are actually set in the code based on the initial location of the paddle, so requiring them here is a bad idea. Oh, well.

def circle_radius(self, radius):
    """radius of the ball
    radius: int
      pixel width and height for the circle
    self.radius = radius
    self.assert_positive_number(radius, "radius")
    return self

Ovals in tkinter are set by specifying the corners of their bounding boxes, the same as with creating a rectangle. So the radius is used as an offset to calculate where the corners should be. For example, if you have the center x-value for the oval, subtracting the radius gives you the top-left x-value and adding the radius gives you the bottom-right x-value. See the Game.ball property to get an idea of how it's used.

def direction_vector(self, direction):
    """2-d vector for direction"""
    self.direction = direction
    self.check_type(direction, "ball direction", BallDirections)
    return self

The direction values determine what direction the object is moving on the vertical and horizontal axes. Positive values move to the right and down, while negative values move to the left and up.

Horizontal Vertical Direction
Positive Positive Down-Right
Positive Negative Up-Right
Negative Positive Down-Left
Negative Negative Up-Left
def velocity(self, speed):
    """speed of the ball

    speed: number
      pixels per move
    self.speed = speed
    self.assert_positive_number(speed, "speed")
    return self

def color(self, fill):
    """fill color

    fill: str
      hex-color to fill in the ball
    self.fill = fill
    self.check_hex_color(fill, "fill")
    return self

The speed and fill are the number of pixels to move the ball each time and the fill is the color to put inside it.

The Ball

The ball-widget holds the reference to the ball that the player uses to smash bricks to try and break-out.

class BallWidget(BaseWidget):
    """representation of the ball


    canvas: tkinter.Canvas
      what to create the ball from

    settings: BallSettings
      initial ball settings
    def __init__(self, canvas, settings):
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.settings = settings
        self._item = None
        self.direction = self.settings.direction
        self.speed = self.settings.speed

    def item(self):
        """canvas item representing the ball"""
        if self._item is None:
            x, y = self.settings.x, self.settings.y
            radius = self.settings.radius
            self._item = self.canvas.create_oval(
                x-radius, y-radius,
                x+radius, y+radius,
        return self._item
def update(self):
    """moves the ball
    if the ball hits something, reverses direction
    ball = self.position
    width = self.canvas.winfo_width()
    if ball.top_left_x <= EDGE_OF_SCREEN or ball.bottom_right_x >= width:
        self.direction.horizontal *= REVERSE_DIRECTION
    if ball.top_left_y <= EDGE_OF_SCREEN:
        self.direction.vertical *= REVERSE_DIRECTION
    self.move(self.direction.horizontal * self.speed,
              self.direction.vertical * self.speed)

The update method gets its current position and if it is off-screen on either side it inverts the horizontal direction. If the ball is above the top of the screen it reverses its vertical direction. It doesn't check the bottom of the screen because going off the bottom is how the player loses so it's an expected behavior. Once it has the directions set it moves the ball by the amount defined by the speed variable.

def collide(self, others):
    """handles collisions


    others: list
      collection of ther objects that the ball collided with
    if len(others) > 1:
        self.direction.vertical *= REVERSE_DIRECTION
    elif len(others) == 1:
        ball = self.position
        x = (ball.top_left_x + ball.bottom_right_x)/2

        other = others[0].position
        if x > other.bottom_right_x:
            self.direction.horizontal = RIGHT
        elif x < other.top_left_x:
            self.direction.horizontal = LEFT
            self.direction.vertical *= REVERSE_DIRECTION
    for other in others:
        if isinstance(other, BrickWidget):

The collide method handles when a ball collides with another object. If it collided with more than one object it always reverses directions (this would only happen with bricks, not the paddle). If it collided with a single object then if the object is to the left of it (the ball's mean x-value is greater than the rightmost x-value for the object) then it sets its horizontal direction to move to the right (it bounces off it to the right). If the other object is to the right of the ball then the ball moves to the left. Otherwise the ball hit the object on top or below it so it changes vertical direction. If any of the objects are bricks then their hit methods are called.

