Posts for year 2018
- pyLDAvis In org-mode With JQuery
- Slip Box System Parts List
- Using Your Slip Box
- How To Take Smart Notes
- Encrypt Dropbox Folders on Ubuntu With CryFS
- Grep Coroutines
- Data Source Links
- SQL Alchemy Tutorial
- Remote jupyter Sessions With ob-ipython
- Using Nvidia Drivers in Ubuntu 18.10
- Recovering From the Ubuntu 18.10 Upgrade
- Categorical Plotting
- Date Mean Squared Error
- Note on the Analysis of Ordered Categorical Data
- Python from G to Whatever
- Ubertooth 2018
- Downloading Video From the Arlo (No Longer Works)
- Disabling Sub-scripting in Org-Mode
- The Linux IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon (radvd)
- OpenVPN on Ubuntu 18.04
- TCPDump On an External Hard Drive
- Barking Up The Wrong Tree Notes
- Headless Firefox with Karma
- TensorFlow Tutorials
- pip-tools and pipdeptree
- Setting Up the RTL 8812AU Realtek USB Adapter on a Raspberry Pi 3
- Wireless Bibliography
- Packet Capturing Bibliography
- Networking Tools
- The Flask Debug Server
- TCP Dump Notes
- MNIST Digits With Keras
- bokeh org-mode
- Data Visualization Bibliography
- Org-Babel Ipython and Elpy Conflict
- Flask-Bibliography
- Nikola Inter-Site Links
- Removing Large Files From git Using BFG and a Local Repository
- Pruning Large Files From Git with BFG
- Restructured Text Anonymous Links