The Paddle

A representation of the player's paddle.

The Paddle Settings

class PaddleSettings(BaseSettings):
    """settings for the player's paddle"""
    def __init__(self):
        self._attributes = None
        self.width = None
        self.height = None
        self.speed = None
        self.x = None
        self.y = None
        self.fill = None

    def attributes(self):
        """list of required settings"""
        if self._attributes is None:
            self._attributes = ("width",
        return self._attributes
def pixel_width(self, width):
    """width of the paddle

    width: int
      pixel-width for the paddle
    self.width = width
    self.check_type(width, "width", int)
    self.check_positive(width, "width")
    return self

def pixel_height(self, height):
    """height of the paddle


    height: int
      pixel-height of the paddle
    self.height = height
    self.check_type(height, "height", int)
    self.check_positive(height, "height")
    return self

The height and width are offsets to add to the upper-left corner coordinates of the bounding box to locate the lower-right corner of the bounding box, thus defining the size of the paddle.

def velocity(self, speed):
    """rate at which to move the paddle

    speed: number
      amount to move paddle with each key stroke
    self.speed = speed
    self.assert_positive_number(speed, "paddle speed")
    return self

The speed of the paddle is the amount it will move every-time an arrow key is hit. I think it's in pixels, but the units aren't clear.

def x_position(self, x):
    """initial x-position

    x: int
      pixels from the left of the canvas
    self.x = x
    self.check_numeric(x, "x")
    self.check_positive(x, "x")
    return self

def y_position(self, y):
    """initial y-position


    y: int
       pixels from the top of the canvas
    self.y = y
    self.check_numeric(y, 'y')
    self.check_positive(y, "y")
    return self

The x and y settings determine where the paddle will be at the start (and since it only moves horizontally the y value is where it will be vertically throughout the game).

def color(self, fill):
    """fill color for the rectangle


    fill: str
      hex-code for the fill color
    self.fill = fill
    self.check_hex_color(fill, "fill")
    return self

Like with the Ball the fill value for the Paddle decides what color to fill it with.

The Paddle Class

class PaddleWidget(BaseWidget):
    """the player's paddle

    canvas: tkinter.Canvas
      the canvas to draw on
    settings: PaddleSettings
      initial settings for the paddle
    def __init__(self, canvas, settings):
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.settings = settings
        self._item = None
        self.ball = None

    def item(self):
        """the canvas item for the paddle"""
        if self._item is None:
            half_width = self.settings.width/2
            half_height = self.settings.height/2
            x, y = self.settings.x, self.settings.y
            self._item = self.canvas.create_rectangle(
                x - half_width, y - half_height,
                x + half_width, y + half_height,
        return self._item

The item property creates a rectangle of width x height dimensions centered around (x, y).

def move(self, offset):
    """moves the paddle
    if has a ball, also moves the ball

    if already flush left or flush right, does nothing


    offset: int
      amount to move the paddle and ball horizontally
    coordinates = self.position
    width = self.canvas.winfo_width()
    if (coordinates.top_left_x + offset >= 0 and
        coordinates.bottom_right_x + offset <= width):  # noqa: E129
        super(PaddleWidget, self).move(offset, 0)
        if self.ball is not None:
            self.ball.move(offset, 0)

The move method moves the paddle horizontally by some offset. If moving it would place it offscreen to the left or right then it doesn't do anything. The paddle should only have the ball before the game starts (so that if the player moves the paddle the ball will stay with it until the game starts).

The Brick

Brick Settings

class BrickSettings(BaseSettings):
    """settings for the brick widget"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.x = None
        self.y = None
        self.width = None
        self.height = None
        self.colors = None
        self.tags = None
        self._attributes = None
        self._hits = None

    def attributes(self):
        """list of required values"""
        if self._attributes is None:
            self._attributes = ("width",
        return self._attributes
def hits(self):
    """the number of hits each brick will take
    if self._hits is None:
        self._hits = max(self.colors)
    return self._hits

def maximum_hits(self, hits):
    """number of hits brick will take

    hits: int
      number of hits before deleting bricks
    self._hits = hits
    self.check_type(hits, "hits", int)
    self.check_positive(hits, "hits")
    return self

The hits value is the number of times a brick gets hit by a ball before it deletes itself. I originally make it always use the largest value but then found out different rows use different values so I added a setter method.

def x_position(self, x):
    """horizontal position
    x: int or float
      pixels from the left
    self.x = x
    self.check_numeric(x, "x")
    self.check_positive(x, "x")
    return self

def y_position(self, y):
    """vertical position

    y: int or float
      pixels from the top
    self.y = y
    self.check_numeric(y, "y")
    self.check_positive(y, "y")
    return self

The x and y are the center-positions for a brick. Since they don't move this is their permanent position. Like the ball, this actually gets calculated when the game is set up so making this required was probably a bad ide.

def pixel_width(self, width):
    """width of the brick

    width: int
      pixel-width of the brick
    self.width = width
    self.check_type(width, "width", int)
    self.check_positive(width, "width")
    return self

def pixel_height(self, height):
    """height of the brick

    height: int
      pixel-height of the brick
    self.height = height
    self.check_type(height, "height", int)
    self.check_positive(height, "height")
    return self

The height and width give the dimensions of the brick.

def level_colors(self, colors):
    """map of level to colors

    colors: dict
      map of integers to colors
    self.colors = colors
    for level in range(1, len(colors) + 1):
        if level not in colors:
            raise TypeError("colors keys must be range starting at 1")
    for level, color in colors.items():
        self.check_hex_color(color, "level {0} color".format(level))
    return self

As a brick gets hit it changes colors. The colors dictionary is a mapping between the number of remaining times the brick can be hit before being deleted (the level of the brick) and the color for that level.

def label(self, tags):
    """string to tag bricks


    tags: str
      identifier for bricks
    self.tags = tags
    self.check_type(tags, "tags", str)
    return self

The tags attribute is a string given to tkinter to identify a class of related widgets.

Brick Widget

class BrickWidget(BaseWidget):
    """represents a single brick


    canvas: tkinter.Canvas
      what to draw the brick on
    settings: BrickSettings
      initial settings for the brick
    def __init__(self, canvas, settings):
        self.canvas = canvas
        self.settings = settings
        self.hits = self.settings.hits
        self._item = None

    def item(self):
        """canvas rectangle"""
        if self._item is None:
            half_height = self.settings.height/2
            half_width = self.settings.width/2
            x, y = self.settings.x, self.settings.y
            self._item = self.canvas.create_rectangle(
                x - half_width, y - half_height,
                x + half_width, y + half_height,
        return self._item

The item creation is almost the same as the one for the Paddle except that the color is based on the number of remaining hits it starts with and it gets a tag

def hit(self):
    """the brick has been hit event
    Decrements the counter and changes the color or deletes the brick
    self.hits -= 1
    if self.hits == 0:

The hit method decrements the number of hits the brick has remaining and deletes it if it doesn't have any left. If it does have hits left it re-colors the brick to match the number of hits remaining.

The Frame

The Frame Settings

These are settings for the Tkinter Frame.

class FrameSettings(BaseSettings):
    """holds the settings for the game"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.width = None
        self.height = None
        self.color = None
        self.title = None
        self._attributes = None

    def attributes(self):
        """list of required attributes"""
        if self._attributes is None:
            self._attributes = ("width",
        return self._attributes

    def window_width(self, width):
        """width of window
       width: int
         pixel-width for the tkinter window


       GameSettings: this object
        self.width = width
        self.check_type(width, "width", int)
        self.check_positive(width, "width")
        return self

    def window_height(self, height):
        """height of window

       height: int
         pixel height of the window


       GameSettings: this object
        self.height = height
        self.check_type(height, "height", int)
        self.check_positive(height, "height")
        return self

    def canvas_color(self, color):
        """background color


       color: string
          hex-color for canvas background


       GameSettings: this object
        self.color = color
        self.check_hex_color(color, 'background color')
        return self

    def window_title(self, title):
        """title of the window

       title: str
         name to give the title


       GameSettings: this object
        self.title = title
        self.check_type(title, "window title", str)
        return self

The Frame Class

The Tk class creates the main window. Within it the Frame class creates a container which you pass the main window on instantiation. Within the frame a Canvas is placed to actually draw things. The pack method tells the children to display their widgets on their parents.

class BreakoutFrame(tkinter.Frame):
    """creates the breakout game


    settings: GameSettings
      object with the settings
    parent: Tk
      parent window for this frame
    def __init__(self, settings, parent):
        super(BreakoutFrame, self).__init__(parent)
        self.parent = parent
        self.settings = settings
        self._canvas = None
        self.height = settings.height

    def canvas(self):
        """canvas to render images"""
        if self._canvas is None:
            self._canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self,
        return self._canvas

    def __call__(self):
        """runs the main-loop"""

The Game

Game Settings

class GameSettings(BaseSettings):
    """settings for the game"""
    def __init__(self):
        self.lives = None
        self.text_x = None
        self.text_y = None
        self.text_size = None
        self.padding = None
        self._attributes = None

    def attributes(self):
        """required attributes"""
        if self._attributes is None:
            self._attributes = ("lives",
        return self._attributes

    def font_size(self, size):
        """text size in pixels

       size: int
         size for fonts
        self.text_size = size
        self.check_type(size, "text size", int)
        self.check_positive(size, "text size")
        return self

    def allowed_failures(self, lives):
        """number of times player can fail


       lives: int
         number of failures per game
        self.lives = lives
        self.check_type(lives, "lives", int)
        self.check_positive(lives, "lives")
        return self

    def text_horizontal_position(self, text_x):
        """pixel indent for text


       text_x: int
         number of pixels from the left
        self.text_x = text_x
        self.check_type(text_x, "text indent", int)
        self.check_positive(text_x, "text indent")
        return self

    def text_vertical_position(self, text_y):
        """pixel vertical position for text

       text_y: int
          pixels from the top
        self.text_y = text_y
        self.check_type(text_y, "text y", int)
        self.check_positive(text_y, "text y")
        return self

    def outer_padding(self, padding):
        """outer margins


       padding: int
         pixels to put around the edge of the canvas
        self.padding = padding
        self.check_type(padding, "padding", int)
        self.check_positive(padding, "padding")
        return self

Game Class

class Game(object):
    """builds and holds the game


    game_settings: GameSettings
      settings for the game overall

    frame_settings: FrameSettings
      settings to set-up the tkinter window

    paddle_settings: PaddleSettings
       settings to set-up the paddle_settings

    brick_settings: BrickSettings
       settings to set-up the bricks

    ball_settings: BallSettings
      settings to set-up the ball
    def __init__(self, game_settings, frame_settings, paddle_settings,
                 brick_settings, ball_settings):
        self.game_settings = game_settings
        self.frame_settings = frame_settings
        self.paddle_settings = paddle_settings
        self.brick_settings = brick_settings
        self.ball_settings = ball_settings
        self.collidable = {}
        self.hud = None
        self._frame = None
        self._canvas = None
        self._paddle = None
        self._bricks = None
        self._ball = None

    def frame(self):
        """the tkinter frame"""
        if self._frame is None:
            self._frame = BreakoutFrame(self.frame_settings, tkinter.Tk())
        return self._frame

    def canvas(self):
        """tkinter canvas to draw on"""
        if self._canvas is None:
            self._canvas = self.frame.canvas
        return self._canvas

    def paddle(self):
        """the paddle widget"""
        if self._paddle is None:
             .y_position(self.frame_settings.height -
                         self.game_settings.padding -
            self._paddle = PaddleWidget(self.canvas, self.paddle_settings)
        return self._paddle

The Paddle is created centered horizontally and at the height specified in the settings.

def ball(self):
    """the ball widget"""
    if self._ball is None:
        paddle = self.paddle.position
         .x_position((paddle.top_left_x + paddle.bottom_right_x)/2)
         .y_position(paddle.top_left_y - 2 * self.ball_settings.radius)
         .direction_vector(BallDirections(RIGHT, UP)))
        self._ball = BallWidget(self.canvas, self.ball_settings)
    return self._ball

The ball is created sitting on top of the paddle in its horizontal center (the mean of its x-coordinates). Even though I'm forcing the user to set the x and y values they actually get overwritten here. I also had to make sure that the ball is created above the paddle, which is why I'm adding twice the radius to the y-position, otherwise it would register as a collision and end up going down instead of up.

def add_brick(self, x, y, settings):
    """add a brick to items


    x: int
      pixels from the left
    y: int
      pixels from the top
    settings = (copy(settings)
    brick = BrickWidget(self.canvas, settings)
    self.collidable[brick.item] = brick

def add_bricks(self):
    """adds the bricks"""
    half_width = self.brick_settings.width/2
    first_row = 50
    second_row = first_row + self.brick_settings.height
    third_row = second_row + self.brick_settings.height
    first_settings = copy(self.brick_settings).maximum_hits(3)
    second_settings = copy(self.brick_settings).maximum_hits(2)
    third_settings = copy(self.brick_settings).maximum_hits(1)
    for x in range(5, self.frame_settings.width - 5, 75):
        this_x = x + half_width
        self.add_brick(this_x, first_row, first_settings)
        self.add_brick(this_x, second_row, second_settings)
        self.add_brick(this_x, third_row, third_settings)

The add_bricks method creates three rows of bricks with a 5-pixel left margin and a 50 pixel top margin. The top-row of bricks takes three hits each, the second two hits each and the bricks in the bottom row will be deleted after one hit.

def setup_canvas(self):
    """sets up some canvas settings"""
        lambda _: self.paddle.move(-self.paddle_settings.speed)
        lambda _: self.paddle.move(self.paddle_settings.speed)
    self.canvas.bind("<space>", lambda _: self.start())

The setup_canvas causes the canvas to steal focus and then sets up the keys the user uses to control the paddle and start the game.

def draw_text(self, x, y, text):
    """draws the text


    x: int
      left indent
    y: int
      right indent
    text: string
      what to output

    font = ("Helvetica", self.game_settings.text_size)
    return self.canvas.create_text(x,
                                   text=text, font=font)

def update_lives_text(self):
    """updates the text when a player fails"""
    text = "Lives: {0}".format(self.lives)
    if self.hud is None:
        self.hud = self.draw_text(self.game_settings.text_x,
        self.canvas.itemconfig(self.hud, text=text)

def reset(self):
    """sets up the game after it's ended"""
    self.lives = self.game_settings.lives
    self._ball = None
    self.paddle.ball = self.ball

def set_up(self):
    """populates the collidable items dict"""
    self.lives = self.game_settings.lives
    self.collidable[self.paddle.item] = self.paddle
    self._ball = None
    self.paddle.ball = self.ball
    self.text = self.draw_text(300, 200, "Press Space to Start")

def set_up_in_between(self):
    """sets things up when the player still has lives"""
    self._ball = None
    self.paddle.ball = self.ball
    self.text = self.draw_text(300, 200, "Press Space to Start")

def start(self):
    """starts the game"""
    self.paddle.ball = None

The start method un-binds the spacebar from the start method so the game won't restart if the player accidentally hits the spacebar. It also deletes the message to hit the spacebar to start the game, removes the ball from the paddle and starts the game-loop

def game_loop(self):
    """runs the game"""
    num_bricks = len(self.canvas.find_withtag("brick"))
    if num_bricks == 0:
        self.ball.speed = None
        self.text = self.draw_text(300, 200, "You Win. Whatever. (Hit the spacebar to restart)")
    elif self.ball.position.bottom_right_y >= self.frame.height:
        self.ball.speed = None
        self.lives -= 1
        if self.lives < 0:
            self.text = self.draw_text(300, 200, "Loser (Hit the spacebar to restart)")
            self.frame.after(1000, self.set_up_in_between)
        self.frame.after(50, self.game_loop)

Besides checking for collisions, the game_loop method check's if the bricks have all been removed (in which case the player has won) or if the ball has fallen off the screen. If the ball has fallen off the screen and the player is out of lives then it ends the game, otherwise it decrements the players remaining lives. If there are still bricks and the ball is on the screen then it calls the ball's update method to move it.

The frame.after method sets a timer that will call the callback function you pass in after the delay (in milliseconds) that you pass in has expired.

def check_collisions(self):
    """checks if the ball has collided with anything"""
    ball = self.ball.position
    items = self.canvas.find_overlapping(*ball)
    collisions = [self.collidable[item] for item in items
                  if item in self.collidable]

check_collisions finds all the items that we added whose coordinates overlap with those of the ball then passes those items to the BallWidget.collide method to process. The overlapping widgets are filtered so that they only contain items of interest (not text-widgets, for instance).

def __call__(self):
    """sets up the game"""

The Main Loop

if __name__ == '__main__':
    frame_settings = (FrameSettings()
                      .window_title("Breakout! Not Pong!")())
    ball_settings = (BallSettings()
    paddle_settings = (PaddleSettings()

    brick_settings = (BrickSettings()
                      .level_colors({1: "#999999",
                                     2: "#555555",
                                     3: "#222222"})())

    game_settings = (GameSettings()
    game = Game(game_settings, frame_settings, paddle_settings, brick_settings,

Inserting Text Between Methods in Org-Mode

This is an attempt to get org-mode to insert text between methods in a class definition using the noweb-ref property. I think you can also do it by just tangling everything to the same file, but I like the noweb notation better.

The Tangle

To keep it simple I'm just going to include a section for the class definition and a main section to check out the results. Note that to be able to break up the class definition I had to turn off org-mode's clean-up so all the python blocks have to be indented exactly the way they will be in the final python file.



The First Class

This first class won't do much, but if I understand the documentation I should be able to insert text between the parts of it and still have it work when the python gets tangled out. The org-mode source block starts like this - #+BEGIN_SRC python :noweb-ref first-class.

The Constructor

   class FirstClass(object):
       """a class that is first

       name: string
        some kind of identifier
       def __init__(self, name):
  = name

The Call

The call emits the name. To concatenate this method to the previous block I'm using the same org-mode source-block header as I did with the constructor (#+BEGIN_SRC python :noweb-ref first-class). You could use a different name and insert another reference in the tangle but this seems more logical to me. One problem here is that python-mode (or some other mode) will interpret the methods as stand-alone functions and move them flush left. To fix this I had to turn off the automatic indentation using (setq org-src-preserve-indentation t). This means that you have to keep track of the indentation yourself, regardless of where the code sits in the org-mode document (so as you create sub-sections it will look uglier and uglier in the original document, at least to me). Putting the method in a separate block also requires that you to insert an empty line before the method to keep it from being stuck to the bottom of the previous one, but it doesn't include it when it gets exported to HTML, so you can't see it in this post. In fact, I noticed afterwards that the HTML export also stripped out the indentation on the left so you can't really see what I'm talking about.

   def __call__(self):
       """prints the name"""

The Main

This part constructs the FirstClass object and calls it.

  if __name__ == "__main__":
      thing = FirstClass("Bob")

Trying it out



The point of trying this out is that I want to be able to break up and document class-methods better. Unfortunately it requires you to do a little more fiddling with the white-space yourself and makes the source org-mode file a little harder to read (I think) but I'm going to try it for a little while and see if the resulting documents are worth the extra headache. Maybe I'll just have to stick with docstrings for documenting the separate methods…

This bit at the end makes it so the indentation is always preserved, even if the init.el file isn't set up that way.

  # Local Variables:
  # org-src-preserve-indentation: t
  # End:

Org-Babel Stderr Results

If you execute a code-block in org-mode the default behavior when the executed code sends output to stderr is to open a pop-up buffer rather than including it in the org-babel file. Sometimes, though, you might want to document actual output from stderr but, as it turns out, this is how org-mode is designed so you are mostly stuck with it. There is a simple work-around though, just put an entry in the source-block that outputs to stdout at the end of the block and everyhing will show up in the results.

This is how you could include the output when there are failing tests run by py.test:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh :results verbatim
  py.test tests/

This will run all the tests in the tests folder and include the output in the org-mode file even if there are failures, thanks to the echo at the end.

I got this from Stack Overflow, of course.

Install Chrome Extensions in Vivaldi

This was taken from the vivaldi forums. It explains how to install the LastPass extension into the vivaldi browser and should work for other plugins as well (although I haven't tried yet).

The Procedure

  1. Install the Chrome extension source viewer (CRX Viewer) in Chrome
  2. Go to the Chrome Web Store and search for the LastPass extension
  3. Right click on the LastPass search result to bring up the context menu
  4. In the context menu selecte View extension source
  5. In the page that opens, click on the Download link in the upper corner
  6. Go to the Downloads folder and make a new folder (e.g. mkdir lastpass)
  7. Move the zip-file that you downloaded into the folder (mine was called so I assume the names are random)
  8. Unzip the download
  9. Re-name _metadata to metadata (the post suggests deleting it, so that might work too)
  10. In Vivaldi, open the link vivaldi://chrome/extensions
  11. Click the Developer mode checkbox
  12. Click on Load unpacked extension
  13. Select the folder you unpacked the zip file into (lastpass in this case)
  14. Configure Last Pass


This gives the procedure for installing extensions like LastPass into the Vivaldi browser. In the course of writing this up I found out that you don't need to do this for all the extensions (just the ones with leading underscores in some of their folder names, I think). For other extensions just install them from the store - they seem to work out of the box.

Org-Babel PDF Export

Table of Contents

These are my notes on exporting a PDF from an org-babel file.

First Try

The key sequence to export a PDF from an org file is C-c C-e l p (c as in… c, e as in export, l as in LaTex, and p as in PDF). My first try produced this error:

! LaTeX Error: File `ulem.sty` not found.

The actual output had `ulem.sty` ending with an apostrophe (which I can't show here because org either renders the apostrophe as an accent or if I put it in an inline verbatim block it disables the verbatim markup - seems like a bug) but either nikola or org or something else marked the single apostrophe as an error with a red box around it in the output so I changed it to a backtick (`) to get rid of the box.

Past experience told me that the error indicated I was likely missing a (debian) package.

apt-cache search ulem
texlive-generic-recommended - TeX Live: Generic recommended packages
libextutils-modulemaker-perl - Perl extension to build module from scratch

Since I'm doing something with LaTex, not perl I decided that installing the texlive-generic-recommended package was probably what I should do.

sudo apt-get install texlive-generic-recommended

Second try

I hit C-c C-e l p again and this time it did output a PDF, but there was no syntax-highlighting of the code. Followng this blog post I added this to my init.el file:

;; export to latex/pdf
(require 'ox-latex)

;; syntax-highlighting for pdf's
(add-to-list 'org-latex-packages-alist '("" "minted"))
(setq org-latex-listings 'minted)
(setq org-latex-pdf-process '("pdflatex -shell-escape -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f"))

Once I re-loaded the init.el file, the PDF's came out with the syntax highlighting working.

The original post used xelatex instead of pdflatex but I don't use xelatex. Also minted can be found in the texlive-latex-extras package if it isn't already installed. The post also mentions needing pygments but I didn't need it, possibly because it's a dependency for other python libraries that I've already installed.